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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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24 minutes ago, Binos said:

There would be no need for a pingdemic if we understood infection did not result in hospitalisation 

Never, then?

The other 4 coronaviruses in circulation still kill people every year.

The problem is people are still stuck in March 2020 / January 2021 mode when it comes to their views on what might happen if they get covid.

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1 minute ago, FuzzyBear said:

Do you have any credible evidence to back this up ?

I’m not sure if that’s accurate but there are various reports in England that around 80% of people in ICU are unvaccinated.  If you’re looking for ‘credible evidence’ for this do a wee Google search.

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I don’t agree with mandatory vaccinations. However if it’s getting to a stage where the people who choose to remain unvaccinated are leading to rising hospitalisation rates, pressure on the NHS, and the rest of us being locked down - then the unvaccinated should be denied treatment IMO. Unvaccinated folk who become ill with covid would have to seek private health care. I imagine there will be some people out there who genuinely cannot receive the vaccine under medical grounds and they would of course be exempt. That to me seems reasonable?

Edit: I guess this could lead to the government moving the goalposts on what “vaccinated” actually means which would be a joke.

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3 minutes ago, FuzzyBear said:

Do you have any credible evidence to back this up ?


An analysis of UK data from the National Immunisation Management Service (NIMS) and the Coronavirus Clinical Information Network (CO-CIN),1 endorsed by the UK Scientific and Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE),2 shows that of 40 000 patients with covid-19 who were admitted to hospital between December 2020 and July 2021 a total of 33 496 (84%) had not been vaccinated. It found that 5198 (13%) of these patients had received their first vaccine and 1274 (3%) their second.


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4 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

FM says changes will be made if and when the public health advice states the benefits outweigh the risks.

Except that public health advisors are not even remotely qualified to calculate the benefits of binning restrictions, across the entire economy and society. 

The changes will actually be made once the Treasury turns off the tap completely and the SG's token support package cannot be supplemented. 

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Just now, Snafu said:

The common cold is a corona virus and there's a good reason why there is no vaccine for the common cold.

Stealing paper clips from the office is theft, so is breaking into someone’s house and taking their valuables.  So by your analysis they’re both the same.

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2 minutes ago, Snafu said:

The common cold is a corona virus and there's a good reason why there is no vaccine for the common cold.

There is no such thing as a common cold virus. There are roughly 1000 different shan viruses that cause the same symptoms. 

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17 minutes ago, 101 said:

Honestly as clear as mud.

First it was the emergency services don't have the capacity, fair enough there is some logic to that although let's talk about increasing funding and building resilience and reducing the need to isolate.

Then it was public transport which seemed to really only be based on old firm fans traveling round the country on busses as I would imagine most fans live in the locality to their ground and drive or walk or are on public transport for short periods of time, also public transport on the 26th December, good luck with that.

Now its to show folk how much they should scale back their social contact. You advised three households was the right level, now butt out folks lives and let them decide if they want to take that advice or have a great time after 2 shit filled years with their nearest and dearest.

Comms fucking disaster.

Its absolutely obvious from the fact there isn't a united answer on this front that the SG have decided what they want to do before coming up with the best way to justify doing it.

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2 hours ago, Snafu said:

The SNP have been incredibly naive here.

The latest variant has been used against them to discredit them, they have gone for it hook line and sinker. Everyone knew this variant was less dangerous than the Delta. Use worse case scenario in projection models and release to the advisors and to the media and sit back and watch what happens. Of course SAGE have been watching the data from South Africa.

Scottish leaders nudged along by their over cautious science advisors and their pride seeing to be doing more than the 'reckless' UK Conservative Government.

Boris on the purse strings keeping them shut knowing this situation would arise. The public now have the idea that all the other countries in the UK are dependent on England when it comes down to it. Blame thrown at the feet of the leaders of each country, while Boris looks after his own.

Has the blame game started yet?

Reputations need to be salvaged here, Indyref 2 now in the bin.

Yeah the money given to help hospitality is a sick joke, but it might point to the fact that Scotland could now be financially broke.

Its a bit like a plot for a soap opera, so it seems.

Looks like it isn't but how does it compare to OG Covid?  (I do not know this isn't a trap). 

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To be fair in her exchange with DRoss who was pressing her on the new Omicron data she did say "days". I expect that barring some mental case explosion in the next 10 days or so we will start to see the latest restrictions being rolled back quite quickly, even before the 3wks stated.
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20 minutes ago, GeeJay said:

Judging by the huge numbers of flu deaths every year for decades do you not think that should've happened? Based on the precedent that's been set to "keep us all safe" are you not pissed off at the authorities for playing fast and loose with your health pre-2020?

If not, your anger is with the tyrannical governments, not the unvaxxed.

Jesus christ no i do not think that should've happened 

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See if Westminster calls the devolved parliaments bluff and Doesn't actually impose any further restrictions and in 3 weeks hospital admissions are still looking calm and controlled . They surley can’t extend the restrictions beyond that point can they ? How long do they think we are gonna sit up here and look just a few hours down the road at full stadiums , open clubs etc etc 

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7 minutes ago, itzdrk said:

Looks like it isn't but how does it compare to OG Covid?  (I do not know this isn't a trap). 

I think it would be nearly impossible to prove either way because of the large numbers of the population that have acquired immunity.

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It's amusing to see the screeching of the fake SAGE cult and their followers about 'why is the Government not taking action!!111'. They'll also soon be dishing out antivirals like smarties to the auld and vulnerable.


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