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2 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Again, absolutely fascinating how people seem to cling to this idea that masks keep people safe despite the lack of evidence outside of strict controlled lab experiments showing any real benefit at all.

They are more in favour of retaining masks than limiting numbers of people meeting together maskless indoors.

There's no logical consistency there at all.

That is genuinely fascinating and shows that very large swathes of the general public cannot be trusted to think through anything at all.

We get it, you don't have to quote your "research" 20 times a day.

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3 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Again, absolutely fascinating how people seem to cling to this idea that masks keep people safe despite the lack of evidence outside of strict controlled lab experiments showing any real benefit at all.

They are more in favour of retaining masks than limiting numbers of people meeting together maskless indoors.

There's no logical consistency there at all.

That is genuinely fascinating and shows that very large swathes of the general public cannot be trusted to think through anything at all.

I'd be curious to know what percentage of people advocating that something be restricted actually use that "service" to give some context to the results.

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Our Antipodean friends might want to start vaccinating people.
Genuine question...

Is there a particular reason why they have absolutely fucked their vaccination program?

Despite being more 'zero covid-y' than everywhere else, they surely knew that vaccination was the only way they could get out of this?

They've had plenty time to sort it, so to be in this position so far down the line is inexplicable.

A relative of mine in NZ is mid 70s and only got their first jag about 4 weeks ago.
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12 minutes ago, H Wragg said:

Genuine question...

Is there a particular reason why they have absolutely fucked their vaccination program?

Despite being more 'zero covid-y' than everywhere else, they surely knew that vaccination was the only way they could get out of this?

They've had plenty time to sort it, so to be in this position so far down the line is inexplicable.

A relative of mine in NZ is mid 70s and only got their first jag about 4 weeks ago.

Austraia banked on their home grown vaccine sorting them out so didn't put any orders in till it was far too late. They found out just before Christmas that their one gave a false HIV positive reading to those vaccinated, so they scrapped it. My 65 year old sister in NZ still hasn't had her first jag, she thinks the NZ government thought it would be unfair to buy up vaccines when other countries needed them much more, think it's more likely they were banking on the Aussie one too.

Edited by welshbairn
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23 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

I have to say, this approach isn't for me - I still prefer the approach of saying "No thanks" if asked to wear one and saying "No problem, have a nice day" and leaving the store if that becomes an issue.

If you prefer doing it this way though then that's your choice and fair play to you.


I agree with your approach but I just like the idea of having a backstop in case things get really nasty.

I haven’t gone for the lanyard but just the digital version.

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I'm sure I've said this before but since the start of the pandemic I've only seen a couple of people going out of their way to not follow rules in shops etc.  I've seen a couple of people without masks on but not hordes and I've never seen any staff acting like little Hitlers or customers acting like arseholes.  Maybe I am very lucky but I think a lot of people see what they want to.

Being absolutely honest aside from wearing a mask none of the shopping I do is different at all to how it was pre-pandemic.  

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8 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

In every one of these stories you've thrown up you admit to not following a rule and someone has pulled you up for it. Here's a mad idea - stop being a dick and people won't utter word to you. You can say you think the rules are daft, but leaving a shop through a specific door does not inconvenience you in any way whatsoever, just do it and let the £9.30 an hour worker get on with their day hassle free. 

I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed out that door. I wasn’t deliberately being a dick, it was a genuine mistake ffs

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28 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Good for them.

It's obviously eating you inside out that there are people in society that folk like you can't control.

You need to get on with your own life and quit obsessing over what others choose to do.

Life would be so much better with a few less people sticking their craws into what others do with their lives.

Pal, you're seriously losing it.

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38 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

If this is getting at me and my earlier post, I hate to disappoint you and others but I actually work for Tesco.

The situation this morning was that the couple in front were around 12 to 16 feet from me at the checkout but the guy then stepped back due to his wife loading the trolley in a stupid place (ie, at the side of the till as opposed to at the bottom), by this point I had already put my basket up (as per the regulations), however supervisor came storming over shouting at me like an idiot, there was absolutely no need for it. Had she said, "excuse me sir, would you mind stepping back for a moment" or something along those lines, then it wouldn't have been an issue, however roaring like a banshee and publicly scolding me like a schoolkid just doesn't wash with me i'm afraid and I'm pretty sure both you and others wouldn't have liked it either.

I could put in a complaint about her attitude but I'm not that petty, although her customer service skills certainly left a lot to be desired.

If it was ‘getting at you’ id have said something really rude and cheeky like I always do. Just think these types of discussions always go one way and people forget that theres some people not enjoying it. 
eta i wasnt even quoting you ffs.

Edited by Inanimate Carbon Rod
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I'm sure I've said this before but since the start of the pandemic I've only seen a couple of people going out of their way to not follow rules in shops etc.  I've seen a couple of people without masks on but not hordes and I've never seen any staff acting like little Hitlers or customers acting like arseholes.  Maybe I am very lucky but I think a lot of people see what they want to.
Being absolutely honest aside from wearing a mask none of the shopping I do is different at all to how it was pre-pandemic.  
Ditto anywhere I have been. Mask adherence in anywhere I've gone is well over 90%. A handful of people out of thousands of PnB members openly admitting to breaking these rules probably backs that up.
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Right at the start of the first lockdown I went against the arrow system in Tesco in Ayr to get some washing up liquid that was towards the end of the aisle I'd just came down. Got a "Woaaahh, you can't go up there pal" from a member of staff and had to walk up the next aisle, then back down the washing up liquid aisle to about three steps from where I was to get it.

I didn't say anything. Just went red and gave a sort of pathetic, apologetic smile like the wimp I am.

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2 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

Right at the start of the first lockdown I went against the arrow system in Tesco in Ayr to get some washing up liquid that was towards the end of the aisle I'd just came down. Got a "Woaaahh, you can't go up there pal" from a member of staff and had to walk up the next aisle, then back down the washing up liquid aisle to about three steps from where I was to get it.

I didn't say anything. Just went red and gave a sort of pathetic, apologetic smile like the wimp I am.

They pretty well gave up on that after the first few weeks in Inverness, I never got the hang of it tbh. One remaining annoyance in my local Tesco is you have to exit from the opposite side of the building from the entrance and where the car park is.

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5 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

Right at the start of the first lockdown I went against the arrow system in Tesco in Ayr to get some washing up liquid that was towards the end of the aisle I'd just came down. Got a "Woaaahh, you can't go up there pal" from a member of staff and had to walk up the next aisle, then back down the washing up liquid aisle to about three steps from where I was to get it.

I didn't say anything. Just went red and gave a sort of pathetic, apologetic smile like the wimp I am.

Forgot to put my mask on to get served a few weeks back in the pub and was told I had to put my mask on. Fair enough my own mistake and apologised to the woman behind the bar. 

I was sitting about 10 yards away from the bar in question. 

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41 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Again, absolutely fascinating how people seem to cling to this idea that masks keep people safe despite the lack of evidence outside of strict controlled lab experiments showing any real benefit at all.

They are more in favour of retaining masks than limiting numbers of people meeting together maskless indoors.

There's no logical consistency there at all.

That is genuinely fascinating and shows that very large swathes of the general public cannot be trusted to think through anything at all.

It's the juxtaposition between this and lived experience that gets me. I don't want to go all "polls are fake and trying to influence people" like the political headcases on Twitter but it just doesn't match lived experience. It just doesn't reflect what I can see with my own eyes. 

I'd differentiate this from political polls as well as you can clearly see if someone is wearing a mask or not. People don't walk around with "Labour" or "Tory" on their person so we can back up the political polls. 

And if we genuinely do have people out there who want masks back in shops, because they feel they reduce the spread and protect people, you can only sigh and ask why they're not wearing one now then. It makes no sense. 

Things like nightclubs I can understand even if I don't agree with it. They will cause superspreader events and that's just a fact we will have to live with. Given the target demographic of nightclubs we can also be sure that the majority of the population won't visit them. Again, people don't walk around with 'close nightclubs' embossed on their t-shirts. But you can understand why the numbers show what they do. 

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9 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed out that door. I wasn’t deliberately being a dick, it was a genuine mistake ffs

Deliberately ignorant of the rules it seems to me. It's fine if that's how you want to operate but it's beyond tiring reading your constant "she shouted at me" updates. 

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1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Just received for myself and wife mask exemption certificates.

Whoever put me on to this, many thanks.

You should stick them across your mouth so people know you have them.


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6 minutes ago, Michael W said:

It's the juxtaposition between this and lived experience that gets me. I don't want to go all "polls are fake and trying to influence people" like the political headcases on Twitter but it just doesn't match lived experience. It just doesn't reflect what I can see with my own eyes. 

I'd differentiate this from political polls as well as you can clearly see if someone is wearing a mask or not. People don't walk around with "Labour" or "Tory" on their person so we can back up the political polls. 

And if we genuinely do have people out there who want masks back in shops, because they feel they reduce the spread and protect people, you can only sigh and ask why they're not wearing one now then. It makes no sense. 

Things like nightclubs I can understand even if I don't agree with it. They will cause superspreader events and that's just a fact we will have to live with. Given the target demographic of nightclubs we can also be sure that the majority of the population won't visit them. Again, people don't walk around with 'close nightclubs' embossed on their t-shirts. But you can understand why the numbers show what they do. 

I think these You Gove attitude polls might be a bit self selecting. They offer some raffle prize if you do enough of them so I did a few, but the questions got more and more intrusive and psychological so I binned it. You probably have to be of a particular mindset to carry on with them.

Edited by welshbairn
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