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Junior club membership


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1 hour ago, santheman said:

tbh I don’t  think there was enough appetite from the clubs whose first choice would have been to remain Junior to get organised and do that.

They were all too focused on the survival of their respective clubs to take on the added responsibility of Committee posts. I suspect that the Management Committee wouldn’t have encouraged it either so I think going with the flow was the easiest option for these clubs 

Absolutely correct. Top East clubs were already away. Then two of the top league West clubs were going no matter what. All the noise that was coming from here was from the pyrmaid lads using phrases like "Joonyurs" and snorting about the Juniors dying on it's arse. Clubs didn't want to be left in an ever decreasing circle so it was Hobson's Choice. 

Maybe that doesn't fit in with the pyramid gang's idea that the clubs ran willing to the promised land but it's definitely the impression I got.

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Absolutely correct. Top East clubs were already away. Then two of the top league West clubs were going no matter what. All the noise that was coming from here was from the pyrmaid lads using phrases like "Joonyurs" and snorting about the Juniors dying on it's arse. Clubs didn't want to be left in an ever decreasing circle so it was Hobson's Choice. 
Maybe that doesn't fit in with the pyramid gang's idea that the clubs ran willing to the promised land but it's definitely the impression I got.
The LL-WoSFL didn't care how many clubs applied. They knew they'd have enough to form at least one league. The fact that the WRSJFA management decided that they wanted to shut the region down was not anything to do with the LL-WoSFL. But they were always going to welcome any junior club who applied. And they did.
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3 minutes ago, jimbaxters said:

Absolutely correct. Top East clubs were already away. Then two of the top league West clubs were going no matter what. All the noise that was coming from here was from the pyrmaid lads using phrases like "Joonyurs" and snorting about the Juniors dying on it's arse. Clubs didn't want to be left in an ever decreasing circle so it was Hobson's Choice. 

Maybe that doesn't fit in with the pyramid gang's idea that the clubs ran willing to the promised land but it's definitely the impression I got.

I think if enough people had stepped up to the plate and put their money where their mouths were then in all probability a WRJFA league could have been set up as an alternative to the WOSL for those (predominantly lower League) clubs who didn’t want to move.

As is usual everyone would be standing at the back of the room waiting for someone else to step forward then moaning among themselves that nobody did.

It was a bit tiresome reading the same old Joonyurs/Grade rhetoric from the usual suspects but I’m going on the premise that it was mainly aimed at the Blazers and not the clubs themselves.

Anyway it’s all past ifs and buts and time to move on

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12 minutes ago, glensmad said:
16 minutes ago, jimbaxters said:
Absolutely correct. Top East clubs were already away. Then two of the top league West clubs were going no matter what. All the noise that was coming from here was from the pyrmaid lads using phrases like "Joonyurs" and snorting about the Juniors dying on it's arse. Clubs didn't want to be left in an ever decreasing circle so it was Hobson's Choice. 
Maybe that doesn't fit in with the pyramid gang's idea that the clubs ran willing to the promised land but it's definitely the impression I got.

The LL-WoSFL didn't care how many clubs applied. They knew they'd have enough to form at least one league. The fact that the WRSJFA management decided that they wanted to shut the region down was not anything to do with the LL-WoSFL. But they were always going to welcome any junior club who applied. And they did.

No dispute about how many they would have accepted. Good on them. Agree that it was possible but it's disingenuous to suggest that clubs had a real choice. Aided and abetted  by "the movement" of course. A group who are still doing everything they can to eradicate the term Junior Football from everyone's minds. Bet you all even hate the fact that this branch of the forum is still here.

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17 minutes ago, jimbaxters said:

Absolutely correct. Top East clubs were already away. Then two of the top league West clubs were going no matter what. All the noise that was coming from here was from the pyrmaid lads using phrases like "Joonyurs" and snorting about the Juniors dying on it's arse. Clubs didn't want to be left in an ever decreasing circle so it was Hobson's Choice. 

Maybe that doesn't fit in with the pyramid gang's idea that the clubs ran willing to the promised land but it's definitely the impression I got.

Think you'll find the Grand Poobah of the Pyramidstas was championing for a West Region to remain for those clubs that didn't want to go, and that they should have a choice between West Region and WoSFL.

It wasn't someone from the pyramid gang that removed the option to stay in the West Region, it was the West Region committee.

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1 hour ago, Beenzon-Toste said:

I know fine well what the truth is, as do you.
You didn't get what you hoped for and your club has the Covid to thank for saving it's arse. But once order is returned, I'm quite sure that your club's true level will be sorted out.

Is this another one of your truths that turns out to be shite "done deal"?


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24 minutes ago, jimbaxters said:

Absolutely correct. Top East clubs were already away. Then two of the top league West clubs were going no matter what. All the noise that was coming from here was from the pyrmaid lads using phrases like "Joonyurs" and snorting about the Juniors dying on it's arse. Clubs didn't want to be left in an ever decreasing circle so it was Hobson's Choice. 

Maybe that doesn't fit in with the pyramid gang's idea that the clubs ran willing to the promised land but it's definitely the impression I got.

So the west clubs showed Pie & Bovril what proud Juniors they were and that the Juniors weren't dying by... *checks notes* ... leaving the Juniors?

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53 minutes ago, santheman said:

That’s not what I meant.

They wouldn’t have offered any help or encouragement to form a new WRJFA Management Committee as most of them had already decided to join the WOSL so there was no benefit to them to do so

The guys interested in remaining Junior wouldn’t have had any experience at that level and wouldn’t have had anyone to call on for help and advice so the easiest solution was to follow the crowd as it was the least amount of hassle.

Eh? What about Tom Johnson? And the committees in the other regions? I thought the Juniors were one big family?

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The Junior Cup competition is sadly going to slowly contract given the circumstances that are now faced. In my view there was a wonderful opportunity to rebrand it and make it the premier Scottish semi-professional competition including HL, LL, EOSFL, SOSFL, NCL and of course WOSFL clubs.

There would have a tremendous amount of prestige for the SJFA Executive but again there has been another spectacular own goal. There will in the future be a premier Scottish semi-professional competition but not under the auspices of the SJFA.

Why? I will leave that to Beenzon-Toste and other stalwarts to figure out. 

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3 minutes ago, Stag Nation said:

Eh? What about Tom Johnson? And the committees in the other regions? I thought the Juniors were one big family?

Tom Johnstone has no part in the day to day management of the regional associations but IF a new Committee had been formed then I’m sure he would have given some general pointers as they would have been starting from scratch. 

I’m also sure the other regions had enough on their own plates.

Its all hypothetical anyway as it was never going to happen as pointed out in my later post

I don’t know about one big family but the phrase seems to annoy some folk on here for some reason.



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3 hours ago, Beenzon-Toste said:

Exactly that.
Their bluff got called.

Gordon Ronney and Bobby McNamara turned up to our meeting uninvited, trying to sell their league 'plan' to us by asking us 'to back our horse'. We were also falsely quoted as having committed to support the 'plan'.

I questioned Ronney on their threat to ban juniors from leaving the organisation. Does anyone seriously believe the SJFA's archaic rule would hold up in front of any sports arbitration body in 2020?

Edited by Sunrise
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1 hour ago, Sunrise said:

...I  questioned Ronney on their threat to ban juniors from leaving the organisation. Does anyone seriously believe the SJFA's archaic rule would hold up in front of any sports arbitration body in 2020?

It only ever applied to clubs changing region and had already been shown to be irrelevant when threats of its application against Kelty Hearts were shown to be empty.

 Have been trying to work out how the LL's bluff could have been called in any of this? Maybe they agreed to continuing SJC entry to get Pollok and Talbot on board and then found all 63 west region clubs showing up unexpectedly on their doorstep after initially promising conferences with 25-30 applicants in mind based on an earlier wave of expressions of interest? The SFA then later told them to GTF on conferences after tier 6 numbers bloated out to 67 from something manageable from their standpoint?

An inquiring mind that doesn't think the sun shines out of either George Fraser or Gordon Ronney's back passage would like to know.


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19 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

It only ever applied to clubs changing region and had already been shown to be irrelevant when threats of its application against Kelty Hearts were shown to be empty.

 Have been trying to work out how the LL's bluff could have been called in any of this? Maybe they agreed to continuing SJC entry to get Pollok and Talbot on board and then found all 63 west region clubs showing up unexpectedly on their doorstep after initially promising conferences with 25-30 applicants in mind based on an earlier wave of expressions of interest? The SFA then later told them to GTF on conferences after tier 6 numbers bloated out to 67 from something manageable from their standpoint?

An inquiring mind that doesn't think the sun shines out of either George Fraser or Gordon Ronney's back passage would like to know.


There wasn't any bluff by the LL, that's why Beenz's post has been shredded.

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4 hours ago, FairWeatherFan said:

LL/EoS organise a WoSFL saying its open to all. Here's the process for applying, here's the criteria, here's meetings and email links for additional information.

This, apparently, is one big bluff?

West Region raises the stakes. We'll only join if we can also stay in the Junior Cup?

LL/EoS have been called out on their bluff! Here's their chance to fold and save some of their chips.

Instead they go all in on all in.

West Region bottle it and fold.

LL/EoS wins as they get their senior WoSFL feeder to the Lowland League.

Aye here's the process, don't tell the diddies outside the Super Duper League a serious shafting is coming.

Talbot and Pollok playing Thornliewood and Perthshire away.

You having a giraffe.

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