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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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3 minutes ago, Empty It said:
36 minutes ago, Namond Brice said:
Managed to get a new job as a vaccine passport checker for major events, the boss has said we've not to check everyone, only overweight, catastrophically bald, seething middle aged men.

Should genuinely be the criteria for a hard drive check tbf.


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1 hour ago, ddfg said:

After 18 months of what will hopefully be the most prescriptive and restrictive conditions any of us will ever have to live under  common sense is finally applied. Shame it is only being used as a cover for the SG failing to come up with a workable plan, instead of taking responsibility for implementing a policy decision they have passed the buck. Why not just do the adult thing and say we've had a look and this is unworkable? 

And lose the opportunity to care more than those reckless toarrrrries?

Masks + Vaccine Passports = No Apology For Keeping You Safe

And the best of it for the SG? Even if either has zero benefit, they will still win a lot of support because they looked like they cared more.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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The half arsed way they're going about this makes me think they're just trialling it in case it's the only thing to stop another lockdown after a midwinter surge, and to encourage vaccination in the young. By the end of October rates will be way down hopefully, and vaccination rates up, and they can quietly drop it, saying it's no longer needed for the moment.  Vaccine passports seem have worked pretty seamlessly for all indoor hospitality venues and big sport events in Ireland and much of Europe, with little fuss, all this aye but maybe and use common sense won't work. 

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7 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

The half arsed way they're going about this makes me think they're just trialling it in case it's the only thing to stop another lockdown after a midwinter surge, and to encourage vaccination in the young. By the end of October rates will be way down hopefully, and vaccination rates up, and they can quietly drop it, saying it's no longer needed for the moment.  Vaccine passports seem have worked pretty seamlessly for all indoor hospitality venues and big sport events in Ireland and much of Europe, with little fuss, all this aye but maybe and use common sense won't work. 

Really?  Do you seriously believe that?

Makes me think they’re stupid and incompetent and down the rabbit hole of doing anything different to England to appease their cheerleaders.

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12 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

The half arsed way they're going about this makes me think they're just trialling it in case it's the only thing to stop another lockdown after a midwinter surge

Furlough ends in 10 days. That alone will prevent a winter lockdown.

It looks half-arsed because the entire thing was drawn up by the SG. Half-arsed, unfinished and impractical have been the hallmark of absolutely everything the SG have created from the ground up all pandemic.

Seriously good luck to them drawing up a coherent, believable plan that will sway those sitting on the fence to vote yes in any future referendum.

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4 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Really?  Do you seriously believe that?

Makes me think they’re stupid and incompetent and down the rabbit hole of doing anything different to England to appease their cheerleaders.

I think the cabinet are split and they're proposing a futile half way house thing that would piss off everyone and be ineffective.

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7 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Furlough ends in 10 days. That alone will prevent a winter lockdown.

It looks half-arsed because the entire thing was drawn up by the SG. Half-arsed, unfinished and impractical have been the hallmark of absolutely everything the SG have created from the ground up all pandemic.

Seriously good luck to them drawing up a coherent, believable plan that will sway those sitting on the fence to vote yes in any future referendum.

I think they are losing people now who until recently were prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt

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3 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

I do like a good drawing.

The research xylo is pointing to is:-


The report concludes:

The certainty of the results, according to the GRADE scale, was deemed to be ......... low for both face masks and eye protection.

This is why I'm just not interested in engaging with people on this topic anymore.

People should just make their own minds up about whether these things work because I'm sick of trying to persuade others that this is nonsense.

As long as they continue to leave me in peace to go about my business without one.

Until you produce evidence of your doctorate in public health and your post at Edinburgh Uni no-one is allowed to believe you anyway.

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5 minutes ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

If masks weren't effective why have countries with strong mask wearing tendencies like China and South Korea performed so much better than everyone else?

Because they have other measures like distancing  (as we do) that they tend to follow with more rigour than we do.

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29 minutes ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

If masks weren't effective why have countries with strong mask wearing tendencies like China and South Korea performed so much better than everyone else?

I do think masks are (somewhat) effective but you can’t just say “X did better than us and they wear masks” and then instantly deduce that the masks are the reason for that.


Same way I can’t say that Scotland currently having higher cases than England means masks are ineffective.


To be honest the mask discourse gets way more air time than it deserves. My two main opinions are:


- Masks are a pretty low cost intervention


- They provide pretty minimal benefit 

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I know there are a handful of posters on here who work at universities, so I suppose this inquiry is really directed at them.

I kind of want to ask, genuinely in good faith, about what's happening in the sector as regards direction and instruction.

This is prompted by my own daughter's experience as she starts her second year.  She was actually in a university building yesterday for the first ever time.  She's not back in for another month and is scheduled to be in again twice in November.  Even yesterday's lecture was delivered via Zoom.  I'm a bit enraged, but I know that other courses there and elsewhere are even worse, while some are much better.

I'm intrigued by how different arrangements can be.  Are unions instrumental here?  Do faculties have the autonomy to simply decide their own path.  What pressures are being exerted and from what directions are they arriving?

I do struggle to see how such a pale service can now be justified, but I'm honestly wanting to understand how it's been arrived at.

That's a lot of questions, but I'm needing to gain a little insight here, if only to try and resist launching a reactionary rant.

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