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About Diamond8

  • Birthday 13/11/1995

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  1. Exactly this. We play like a team that has little to bugger all experience of football without ramifications. Not quite hitting the panic button yet but if the next 2 league games come without any result then the situation will need to be addressed I think. Everyone around us has strengthened this week which tells its own story on our recruitment- get the finger out.
  2. Twenty is plenty and I’ve voiced my opinion to my own club on this matter as we are £22. Refuse to go to game that’s are more than £20 per adult ticket but having a season ticket it kind of cancels it out. This isn’t because I can’t afford it instead it’s because there’s already so many people that can’t and the more people continue to pay the more they will continue to charge. Like Dundee united last year, Hamiltons pricing is particularly disgusting.
  3. Beat fair and square today. A few will blame the referee but he didn’t drop the ball a yard out from goal and he didn’t give it away in the midfield to lead to the goals. We look like a development team filled with players with little to no experience of football with implications and it shows.
  4. Real worrying signs from some our squad last night but let’s not kid on we’ve not been here before. I’m particularly concerned about the early season form of McMaster who seems to get a free ride from most of our support. Last season he had a similar run of form which thankfully picked up towards the end of the season but he has to do so much more me. That being said last nights line up really didn't help him, I think it’s got to be one or the other when it come to selecting either himself and Aiken. McGrattan and Mochrie look so far of the pace it’s quite unbelievable at times and I think it really hampered the midfields ability to assert themselves on the game and Ayr took full advantage of that to their credit. Once the midfield lost out like they did on so many occasions it really exposed our backline which many of us have been saying needs real attention. Hancock is largely fine but again was really exposed as he was our only real attacking threat (if there was one) which led to Wilson over compensating to cover the left. Then we come to Watson… he’s never going to be a CB and I’m not really sure he has the legs this season to be a main stay in the team out on the right either, I feel for him a bit because there have been countless occasions in McCabe's tenure that he’s been asked to fill in there and more often than not he plays a stinker- most recently at Dumbarton. McDonald for me the jury is still out, can he consistently play at the level required for championship football? I hope so but I’m not sure at this early stage. The second half we started ‘well’ on the front foot but were so easily picked off on our right hand side it was beggars belief. It looked a similar set up which exposed us so ridiculously at Dumbarton with us going to wing backs that start just about on the half way line and then end of the half way line. Bruce offered absolutely no protection to McDonald and it showed in the same way Watson never got protection at Dumbarton. These are clear patterns of play that if the average punter in the stand can see then coaches of the opposition will to. I hope this is as big a wake up call in the same way Edinburgh City and Arbroath were but time will tell. On a side note, if anyone wants cheering up there are some comedy threads on that abomination Facebook group. Particular highlights were from the usual suspects.
  5. We’ve been f**king brutal. Midfield full of passengers tonight.
  6. Struggling to think of a time that someone has spoken so many words but said so little.
  7. I can’t see it being McCabe for a number of reasons. First one being that he has full control at Airdrie, he won’t get that anywhere else. The next glaring issue he would see is the age of the squad yous have assembled. Then there’s the messy fall out with Fordyce. I also think our squad isn’t that far behind yours but again is that down to us having a superior manager that can get the most out of players rather than Murray?
  8. I’ve absolutely no idea how it came about obviously but I also think it tells a story that the current players that remained and those that left also appear to have left on good terms with McCabe, not that it’s overly important but we appear to be in a better place than we were last season.
  9. Think it told its own story that the only member of the Raith squad/staff McCabe didn’t go anywhere near was Fordyce.
  10. Wouldn’t be surprised if Megwa ended up playing centre half for us. A few Hibs guys I work with said to me when he joined last season that he was just as comfortable in the centre as he is out on the right.
  11. Even better! That’s a good wage for someone (hopefully another forward or centre back)
  12. Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t we due at least 68k due to us having a televised match? It would be great if we can get another televised match as the fee goes up to 30k in next round.
  13. That’s a much of a ‘hands off’ fee as I’ve seen for a while. Doubt we will get that kind of money but shows we fancy a go at going up this season imo
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