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George Floyd/Black Lives Matter Protests

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2 minutes ago, bennett said:

Stealing whatever's not nailed down and wrecking everything else. They're destroying their movements reputation and a lot of support that people had for them.


Yep, I think a lot of people sympathise with riots (within reason) due to the fact this sort of thing has happened repeatedly over such a long period, with no one in power doing anything meaningful to change it.

You lose support very quickly when it becomes opportunistic looting, gives your opponents an open goal to disregard you as petty criminals too.

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12 minutes ago, bennett said:

Stealing whatever's not nailed down and wrecking everything else. They're destroying their movements reputation and a lot of support that people had for them.


I don't know where you're reading but in Chicago the protests and the looting are two entirely separate things. 

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3 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Lol at people like Bennett not realising that forms of protest that annoy them are the effective ones.


Violence, looting and  destruction are things that I'm surprisingly not keen on.



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13 minutes ago, bennett said:

Violence, looting and  destruction are things that I'm surprisingly not keen on.



Its clear that a lot of people are comfortable with the police murdering black people every day. The purpose of violent protest is to make those people uncomfortable by trangressing on the one thing they care about which is property rights. 


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“I had the sense that a core element of the remaining protesters—again, most of whom seemed to be young and white—were directing the effort...These tactics reminded me of actions I had seen during the gilet jaune protests in Paris”
Piece in the New Yorker.

Interesting that your average Brit gammon loved the gilet jaune and HK protesters but hate the US protesters.


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19 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Its clear that a lot of people are comfortable with the police murdering black people every day. The purpose of violent protest is to make those people uncomfortable by trangressing on the one thing they care about which is property rights. 


A second term for Trump, thanks to BLM and Antifa, atleast they got a new telly and some trainers tho...




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Can’t imagine the mindset where some property damage of a billionaire company somehow outweighs the glee with which US police officers shoot down black people in determining where my sympathies lie.

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13 minutes ago, bennett said:

A second term for Trump, thanks to BLM and Antifa, atleast they got a new telly and some trainers tho...




I agree with that actually. This will probably work in Trump's favour in the same way the People's Vote rallies were a gift to the Tories. 

However the current Democratic establishment will do as much for poor and non white people as they did in the Obama and Clinton eras ie nothing good. So they aren't losing anything.

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12 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Can’t imagine the mindset where some property damage of a billionaire company somehow outweighs the glee with which US police officers shoot down black people in determining where my sympathies lie.

There were a few woman talking about this in my work today and I got the feeling that the main impression this made on them was jealousy at other people getting free designer gear.

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2 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

Lets actively protest a twisted consumerist system that values property and wealth over lives, but also steal those $700 Dolce & Gabbana trainers that look sweeeet.


You are starting to understand this. 

The trainers are all good as they are made by workers. The problem is the exploitation and exchange value. 

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I'm miles behind with news so have just caught up with this.

Just delighted I don't live in America tbh.

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45 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

Lets actively protest a twisted consumerist system that values property and wealth over lives, but also steal those $700 Dolce & Gabbana trainers that look sweeeet.


In your mind, what proportion of the protestors are stealing designer goods?

Are you by any chance being side-tracked by the most insignificant possible details? 

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