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Clubs going bust due to cv19

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If you believe what is spoken in Stranraer the Rangers money was being held for next years budget. If this is true hopefully it’s a reserve to help keep us afloat.
We have a squad of 19, 12 weeks left of the season including play off dates.
Say every player is on £200 a week. I understand some are over that some are under, that’s £45600 in wages. The money made would cover that, we still have the manager and coaching staff to account for and the failed corporate days.
Think we may be ok for a few months but not every club has had the luxury of a good cup draw.
If we went on our gates we’d be screwed.
Praying every club gets through this.

There are 14 and a half weeks to go as most players contracts will be until next window opens on 10 June
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5 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

I think the first reaction of everyone is to try and apply normality to an utterly abnormal situation. Taking my own club Dumbarton as an example, what is our biggest weekly outlay ? I'd hazard it was players' wages followed by those of officials.

As a part-time club almost every one of the above individuals will have an income from outside the game, in contrast to teams like Hibs, Hearts, Dundee It's, etc., With that in mind, and although it is hardly ideal, I think we'd be justified in asking the staff to consider accepting reduced wages for the duration of this crisis.

And no, if I was one of these guys I would hardly be delighted, but neither would I be delighted to be a contributor to any club's demise. It could run into problems with individuals' attendances at training, for example, and I'm not suggesting it's ideal.

What I am though suggesting is that no idea is a bad one and every fan and every Director should be considering ideas inside AND outside the box - and in this potentially existential crisis that also applies to players and their agents.

You do make a good point about all things being considered about how clubs survive.   However it's the staff behind the clubs who help with the day to day running of clubs who will need to be thought about too.  Part time players will still have income most full time are not on minimum wage.To ask anyone to take a cut in pay over the next few months but expect the work still to be done is wrong.   Would you accept half wages for the next month or so if the company you work for cant get work.   Scouts, groundsmen,  reception staff,  cleaners wont have much to do over the next few weeks but will still have Bills to pay.   

Edited by Ballboy
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10 hours ago, peternapper said:

Agree there is a difference between full time players who as the term implies are professional footballers as their main/only job and are dependant on clubs for their livelihood. Part time players tend to have other jobs out with football so possibly could be asked to accept a retainer reduced wages during this exceptional period to help reduce costs to part time clubs which you would expect  to be working to tighter budgets. 

I think it may well be necessary to ask players to delay receiving wages when they can but i don’t think it’s true to say PT= don’t need the money.  There are some who earn a fair bit outside of football but there’s certainly others for who you’d be asking a lot of, especially if any income they make outside of football has taken a hit recently(thinking of self employed or those that make most their cash via commission).  

whatever their individual circumstances players are used to receiving the cash and will have lifestyles that reflect that. 

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Fans will be asked to donate money or buy early season tickets. Fans of all clubs will come together and help those most in need. It's obviously still a difficult time, but I think all clubs will pull through.

18 hours ago, sirscottyoung said:

We know nothing just guesswork

If you know nothing then maybe don't say "it looks like..." someones club is about to die. 

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7 hours ago, Ballboy said:

You do make a good point about all things being considered about how clubs survive.   However it's the staff behind the clubs who help with the day to day running of clubs who will need to be thought about too.  Part time players will still have income most full time are not on minimum wage.To ask anyone to take a cut in pay over the next few months but expect the work still to be done is wrong.   Would you accept half wages for the next month or so if the company you work for cant get work.   Scouts, groundsmen,  reception staff,  cleaners wont have much to do over the next few weeks but will still have Bills to pay.   

Cleaners should be busy giving grounds a right good clean.

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23 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Fans will be asked to donate money or buy early season tickets. Fans of all clubs will come together and help those most in need. It's obviously still a difficult time, but I think all clubs will pull through.

If you know nothing then maybe don't say "it looks like..." someones club is about to die. 

There's a lot of people about to lose their jobs. Many will have reduced incomes due to cuts in hours, no commission etc. Then there's all those who could be on SSP (£94 a week). There's not going to be a lot of money around and priorities will be paying bills and getting through this, not football clubs.

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35 minutes ago, NewBornBairn said:

There's a lot of people about to lose their jobs. Many will have reduced incomes due to cuts in hours, no commission etc. Then there's all those who could be on SSP (£94 a week). There's not going to be a lot of money around and priorities will be paying bills and getting through this, not football clubs.

Obviously some won't be able to give money, others will. But those who can't give money might be able to help out in other ways. I think collectively fan bases will pull their clubs through this. 

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2 hours ago, sirscottyoung said:

Someone posted this online.

I know some have backers like hibs so this isn't the be all and end all but still some worrying numbers for a couple of clubsIMG_20200316_074818.jpeg

Interpolation those numbers, something in the range of £20-25,000,000 per month would cover all 42 teams monthly expenses, including paying all staff. What if the government paid that with the stipulation that the club have employees perform government assigned tasks (cleaning facilities, etc)...as able)/in the community for 50-75%  of their work hours? Apply it across industry and service, keep the wheels turning to prevent an economic disaster...that’s the real purpose of governments ability to simply print money if needed. Inflation might tick up a tiny bit, but the confidence in they system would be more than enough payment.

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I sat and looked up every team in the league on a credit checker (credit safe) see who had what cash reserves on their books.

The following is what I found...

Raith Rovers - £12,101
Falkirk - £135,541
Airdrie - £80,721
Montrose - £34,553
East Fife - £83,391
Dumbarton - £123
Clyde - £45,000
Peterhead - £365
Forfar - £2391
Stranraer - Charity?

f**k knows what it means but don't think clubs have that much cash floating about.

For a club to pay 20 players at £200pw it would cost £4000pw just on player costs.
200 is probably a massive low ball figure in this league as well.

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