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1 minute ago, djchapsticks said:

The thing is, THIS is a genuine case of Tory Bad that people should be getting behind. THIS sort of shit is what people who genuinely want independence should be striving for being different in a Scotland going it's own way. I know that's what I want in an independent Scotland. If the SNP were to constantly round on this sort of nonsense and push hard to try and get answers as to why the UK Government is failing it's own people not only in a crisis but over the last decade by criminally underspending on public health and scrambling in the army to cover for people it has essentially forced off on the sick, instead of focussing that energy on telling people not to meet in groups of more than six indoors to protect the underfunded NHS, I'd probably still be behind them and their cause.

I don't disagree with that. The SNP, however, have also cut back NHS bed capacity (by around 10%) whilst pumping money into schemes to provide free this and free that.

Their latest stunt was to divert almost £300m away from the healthcare budget in a month to show they "care more" - money that looks very clearly to have been wasted.

They can't attack the Tories for it because they have done the same themselves.

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2 hours ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

See, the interesting thing here is the doctor in question just happens to run a private ‘breathlessness clinic’. Charging £450 for a consultation.

No conflict of interest here…. 

I’m sure he’ll enjoy his meeting without coffee. 


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1 hour ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Happy to be educated on this if I’m wrong, but in non-Covid scenarios the employer pays SSP (which is what TiG explicitly said), so unsure why this would be funded by the taxpayer?

100% Correct.

Employers used to be able to claim back SSP from the government but that went out about a decade ago and then had to be absorbed by the companies themselves. Perhaps this is causing the confusion? Along, with the current covid measure.

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1 minute ago, Todd_is_God said:

I don't disagree with that. The SNP, however, have also cut back NHS bed capacity (by around 10%) whilst pumping money into schemes to provide free this and free that.

Their latest stunt was to divert almost £300m away from the healthcare budget in a month to show they "care more" - money that looks very clearly to have been wasted.

They can't attack the Tories for it because they have done the same themselves.

Yeah, understand that ship has now clearly sailed but they genuinely had at least some moral high ground to stand on at one point in time.

Attacking them on it from this point would just show a staggering lack of self-awareness and be massively hypocritical.

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18 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

The thing is, a lot of people are getting very, very angry at Nick Triggle for reporting this and asking if it is anything new but he provides several sets of figures that show the NHS is declining in performance year on year. Funnily enough, this marked decline started at a point where Tory governments started cutting funding to the NHS massively but these folk are so wrapped up in 'we need to do our bit', they can't actually open their fucking eyes and get angry at the continued cuts to funding.

They will seemingly happily wander through the rest of their lives with winter restrictions and bemoan the lack of others caring....that this is a much worse crisis because the army never had to be drafted in before, without actually taking a step back and realising that this level of crisis happening 10-15 years ago would not have required army intervention because the NHS was funded enough to equip with crisis winters.


9 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

Of all the 'Tory bad' comments we see, THIS is a genuine case of Tory Bad that people should be getting behind. THIS sort of shit is what people who genuinely want independence should be striving for being different in a Scotland going it's own way. I know that's what I want in an independent Scotland. If the SNP were to constantly round on this sort of nonsense and push hard to try and get answers as to why the UK Government is failing it's own people not only in a crisis but over the last decade by criminally underspending on public health and scrambling in the army to cover for people it has essentially forced off on the sick, instead of focussing that energy on telling people not to meet in groups of more than six indoors to protect the underfunded NHS, I'd probably still be behind them and their cause.

I don’t know if I’m picking this up wrong but I’m finding myself disagreeing with your first post and then agreeing with the second. You do realise the NHS in Scotland is directly funded by the SG? Nicola’s free this and free all look good but the difficult structural stuff is all the fault of dem damn toaries? 

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Just now, Left Back said:

Reading that Nick Triggle article and one of the graphics shows that 5% of NHS staff are off sick for non-covid reasons.

That can’t be right or normal surely?

It probably is TBH. I'd like to see the pre-pandemic levels of sick leave but I can imagine the levels of folk dropping through stress and anxiety are through the roof.

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12 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

The army are needed this time mainly because the government are preventing the staff who would be ensuring that the NHS just coped every other year from coming to work.

That is an issue in its own right, and one which needs urgent scrutiny and review.

The guilt tripping of the public about the need for restrictions on our lives because NHS staff are tired and need a break due to it being really busy lately can get right in the bin, though.

That really isn't the public's problem.

It does feel like covid is now a handy tool to shift the burden of protecting the healthcare system from government to the public. 

And it’s all being done through behavioural psychology and weaponising the nhs so that they don’t have to fund placing strict rules on people. 


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1 minute ago, alta-pete said:


I don’t know if I’m picking this up wrong but I’m finding myself disagreeing with your first post and then agreeing with the second. You do realise the NHS in Scotland is directly funded by the SG? Nicola’s free this and free all look good but the difficult structural stuff is all the fault of dem damn toaries? 

Yeah, apologies for not being that clear.

The point I was trying to make was that rather than the SG blaming Tories for health cuts up here (which they can't do), they should nevertheless still be in a position for their MPs in WM to go 'look what they've cut on public health in England, this is the reason the NHS is in crisis, that's something we wouldn't do'. Use a legitimate case of Tory Bad as a basis for getting people onside north of the border by vowing to do things differently and better.

They can't do that though, their spending and redirecting of public health money has put paid to any notion of that.



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It turns out Djokovic had permission from the Australian Federal Government to enter the country. They tried to get him to sign a document rescinding his visa while denying him access to a lawyer. He is currently in a detention facility where refugees have been held for NINE years. 

Scott Morrison is a fucking scumbag. 

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3 hours ago, Donathan said:



Today in “Americans thinking a bog-standard respiratory virus is the apocalypse” 

Lucky she didn't tie him to the bumper and drive him there.

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In fairness, this is not so much a thread as an echo chamber, with the narrative led by a climate change denier who believes the pandemic to be "over as a public health crisis" in August 2020 and now states that SSP is not funded by the taxpayer. The vast majority of posts are simply criticisms of the people and agencies responsible for responding to the crisis, while offering little in the way of alternative solutions.
As for discussion, anyone who might proffer an alternative view is subject to relentless ad hominem attacks until they realise there is no chance of reasoned debate and (the blatantly obvious desired result) leave the circle-jerk to continue. So far, the wee posse have moved from welshbairn to Bob mahelp and are now focusing on MT, with a few lower-priority targets like YT along the way.
I will agree with one thing, however, and that is that this pandemic has severely damaged many people. This thread is indisputable proof of this. For those of us who continue to read this bin fire while occasionally contributing, my biggest concern is for those on here who have been entirely consumed by this shitshow. We're all dealing with Covid, but some of the obsession on display here really isn't healthy. Some posters (not yourself, I might add) really need to step away from here and have a good look at themselves.
I've reached the point where I've put certain posters on ignore - and that's on both sides of the argument - because they keep spouting the same tedious shite.

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22 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

It does feel like covid is now a handy tool to shift the burden of protecting the healthcare system from government to the public. 

And it’s all being done through behavioural psychology and weaponising the nhs so that they don’t have to fund placing strict rules on people. 


The plan isn't to protect the NHS. 

The idea is to make the NHS so hard to access that a substantial proportion of people decide to take out private health insurance.


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I don’t know if I’m picking this up wrong but I’m finding myself disagreeing with your first post and then agreeing with the second. You do realise the NHS in Scotland is directly funded by the SG? Nicola’s free this and free all look good but the difficult structural stuff is all the fault of dem damn toaries? 

Funded primarily through a block grant from Westminster. The scope to increase/decrease via taxation is very limited.

If that budget is limited, as it has been for the past 10 years in real terms, then clearly there is a responsibility for Westminster as well.

Until there is full fiscal autonomy that will continue to be the case.
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