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7 hours ago, Bohemian said:

The secret Inverness plan to null and void SPFL season as Scottish football civil war takes explosive new twist



The f**k are Caley playing at?

Looks like the Scott Gardiner and Rangers plot has been rumbled. It was obvious from that first interview on Sportsound when Gardiner pushed the anti SPFL agenda then conveniently made his excuses to go just before the Rangers statement was dropped, this was an orchestrated campaign of disruption and it seems null and void as the end goal. Makes sense for Rangers, Gardiner has sold his club for his big team. 

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6 hours ago, bennett said:

Is there no end to the Invernessians villainy, first their fans pull celtic players down in the box and now they're trying to rob celti  of a title which wasn't won.







Its fuvking shite.

Corroborated by other Championship clubs, just as Brechin statement corroborated by other League 2 clubs. 

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7 hours ago, Bohemian said:

The secret Inverness plan to null and void SPFL season as Scottish football civil war takes explosive new twist



The f**k are Caley playing at?

Gardiner has blindly followed the Rangers lead. Quelle Surprise!

He either didn't know or didn't care what the consequences were for his own club. He was probably promised a desk near the window at Ibrox for his next job.

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I'd need to see something far more convincing than Daily Record journalism to believe that a serious, organised plan has been in motion. 

Occam's razor points to a very stupid executive in Gardiner acting on his own behalf to ingratiate himself to both his big team and former employer in the top flight, while aiming to get his current employers a grubby promotion through top flight expansion. His bullshit was called out by other Championship clubs, he lost the SPFL vote and the top flight finally crushed expansion talk on Friday: hence his tear-drenched statement at the weekend. No grand conspiracy is required to explain this one.


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So whats been happening? Has this all been a conspiracy by Rangers,ICT,Hearts,Stranraer to use the situation to get more out of this season than they sportingly deserved?

To discredit all this seasons winners and use the covid situation to do it? and in doing so making more money than they sportingly deserved?

Something like that? This is a lot to take in.

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46 minutes ago, virginton said:

Occam's razor points to a very stupid executive in Gardiner acting on his own behalf to ingratiate himself to both his big team and former employer in the top flight............hence his tear-drenched statement at the weekend. No grand conspiracy is required to explain this one.

Very probable

42 minutes ago, Sparticus said:

Has this all been a conspiracy by Rangers,ICT,Hearts,Stranraer to use the situation

Nah, I dont think for a minute there is any real conspiracy here, I am much more inclined to agree with the post above.

Add in the mix self interest from almost all clubs, a ladle of massive ego and a soupcon of stupidity - and hey presto, current fuckup  !

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Scott Gardiner has now padlocked his Twitter and changed his profile picture, to one depicting a "Peoples Front of Judea" flag.

I'd say that was appropriate as they were a small bunch who complained about the Romans, except for everything they did that was right & never achieved anything!

Seriously though did they honestly think the other clubs involved would just sit back and take these accusations and say nothing?

Aberdeen's statement if taken at face value I get. Its basically saying due to the distrust, lets have an independent investigation & that way its all done and dusted and we can the accept its findings & move on. Only problem is, as it transpires, that may be giving into "bullying" itself.

Total shit show, but it is entertaining.

Edited by Tannadeechee
Incompetent typist!
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Never liked the sound of Gardiner ever since his first Sportsound appearance regarding this fiasco 

When he laboured the point that his main motivations for voting against was to save Partick & Stranraer

Utter bullshit and the panel lapped it all up 

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So if this vote fails today, does anyone think the clubs and SPFL board will just call the season finished today?

There's zero chance it can be played?

Really dont see any point in dragging it any further?

Maybe best to just do this all at once?

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So was Inverness' plan was to null and void all the leagues?

How do they then distribute the prize money? They'd need to split it evenly.

To which all the 'wee' teams including ourselves smell a payday because they'll get a bigger share. Inverness don't think this is fair but everyone then turns round and says better vote yes then. Bullied with common sense if you ask me.

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If someone who has a better understanding of the situation could explain what each team has to gain and why the f**k they're dragging this pish out for so long, I'd be grateful for a brief summary. 

What would null and void achieve? No champions? No relegation or promotion/ No prize money?? / What about European qualification?



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I could see the logic of clubs taking the same stance as Aberdeen, that there's too much bad blood with allegations and counter allegations therefore we need a truly neutral independent party to confirm exactly what has gone on for relationships within the game to ever be repaired. However, it's perfectly apparent the push for an inquiry isn't just about establishing the facts after the process is complete, or more cynically wanting to settle scores and remove people at the SPFL from their posts.

If that was the case then fine, few people could argue that a full investigation is worthwhile. It's pretty transparent though that Hearts, Partick and Stranraer are still clinging to this as a means of overturning the vote to end the season on PPG and slithering out of their relegation, while Rangers want to stop the title being awarded and ICT & Falkirk get to stamp their feet about, eh, being in the exact same division next season either way but with less prize money.

If that's the real motive here it means an inquiry actually isn't going to be an opportunity to move on at all, as clubs will seek to use it to hold up the declaration of the end of the season and reverse the decision already supported by 80% of the clubs. That will then lead to another couple of months of fallouts and public squabbling that puts the game even further away from moving on and creates a bigger shambles rather than fixing anything.

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Just now, Suspect Device said:


I've read this a good few places. Much like Jimmy Calderwood had a season ticket for Ibrox when he was at Aberdeen. Would seem a bit of a waste of money if you can't use it.


Solidarity, brother.

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Just now, Suspect Device said:


I've read this a good few places. Much like Jimmy Calderwood had a season ticket for Ibrox when he was at Aberdeen. Would seem a bit of a waste of money if you can't use it.


I have no idea of the truth of it for Gardiner, but it's not unheard of. Tam O'Ware of Partick has a season ticket for Parkhead - while a weekend game that doesn't clash with him playing is rare, he can go whenever Partick are playing Friday night or Celtic are playing Sunday and it gives him a better chance of getting tickets for European nights when he isn't playing.

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