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The Dundee United Thread 22/23

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I wasn't at the St Johnstone game so can't comment there, but that today was fcuking horrendous.

Our one, singular, only, sole tactic was to punt the ball long to Fletcher. Now that's lovely if he's dominating their defence, but he wasn't. He was pretty crap today.

So what did we do? You know the answer.

There's not much Goodwin can do about the disasters we call our defenders, but fcuking hell, change it up man!

Funnily enough, our biggest attacking threat was probably Ayina. Pity he can't defend either.

Even if we somehow stay up, we need a big clearout, management and all. Will it happen? Probably not.


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I'm an eternal optimist, but that's done it for me today; it feels like we're doomed.

And we deserve to be. 

Regardless of what league we're in next season, the squad needs absolutely gutted, yet very few players are out of contract. So it's going to cost a lot of money.

I usually type a lot more...but I just can't be arsed now 🫤

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30 minutes ago, SGMilne said:

I'm an eternal optimist, but that's done it for me today; it feels like we're doomed.

And we deserve to be. 

Regardless of what league we're in next season, the squad needs absolutely gutted, yet very few players are out of contract. So it's going to cost a lot of money.

I usually type a lot more...but I just can't be arsed now 🫤


6 minutes ago, skinny arab said:

Bunch of gutless shitebags, thankfully most are out of contract for next season, major rebuild required but at least Asghar won’t be in charge of it. 

Greenied both posts, as I'm as confused as many other supporters. Confidence visibly drained out of the side today after White's second goal, many are decent players but lack the mental toughness to be successful as a team.

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We've turfed two managers out and chased the sporting director out the door too, and all to no avail. Turns out all along that its the players that are the problem. Who'd have thought?

I can't fathom out what's happened to Edwards - I had him down as one of the best centre halfs in the league last season. So, so poor now, but I can't understand why.

The three subs today made us worse.

We don't have any player who seems capable of beating a full back. The desire to meet the opponent's full back and then cut back the way seems endemic within the squad

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24 minutes ago, Dundee Hibernian said:


Greenied both posts, as I'm as confused as many other supporters. Confidence visibly drained out of the side today after White's second goal, many are decent players but lack the mental toughness to be successful as a team.

Of the back 3 only McMann is under contract and from the midfield 5 only Behich (who will probably be away) and Sibbald are under contract. 

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I’ve just watched the game on Alba and as a good neighbour I’d like to say something positive.

Edwards is absolutely hopeless and your whole front line is useless.

I did say I’d say something positive and it looks like my old maths teacher was correct - two negatives do indeed make a positive.  

Thank you. 

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1 hour ago, Steven W said:

We've turfed two managers out and chased the sporting director out the door too, and all to no avail. Turns out all along that its the players that are the problem. Who'd have thought?

If the defenders were really good last year and really crap this year, who do we blame?

We’ve got some good players (stop laughing/crying). Collectively it’s a fucking mess.

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24 minutes ago, Dundee Hibernian said:


Greenied both posts, as I'm as confused as many other supporters. Confidence visibly drained out of the side today after White's second goal, many are decent players but lack the mental toughness to be successful as a team.

I recall at the start of the Ogren/Asghar era there was talk of how they wanted to fill the team with 'winners' with the correct mentality. It has literally been the exact opposite, a team full of shitehawks who look like they'd rather be anywhere else when the going gets tough.

Separately, the goalie situation alone this season has probably been the difference between 12th place and smoking cigars in 8th. Everyone could see this from early on - except, apparently, for those whose job it is to see it.

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2 hours ago, skinny arab said:

Bunch of gutless shitebags, thankfully most are out of contract for next season, major rebuild required but at least Asghar won’t be in charge of it. 

Levein was on the radio tonight saying he didn’t take the job because he didn’t like the ‘set up’. The compère said ‘at least the sporting director’s gone’ now. And Levein said ‘has he?’!

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23 minutes ago, Zetterlund said:

Separately, the goalie situation alone this season has probably been the difference between 12th place and smoking cigars in 8th. Everyone could see this from early on - except, apparently, for those whose job it is to see it.

It was obvious in August, with the transfer window still open, the keeper wasn't up to it.

A sin that guy has lasted the whole season. Hopefully today was his second last appearance at Tannadice 

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11 minutes ago, Fifespud said:

Levein was on the radio tonight saying he didn’t take the job because he didn’t like the ‘set up’. The compère said ‘at least the sporting director’s gone’ now. And Levein said ‘has he?’!


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I see Goodwin throwing players under the bud at his post match interview. From his past record doing that it hasn’t ended well. Not something you want when you have 3 games left and are fighting for your life 

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46 minutes ago, Zetterlund said:

I recall at the start of the Ogren/Asghar era there was talk of how they wanted to fill the team with 'winners' with the correct mentality. It has literally been the exact opposite, a team full of shitehawks who look like they'd rather be anywhere else when the going gets tough.

Separately, the goalie situation alone this season has probably been the difference between 12th place and smoking cigars in 8th. Everyone could see this from early on - except, apparently, for those whose job it is to see it.

I remember being at the Bonar Hall to listen to Ogren,Asghar, Neilson and Renoylds. One of the thing said there, referencing Paul Quinn's embarrassing comments, was how they speak to loads of folk and assess thr attitude etc of the player not just the footballing abilities.  Having watched the players that have been signed since I heard that it, really doesn't seem true at all. The lack of fight and commitment on the park is astounding at times.


Watching today, the folk you'd want to have in the trenches with you were in blue, certainly not tangerine. It's all well having talent, but you've got to have heart, desire and commitment to the cause. We don't show that.

Edited by Tannadeechee
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