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3 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Sure if you are only looking to that wee bit at the end it's a fair enough comparison. If you are looking to compare rate of rise of the two countries, and even eventually rate of drop, you have to have them on the same scale, otherwise theres no point in the comparison. You would be aswell just looking at each on it's own.

Too early to call the Germany one a proper flattening but it does look like maybe turning.

Of course it's early days. I'm just looking for glimmers of hope.


Here's Spain



And Italy.



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11 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
17 minutes ago, craigkillie said:
Those two plots look basically identical to me.

They wouldn't if you put them on the same scale. Ours would look significantly less steep

Think you're wrong, Bairnardo.  Our curve would be steeper than theirs but wouldn't be as high.  Yet.

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I said something similar earlier. This wasn't a one-off error. The amount of decisions that must have went through that family's head and not one of them thought "hmm, maybe this isn't a good idea?" Bollocks. They knew it wasn't a good idea, but thought they were above it.
Was saying that myself this morning. Had to take the missus to work in Edinburgh this morning (and that's a joke in and of itself) and must have passed about ten variable message boards on the M90 both ways saying "Avoid unnecessary travel" and "Stay at home" etc. You'd think those reminders might have triggered something somewhere about the fact that she crafted that message and was blatantly ignoring it.
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4 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

Trump-supporting 'murican religious nut snuffs it from Pneumonia, after contracting Covid-19 a few weeks after thinking it was all a load of hysteria and going to Mardi Gras (the New Orleans festival, not the shady-as-f**k Dundee nightclub of bygone days)

Thick c**t

Strange how this illness can take a sudden turn to become seriously dangerous and kill you.  

Glad I'm not recently hospitalised with worsened symptoms of Covid 19.

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5 minutes ago, The DA said:

Think you're wrong, Bairnardo.  Our curve would be steeper than theirs but wouldn't be as high.  Yet.

Na, theres is a wider scale. If you drew our numbers on their scale it would be much shallower and nowhere near the top

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9 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

Trump-supporting 'murican religious nut snuffs it from Pneumonia, after contracting Covid-19 a few weeks after thinking it was all a load of hysteria and going to Mardi Gras (the New Orleans festival, not the shady-as-f**k Dundee nightclub of bygone days)

Thick c**t

disproportionately high  number of fatalities incoming for this particular breed of moron (with a bit of luck):

A number of American religious leaders have endangered their flock by holding services – and by claiming the virus can be defeated by faith in God


Howard-Browne has repeatedly refused to call off services in the interests of social distancing. In fact, in recent weeks he has insisted that his congregants embrace and shake hands, exhorting them that they were “revivalists, not pansies”...


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2 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Na, theres is a wider scale. If you drew our numbers on their scale it would be much shallower and nowhere near the top

On those graphs, our figures nearly doubled between 31st March and 5th April (25K to 48K-ish).  Germany's only went up by about 35% (75K - 100K-ish).  Of course our line is steeper than theirs.

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2 minutes ago, Herman Hessian said:

disproportionately high  number of fatalities incoming for this particular breed of moron (with a bit of luck):

A number of American religious leaders have endangered their flock by holding services – and by claiming the virus can be defeated by faith in God


How many need to die before these 'leaders' change their minds? 

Sorry, that's not a genuine question. I already know the answer.

All of them.

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9 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Na, theres is a wider scale. If you drew our numbers on their scale it would be much shallower and nowhere near the top


The scales on the X axis are the same. Only the Y axis scales are different.


If I could be bothered, I could stick them on an excel spreadsheet to see if the scales make that much difference. To me it would still look like we are continuing on the exponential curve while Germany is flattening. Obviously we'd need to see how the next few days/weeks go.



Edited by Suspect Device
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The scales on the X axis are the same. Only the Y axis scales are different.
Aye, it depends on what you are looking to compare I suppose. The tail off at the end will alwyas look the same, but if you want to compare the rate of rise then it's not helpful to look at different scales. Adjusting the Y axis scale on ours to match theirs would make our line less steep. It doesnt really matter tbh. The only thing anyone really wants to see is flattening and that will show on any graph.

People are sick of graphs IMO
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Just now, Bairnardo said:

Aye, it depends on what you are looking to compare I suppose. The tail off at the end will alwyas look the same, but if you want to compare the rate of rise then it's not helpful to look at different scales. Adjusting the Y axis scale on ours to match theirs would make our line less steep. It doesnt really matter tbh. The only thing anyone really wants to see is flattening and that will show on any graph.

People are sick of graphs IMO

As sick as they were of experts? 😄

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4 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Aye, it depends on what you are looking to compare I suppose. The tail off at the end will alwyas look the same, but if you want to compare the rate of rise then it's not helpful to look at different scales. Adjusting the Y axis scale on ours to match theirs would make our line less steep. It doesnt really matter tbh. The only thing anyone really wants to see is flattening and that will show on any graph.

People are sick of graphs IMO

Naw it wouldnae.  

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4 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Aye, it depends on what you are looking to compare I suppose. The tail off at the end will alwyas look the same, but if you want to compare the rate of rise then it's not helpful to look at different scales. Adjusting the Y axis scale on ours to match theirs would make our line less steep. It doesnt really matter tbh. The only thing anyone really wants to see is flattening and that will show on any graph.

People are sick of graphs IMO

I’m not sick of graphs. If anything we need more graphs. 

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