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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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A teacher would typically work on about 55% of the days in a year.  That sounds wonderful.  I'm fond of the idea that if a date was randomly plucked from a calendar, there would by a better than 50/50 chance of that date being either a day off or a Friday.

However, in terms of days off outwith weekends, teachers are on holiday for about a quarter of the time.

I'm not saying that's bad; it's just about a month less than a third, as was claimed. 

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I don't want to read too much into this but it doesn't sound overly-encouraging.
On the positive side, she's not talking about rising case numbers alone.
She's talking about them in terms of vaccination progress and also the SG have in general started talking about the link between cases and hospitalisations/deaths. So there's some more encouraging noises there.
We'll just have to wait and see.
No area should be moving back up a level. I think the worst case will be another few weeks of everyone on Level 2 but we'll need to see.
Anyone choosing teaching because of the "holidays" really does not know what they are letting themselves in for.

I remember one student teacher who told a colleague that was one of the reasons she was doing it - she didn't last longer than 5 weeks on her placement once the reality dawned on her.
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28 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

By looking at how many pupils would access work via Teams, submit work that's been set, or turn up for live lessons.

Comparing such numbers to how many typically attend when schools are open in a conventional sense, presents a pretty compelling picture.

No, that would measure 'attendance', not 'engagement'. There are plenty of students who are physically present in a classroom and have absolutely zero engagement in what they're being told to do or learn.

It's extraordinary that you're unaware of the difference between those two things. 

Edited by vikingTON
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2 minutes ago, virginton said:

No, that would measure 'attendance', not 'engagement'. There are plenty of students who are physically present in a classroom and have absolutely zero engagement in what they're being told to do. 

It's extraordinary that you're unaware of the difference between those two things. 

It's utterly extraordinary that you appear to see the two as unrelated.

Presence isn't the same as engagement, but even the most disaffected child will usually feel some compulsion to actually listen and commit to something resembling output, however reluctantly, at points during most days.  It would certainly be rare for someone to turn up each day for three months, yet utterly fail to acquire, infer, or produce anything, which is precisely what happened with many, many pupils during the lockdowns.

Obviously, I can't possibly compete with your insight on this, but that would be my humble take on it if you'd be good enough to allow it.  Thanks.


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I cannot wait till the vaccines are rattled in and we have ~90% of adults fully vaccinated to finally shut the fucking mewling up once and for good.

Posted at 17:10

What happened when a whole town in Brazil was vaccinated?

Video content

Video caption: How the whole town of Serrana was vaccinatedHow the whole town of Serrana was vaccinated

A Brazilian town has seen a 95% drop in Covid-19 deaths after almost all adults were vaccinated as part of an experiment, researchers say.

Serrana in south-eastern Brazil saw cases plunge after a mass vaccination with the Chinese-developed CoronaVac.

The research team conducting the experiment said those who had not been vaccinated were also protected by the reduction in the virus's circulation.

The findings suggest the pandemic can be controlled after 75% of people are fully dosed up.

The town of 45,000 was divided into four areas to help determine the threshold for containing the virus.

The team said this was achieved after three areas, or about 75% of the population over the age of 18, had been given both doses.

When 95% of adults were fully vaccinated, they said the results showed that:

  • Deaths fell by 95%
  • Hospitalisations fell by 86%
  • Symptomatic cases fell by 80%

Read more here.


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19 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

It's utterly extraordinary that you appear to see the two as unrelated.Presence isn't the same as engagement, but even the most disaffected child will usually feel some compulsion to actually listen and commit to something resembling output, however reluctantly, at points during most days. 


Teacher of the year material here, with this hilariously low benchmark set for the advantages of classroom learning.

A child is obliged by law to stay in a supervised room all week and produces some output = successful engagement with the education system! 


It would certainly be rare for someone to turn up each day for three months, yet utterly fail to acquire, infer, or produce anything, which is precisely what happened with many, many pupils during the lockdowns.

Quite clearly you've never witnessed further or higher education then.


Obviously, I can't possibly compete with your insight on this, but that would be my humble take on it if you'd be good enough to allow it.  Thanks.

Your take wasn't so 'humble' five minutes ago when you were claiming that physical attendance at school was the smoking gun evidence that face to face learning was more engaging than distance learning. So consider it tossed into the bin where it belongs until you come up with better evidence. 

Edited by vikingTON
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1 minute ago, virginton said:

Teacher of the year material here, with this hilariously low benchmark set for the advantages of classroom learning.

A child is obliged by law to stay in a supervised all week and produces some output = successful engagement with the education system. 

Quite clearly you've never experienced further or higher education then.

Your take wasn't so 'humble' five minutes ago when you were claiming that physical attendance at school was the smoking gun evidence that face to face learning was more engaging than distance learning. So consider it tossed into the bin where it belongs until you come up with better evidence. 

Good Lord.

I didn't describe anything as "successful engagement with the education system".  I recognise however that it outstrips complete detachment from it.

The rest is just rather embarrassing, typically mean spirited ignorance.

How foolish.

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8 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Good Lord.

I didn't describe anything as "successful engagement with the education system".  I recognise however that it outstrips complete detachment from it.

The rest is just rather embarrassing, typically mean spirited ignorance.

How foolish.

^^^ verge of tears

We started off with a claim that online learning was not necessarily less engaging than the face to face equivalent, which you harrumphed at based on the fact that you can compel children to produce work inside a classroom. I'm really not interested in your attempt to shift the goalposts from student engagement, now that it's abundantly clear that you've got no idea how to measure that outcome. 

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4 minutes ago, virginton said:

^^^ verge of tears

We started off with a claim that online learning was not necessarily less engaging than the face to face equivalent, which you harrumphed at based on the fact that you can compel children to produce work inside a classroom. I'm really not interested in your attempt to shift the goalposts from student engagement, now that it's abundantly clear that you've got no idea how to measure that outcome. 

You're sticking with the claim that there's nothing to suggest that pupil engagement is altered by the absence of in-person learning then?

I suppose I'd best leave you to it.  Intruding on such want seems improper.

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1 minute ago, Monkey Tennis said:

You're sticking with the claim that there's nothing to suggest that pupil engagement is altered by the absence of in-person learning then?

Try reading my original post again without making a c**t of yourself again this time. 

Edited by vikingTON
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10 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

The Edinburgh evening news saying that there’s no reviews scheduled for the next 3 weeks so all the areas staying in level 2 won’t be moving till June 28th.


Quite possible then that, come June 21st England could be restriction free while parts of Scotland are still in Level 2

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41 minutes ago, Snafu said:

That's us at the beginning of the third wave according to Jason Leitch.

Covid: Scotland 'at the start' of a third wave


Prof Leitch was asked on BBC Radio Scotland's Drivetime if he thought Scotland was at the start of a third wave.

He replied: "Yes. I think we are. The question is how big that third wave is."

Covid cases hit a low on 5 May, when 85 cases were recorded across Scotland.

But since then numbers have been rising, with 641 recorded on Friday - the highest daily number since 25 March.

The variant first identified in India is believed to be responsible for about half of Scotland's daily cases.

Prof Leitch said that as society gradually opened again then it followed that there would be more cases.

He added: "The question is whether you control that to a level that doesn't cause enough severe disease to fill hospitals and enough severe disease to cause misery and death to families.

"And that's the balance we are now trying to strike in the advice we are giving and the decisions the first minister and the cabinet have made today."

Hampden crowds

Prof Leitch was also asked if Glasgow's role as a host city of Euro 2020 had any bearing on the decision to ease restrictions in the city, before the tournament starts on 11 June.

The Scottish government has given approval for 12,000 supporters - 25% of the stadium's capacity - to attend tournament matches at Hampden in June.

He said: "Absolutely not. There is no single sector, despite what you might believe, there is no single sector that gets to control the Covid response.

"I absolutely promise you. Not in the advice and not in the decision-making."

The churches did with the backing of the courts.

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1 hour ago, PedroMoutinho said:

The Edinburgh evening news saying that there’s no reviews scheduled for the next 3 weeks so all the areas staying in level 2 won’t be moving till June 28th.


Largely depends on whether or not SAGE successful bounce Johnson into delaying it, tbf. 

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1 hour ago, PedroMoutinho said:

The Edinburgh evening news saying that there’s no reviews scheduled for the next 3 weeks so all the areas staying in level 2 won’t be moving till June 28th.


So we could have a situation where the central belt and Dundee are stuck in tiers for the rest of summer and England possibly back to pre-covid normal. 

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Anyone else watching the anti-vax program on C4? Only half way through but the guy behind the MMR scandal is being set up as the main protagonist.  Andrew Wakefield who was struck off because of papers he published saying MMR causes autism.

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