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George Floyd/Black Lives Matter Protests

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14 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
29 minutes ago, Dee Man said:
I'll do the physical task. 

It's a square go. Unlucky, locked in.

If it's against you I'll just punch you in the tit and get my crystal in record time. 

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"The founder of the Boy Scouts is some way responsible for the death of George Floyd."

I haven't been paying attention for the last day or two but this has taking a sinister and interesting turn.. Is he in custody? How did he do it? Was it a disguise? So many questions that I need answered 

Edited by Bohemian
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Just now, Bohemian said:

"The founder of the Boy Scouts is some way responsible for the death of George Floyd."

I haven't been paying attention for the last day or two but this has taking a sinister and interesting turn? 

Hitler was going to put Baden Powell in charge after the invasion.

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4 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

No doubt, my point was he (or, more likely, the ships' captains) may have thrown some overboard, I don't think it would have been a regular practice. Nevertheless, 1 overboard or 1000, horrendous behaviour.

The ones that went overboard were claimed on insurance, so it was all the same to those b*****ds. It was quite a regular practice on the slave runs I'm afraid. Here's one of the more notorious examples:


For those wailing that statues shouldn't be torn down / no one gives a f**k about them, not true; statues commemorate a version of history. In that the Bristol event on Sunday did everyone a service, as I doubt many not born in Bristol or who had studied history at a reasonable level would even have heard of him before the weekend. On the statue itself, this long essay is worth reading: even in the nineteenth century the city worthies struggled to raise the money to pay for it, and a big sum had to come from one donor to save the project. Even 125 years ago Colston was a difficult subject.


The loudest current defender of the statue, and condemner of the actions of the protestors, is a racist Tory gammon whose previous claim to fame was being obliged to resign from the party and the council over a golliwog..

Scotland has a long and inglorious involvement with the history of slavery and it is a very sore point for many whose sense of selves / sense of Scottishness is challenged by this history that simply is not taught in schools. Nor is it widely known that the compensation that had to be paid out to slaver owners was so vast that our taxes only stopped paying off the debt five years ago, in 2015.

It is good that Colston being torn down has started this debate about who we once really were. We all have to reckon with our own past in the end. In an ideal world there should be a long public discussion and debate to raise awareness of the fact that a good proportion of Scotland's wealth in the eighteenth and nineteenth century came from the exploitation, trafficking, murder and rape of Africans forcibly transported to the Caribbean and elsewhere. Once there's better awareness of that, haul the statues down, and re-name the streets named after slavers and mass-murderers.

Given that it's 2020 and such complexities can't be reduced to 240 characters or a smilie, maybe just haul them down. I understand why some people are uncomfortable with how Colston's statue was demolished on Sunday. But there is a broader context to it, a long local debate which got nowhere, and a filibustering Tory minority which thwarted a desire to get rid of a sculpture to a man that's long been an embarrassment to most locals. No one's trying to have the individual erased from history- it's not possible, if properly taught. But then surely it's understandable as to why folk didn't want to walk everyday in the shadow of a man who enriched himself through human misery and mass murder.  Looks like a reckoning is coming in many respects.



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Just now, MixuFruit said:

Always thought the rampant paedophilia would be the thing that ended the scouts

I was watching it on the news and they were saying the council had been tipped off by the polis about a threat to the statue and then I saw on the front page of the Evening Times that there had been a 'hit list' created for Glasgow statues. Will have to check with the boys on the Whatsapp page to see if the info is legit.

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1 minute ago, Bohemian said:

I'm just disappointed whatever zombie nutter wrote that didnt somehow link the vote to end the season with Anarchy and "anti rangers racism". 

Somewhere in one of the comments responding to his screed of word salad is going to be someone saying ‘anti-Rangers racism seems to be the only acceptable form of racism these days’ and I’m going to agree with them. 

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Havnt really being paying attention to the news today for yesterday but have the protests calmed down a little? Is there still a chance of Tommy's "football lads" meeting Antifa and statue toppling mates for a good aul ruck on Saturday? 

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36 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

You can always tell a yer da type when they make it all about George Floyd and completely ignore racism in the UK.

It's a minter when folk mix up good ol' American racism with proper British racism

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