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What happens if they ban large gatherings due to COVID-19?

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I do actually have a suggestion for this one, although it’s got its flaws and would require an injection of cash from the government and its a bit harsh on some clubs.
Cancel the season.
Promote the top two in each division
No relegation this season.
Delay the start of next season TIL October or November when the worst of the virus is expected to be over.
Play shorter league next year such that teams just play each other twice. In a fourteen team top league that’s a 26 game season and in the divisions below, 22 games.
Promote one team, relegate three each division.
As I say, it’s got its flaws but it’s the best I could think up quickly.
Don't be so silly, you have missed the fundamental flaw in your idea. The old firm must play 4 times a season. It's the law. It can't be changed or altered. Silly boy [emoji23][emoji2368]
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So you want to potentially eject Brechin from the league based on a health emergency rather than deservedly/objectively based on results? Doubt that would survive judicial review.

It’s not just based on a health emergency though, it’s based on them being shite all season, being well behind in last place and having spent most of the season there.

Realistically Kelty or Brora will batter them in a playoff.
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54 minutes ago, peternapper said:

Fairly Friday 13th, depending how long this goes on how many clubs will go to the wall.

I think it's looking more and more likely that fans will need to keep donating to their clubs until this is over. It's the only way I see income arriving, the SPFL were lightning quick to come out and say they didn't have a penny to give, so it's up to the fans to save clubs here if they are in danger.

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Don't be so silly, you have missed the fundamental flaw in your idea. The old firm must play 4 times a season. It's the law. It can't be changed or altered. Silly boy [emoji23][emoji2368]

I did say promote the top two in each league?
The old firm go into the ‘Pie in the Sky’ top league where they play each other every week forever and a day.....
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As we’re top the only fair way to settle the league is to leave it as it stands [emoji12]. No idea what they’re going to do as it’s likely this will drag on for months be lucky if any of the clubs are still around to play the remaining fixtures with no income

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I would hope that the Celtic game money will be used to help any cash flow during the next few weeks or how ever long this lasts.  That won't last forever obviously but I think that may put us in a slightly better position that others in the league.  There will be clubs across Scotland that will be rightly very concerned about their financial position in the short to medium term (even more so than normal at least)

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I think it's looking more and more likely that fans will need to keep donating to their clubs until this is over. It's the only way I see income arriving, the SPFL were lightning quick to come out and say they didn't have a penny to give, so it's up to the fans to save clubs here if they are in danger.

I was thinking about this today.
In the past I’d have no issue with that but given the way the Falkirk board have treated our supporters the last couple of seasons, I doubt many will feel the same sense of goodwill.....
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I’ve said it before, it’s in the interests of the Government to either offer loans or payments to businesses to avoid bankruptcies and failures. Offer a stipend to teams matching average attendance, minus season ticket holders, for scheduled games, maybe even only 80% of that average number, on the basis of the teams using it to pay wages to all staff as if the games went on. Season ticket holders get a refundable tax credit for the portion of their tickets unused by shutdown. Teams repay for any games that are made up, the rest is forgiven as emergency spending.

For the hospitality industry, similar plan with stipends based upon documented revenue and using them to make payments to staff. If necessary, zero interest loans with a long repayment horizon. Apply the same across industry, adjusting as necessary for those fields where remote work allowed the business to avoid problems.

Something has to be done to avoid a cataclysmic chain of failures and defaults, or the costs will make a simple plan like the above dirt cheap. For reference, watch the absolute shitshow that’s about to go down in the U.S.

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As we’re top the only fair way to settle the league is to leave it as it stands [emoji12]. No idea what they’re going to do as it’s likely this will drag on for months be lucky if any of the clubs are still around to play the remaining fixtures with no income

From a selfish point of view, as Raith fans we have to be happy they’ve stopped it now.

We’re top now, we were top after the second round of games and top after the third round of games.
If they decide to abandon the rest of the season and award the league titles then there is no conceivable way they could give it to anyone else but us.

Who knows what they’ll end up doing but at least we’re in a favourable position.
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The league should use prize money this season to pay every club a fixed amount as a way of mitigating any significant financial pressure. Never mind adjusting for league placings within the individual divisions. Get the money shared out to clubs to help ensure that nobody is facing serious financial difficulty.

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8 minutes ago, bullyweehutch said:

I for one if offered a refund on my season ticket from the club would tell them to keep it and I imagine all good football fans would of any club

Not sure of the financial workings of football clubs but would think season ticket money would be long gone by this time of the season.

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From a selfish point of view, as Raith fans we have to be happy they’ve stopped it now.


We’re top now, we were top after the second round of games and top after the third round of games.

If they decide to abandon the rest of the season and award the league titles then there is no conceivable way they could give it to anyone else but us.


Who knows what they’ll end up doing but at least we’re in a favourable position.

I’d be willing to bet now that this season will be declared null and void.

The legal consequences of promoting and relegating teams based on mid season positions would be a minefield..

I almost hope this happens now as watching sniffling Neil Lennon’s reaction after saying they should be declared champions would be hilarious......

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It's a tough call as to what's going to happen, if the league is back on by April then just extend the season to get the games played.

If it's going to drag on they'll realistically have to scrap the fixtures. 

75% of games have been played it would be fair enough fo declare the champions for each division, league 1 would be harsh but football is a fucker.

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You'd have to assume that subject to them either finding a vaccine, or agreeing that games can proceed "closed doors", that's the season over.  If the predictions are correct that they expect it to peak around May or June and therefore get progressively worse from now, I can't see how anything could start again as normal in the next couple of months.

So for the best part of 2 months clubs would lose additional matchday revenue - pay at the gate, food stalls, programmes.  Though the costs for supplying some of those won't apply either.  Won't affect season ticket revenue I'd assume, they should still be able to operate some kind of merchandise, and if they have additional commercials like lottery etc, that could still be done online.   So not great, but I suppose it depends on each club and how much they rely on the matchday revenue.

Who brings bats to a marketplace anyway ffs.........

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