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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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10 minutes ago, Michael W said:

People are at liberty to wear a mask if they so wish once this is all over. 

Mine will be thrown in the bin as soon as it's no longer mandatory. I don't see a need for mandating their ongoing usage outside of a pandemic. The cold and flu aren't the same as covid.

Maybe I'm naive, but I'd also like to think that unwell people will be much more likely to stay at home once this has blown over.

Might lead employers to rethink their sickness policies as well, quite a few are rather draconian (2 absences in X months gets you a ticking off, one more a boot in the baws, one more you're out on your arse type of thing) and essentially lead to very unwell folk going in to work and spreading seasonal viruses all over the place. 

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Possibly hospitals will masks compulsory for visiting etc. I would happily see the use of hand sanitizer out and about. Shops etc. I think they will maybe still be for the use of wipes on trolleys in shops as a precaution as well.

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I don’t get this sudden desire to wear masks and wash your hands everytime you enter or exit a premises.

We didn’t do these things 18 months ago and weren’t disease ridden.  Why is it suddenly a necessity post pandemic.

Sanitising in hospitals makes sense.  There has been various instances of outbreaks of things in hospitals over the years that led to stricter hand sanitising regimes.  Don’t recall any of these allegedly being airborne though.  Apart from that keeping these restrictions in place makes no sense.

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5 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:
3 hours ago, djchapsticks said:
I disagree.
If they had peacefully dispersed the smattering people right as they started to gather, they'd have also cut down on the majority of other folk coming in at the back of them.
Instead it became a situation where person A ends up outside Ibrox, phones person B, C, D and E and tells them the Police aren't doing anything to usher folk away so just get a carry oot and come on down. Many others see this on twitter, telly, radio etc and decide to join in. A swift nipping in the bud would almost certainly have prevented it getting to the levels it did.

Absolutely agree with this. A clear message was sent - do what you like, we're either too lazy or too scared to do the job the taxpayers pay us to do.

Much of this relates to the 4 E's policy introduced by the Government in conjunction with the police forces.

Engage – officers will initially encourage voluntary compliance.

Explain – officers will stress the risks to public health and to the NHS. Educate people about the risks and the wider social factors.

Encourage – officers will seek compliance and emphasise the benefits to the NHS by staying at home, how this can save lives and reduce risk for more vulnerable people in society.

Enforce – officers will direct individuals to return to the place where they live. This may include providing reasonable instruction of the route by which the person is required to return. Officers may also remove that person to the place where they live, using reasonable force where it is a necessary and proportionate means of ensuring compliance.

If at the start of the epidemic enforcement had been at the forefront of policing then I think people would have got the message a lot quicker and we would have had less of what we  have seen recently and what we saw yesterday. 

If you breach the regulations then the policy outlined above probably means nothing will happen and in a lot of instances people will breach them again knowing little will happen to them. Whereas more robust enforcement and the issuing of fixed penalties may have focused those peoples minds a lot more.

The Chief Constable of Police Scotland should be dragged before Parliament and made to explain what and why.

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1 hour ago, superbigal said:

How come the Brechin Butchers is not in my daily stats ?

Is it Bruce Brymer or Watt the Butcher ?

Currently Virus suppressed in Brechin but I will look out for a local surge consistent with a spike in sausage demand.





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5 minutes ago, Left Back said:

I don’t get this sudden desire to wear masks and wash your hands everytime you enter or exit a premises.

We didn’t do these things 18 months ago and weren’t disease ridden.  Why is it suddenly a necessity post pandemic.

Sanitising in hospitals makes sense.  There has been various instances of outbreaks of things in hospitals over the years that led to stricter hand sanitising regimes.  Don’t recall any of these allegedly being airborne though.  Apart from that keeping these restrictions in place makes no sense.

Eventually things will calm down and blow over. Once deaths and hospitalisations return to pre-pandemic levels, which they will, only the Helen Lovejoy's and certain academics in their own worlds will continue the charade and sanctimonious nonsense. Everyone else will get on with returning to meaningful daily life.

I think things like hand sanitiser on restaurant tables is sensible, if only to encourage the utter minks who somehow never used to practice good hand hygiene anyway. Though, a few years from now, will businesses continue to pay for things like this? I'm not so sure.

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2 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Rangers win their first title in 10 years and every country bumpkin on P&B goes gammon demanding water cannons. Sad. 

You're going to have to join the back of a pretty long queue waiting on that attention-seeking hot take to pay off for them. 

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China's Sinovac jab effective against Brazil variant, preliminary study suggests
Preliminary data from a study in Brazil indicates that the Covid-19 vaccine developed by China’s Sinovac Biotech Ltd is effective against the P1 variant of the virus first discovered in Brazil, a source familiar with the study told Reuters on Monday.

The source, who did not provide data details, said the study had tested the blood of vaccinated people against the Brazilian variant of the virus.

Coronavac, as the Sinovac shot is known, is the main vaccine currently being used to inoculate people in Brazil.




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Rangers win their first title in 10 years and every country bumpkin on P&B goes gammon demanding water cannons. Sad. 
Water cannons, who mentioned them. Don't think we even posses such weaponry.

That said the two fat roasters in their 50s on the STV news film outside Ibrox holding smoking pyrotechnics right in front of two police were prime candidates for said cannons had they been available. Total fucking embarrassment.
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35 minutes ago, Left Back said:

I don’t get this sudden desire to wear masks and wash your hands everytime you enter or exit a premises.

We didn’t do these things 18 months ago and weren’t disease ridden.  Why is it suddenly a necessity post pandemic.

It's "just in case" nonsense overwhelmingly demanded by those it will have least impact on.

We'll see if there is the same desire for precautionary masking everywhere once the long term furloughed / WFH'ers are back in the office 3+ days a week and it suddenly impacts them over and above being a nice way of keeping their face warm on the journey from Tesco to their car too.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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I don’t get this sudden desire to wear masks and wash your hands everytime you enter or exit a premises.
We didn’t do these things 18 months ago and weren’t disease ridden.  Why is it suddenly a necessity post pandemic.
Sanitising in hospitals makes sense.  There has been various instances of outbreaks of things in hospitals over the years that led to stricter hand sanitising regimes.  

There are too many minky folk that don’t wash their hand enough. The Raith V Falkirk game where it was being announced that the players wouldn’t be shaking hands due to the risk of passing on covid, there were still people walking out the toilets without washing their hands. I think supermarkets might stick with it, because it will be good PR.
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56 minutes ago, Michael W said:

People are at liberty to wear a mask if they so wish once this is all over. 

Mine will be thrown in the bin as soon as it's no longer mandatory. I don't see a need for mandating their ongoing usage outside of a pandemic. The cold and flu aren't the same as covid.

Maybe I'm naive, but I'd also like to think that unwell people will be much more likely to stay at home once this has blown over. 

That is easy enough for people can work from easily enough/people with compassionate bosses. But for plenty of people there are still going to be arsehole bosses who demand they come into work no matter what. Certainly if these people have the cold or flu or whatever, and I have to share public transport with them I would rather they were wearing a mask, and if I was in the same situation (hopefully never), I would do so.

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5 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Is your cock sparkling clean?

Actually, don’t answer that. The graffiti I saw recently answers the question.

I shower once or twice everyday and wear clean underwear. It won't be any less clean than my arm or my leg. 

The big difference between it and a tap in a pub toilet is that it's  not in regular contact with the hands of people who have just had their fingers up their arse.

Edited by Detournement
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