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30 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

I’m triple Moderna as of 9.30 this morning. First dose nothing, second dose felt a bit shitty the second day. Third dose we shall see tomorrow.

If I don't see another post from you then I'll assume the side effects have not been good :lol:

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2 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

You do realise that her sister died of Covid in February last year?

It's not surprising she's got the attitude she has.


It's still not an excuse.

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1 hour ago, PedroMoutinho said:

Wow, photo ID needed to get a coffee from Starbucks. Let’s hope Sturgeon doesn’t get any ideas.

Anything to prevent a non tax paying corporation from earning money is good in my book*


*this is not an endorsement of SG policy.

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13 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

You do realise that her sister died of Covid in February last year?

It's not surprising she's got the attitude she has.

you  dont get to enact pythonesque tyranny on millions because a relative died, she should be nowhere near a position of power

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It's still not an excuse.
A little bit of context.

She's also mayor of Washington DC where Black residents have died at a rate 5.9 times that of white residents.

One of the major reason for that are her own actions and response to Covid initially contributed to those deaths - lack of testing facilities being one key criticism.

It was only after sister died that she came down hard on Covid - in April 2021 she effectively introduced a vaccine passport scheme into DC.

It looks very much like her actions in the last 9 months are pure guilt over her sister's death.

I personally can't stand her politics - she's one in a long line of corrupt Democratic politicians running DC.

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17 minutes ago, BigDoddyKane said:


Looks like an advert for a medium or a hypnotist

That was my immediate thought too, when I seen the publicity picture for Leitch. Far too similar to Clinton Baptiste, the renowned psychic...


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Just getting round to reading about the earlier update on restrictions. Pros - football is back

Cons - doubling down on the utterly futile vaccine passports. You know they're going to be the new "masks" that the SG wear like a badge of honour. Did nobody ask her the point of them when the omicron varient has shown that even triple dosed dont evade infection. Also no word on things being on at the Hydro so I'm in limbo waiting on news if I've to drive my mum and her cousin to strictly come dancing 😑 totally gutted for the Scottish Ice hockey teams, as well as the Glasgow Rocks, still having to play infront of 200 fans 

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1 hour ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Just getting round to reading about the earlier update on restrictions. Pros - football is back

Cons - doubling down on the utterly futile vaccine passports. You know they're going to be the new "masks" that the SG wear like a badge of honour. Did nobody ask her the point of them when the omicron varient has shown that even triple dosed dont evade infection. Also no word on things being on at the Hydro so I'm in limbo waiting on news if I've to drive my mum and her cousin to strictly come dancing 😑 totally gutted for the Scottish Ice hockey teams, as well as the Glasgow Rocks, still having to play infront of 200 fans 

DR did, but I don't remember if she answered it.

I believe they plan to lift the remaining restrictions on the 24th so you should be ok for Strictly.

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9 hours ago, oaksoft said:

3 things.

Firstly, I'd like to see a full transcript of exactly what he said and in what context because I'm sick of people misrepresenting everything.

Secondly, Swinney has said a lot of things which either haven't transpired or have been over-ruled within hours by Sturgeon.

Thirdly, it's entirely possible that the extension of vaccine passports beyond stadiums is simply to appease those who will be angry that football is being allowed to restart.

Everything about this entire charade screams "behavioural manipulation". There's no real science anywhere.

On the positive side, Sturgeon apparently is promising to publish, in a few weeks, what she expects in the long term with regards to how we live with covid. Quite why she hasn't already done this 2 years into the crisis is beyond me but there you go. Once she has published that paper at least we can see her thinking although we can't trust her actions. I'm specifically remembering all the intricate level change trigger shite from last year which she then promptly ignored.

You can listen to Drive Time with John Beattie on BBC Radio Scotland. It's on BBC Sounds from yesterday. Around 1 hour 24 minutes in. 

Edited by the snudge
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1 hour ago, Snafu said:

I could be done with going to football games if vaccine passports become a permanent part of our lives. Makes no difference if triple vaxed.

Already don't have as much motivation to post in the football forums on here, I feel why, what's the point if I don't go to games.

Very soon covid won't be causing more deaths than any other respiratory virus and the WHO will likely declare an end to the pandemic in the summer. They will thankfully become an obsolete measure almost inevitably. The Scottish Government won't have the funding to keep free LFTs or perpetual boosting of the population once the UK Government pulls the plug, with scientific advice shifting away from this anyway. As for masks, even your Leitch and Devi types know we can't and won't wear them forever.

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