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George Floyd/Black Lives Matter Protests

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17 minutes ago, ali_91 said:

I could have picked you up wrong here, but this reads like a comparison and like you are saying that people of a BAM background are promoted to positions out of their depth due to the quota system, which is absolutely not the case. 

The quota system is in place in the majority of companies because it is widely recognised that board rooms tend to be disproportionately white and male, and unless you think that being white and male makes you inherently more likely to be able to perform a management role, then that needs to change, and ensuring x% of appointments are a certain demographic is a quick way of addressing the imbalance. 

My intention isn't really to make a comparison and say that people of a BAM background are being promoted out of their depth. It's just trying to think about it in a scenario that we could all relate to (our football clubs) and how messy it would be if a quota was introduced in Scottish football. 

After giving this a little more thought, my point is more about how I don't think a quota of people of certain skin colour/ethnic background is always going to be fair to everyone involved....( but my approach to life is to take people as you meet them regardless of whom they may be... and I wish more people would take up a similar view ) but I understand that for now it's needed to some degree.  

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46 minutes ago, GordonS said:

Are those figures from the 2011 census? If so, they're a bit out of date now.

In any case, that's more than one in forty in Scotland from an Asian background. In Glasgow that's over 10%, and has been for a long time. Are 10% of the youth players in Glasgow football clubs from Asian-origin families? From what I've seen almost none are.

If, for example, each Premiership club had a first team squad of 25, half of who are Scottish, that's 150 players. You'd expect to see 4-5 Scots Asians in there at any one time. I can think of literally one Scots Asian professional footballer, and he's retired.

I think this highlights some of the difficulties with very broad stroke quotas or racial comparisons. I worked for a company on Cumbria with around 250 people. I'm pretty sure Cumbria is one of, if not the, whitest parts of England. As far I remember, there was only one BAME person employed there (who was mixed race and very much 'white passing'). Now that is below the % for Cumbria in total but it's not insane and probably not particularly unusual for the area. If that was the case for a 250 employee company in London, that would be outrageous.

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1 minute ago, Gordon EF said:

I think this highlights some of the difficulties with very broad stroke quotas or racial comparisons. I worked for a company on Cumbria with around 250 people. I'm pretty sure Cumbria is one of, if not the, whitest parts of England. As far I remember, there was only one BAME person employed there (who was mixed race and very much 'white passing'). Now that is below the % for Cumbria in total but it's not insane and probably not particularly unusual for the area. If that was the case for a 250 employee company in London, that would be outrageous.

I live in East Yorkshire, and that is a claim which I've heard around here as well. I reckon, once you get outside of the major conurbations, the demographics shift massively. Might be a reason that a lot of the racism we hear down here is about Eastern Europeans rather than Caribbean and South Asian immigrants and their descendants.

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1 hour ago, Gordon EF said:

I worked for a company on Cumbria with around 250 people. I'm pretty sure Cumbria is one of, if not the, whitest parts of England.

I grew up in Kendal, Cumbria. At the time, the population was around 25-26 thousand and I doubt if there were 20 BAME people. Unscientific observations from my visits back suggest that little, if anything, has changed.

The number of racists there was horrendous though. Around 1988, we had a black policeman transferred in and the shit that poor b*****d got was ridiculous.

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18 hours ago, MSU said:

"Rule of thumb" is another phrase with a dodgy past, as it apparently dates back to a law that said you couldn't beat your wife with anything thicker than the width of your thumb.

I was told that the phrase "under the cosh" comes from slave ships too. If they wanted the slaves to work harder they would batter them with a big blunt thing and hence the work force would be "under the cosh". No idea if that's true but it sounds plausible.

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I live in a city which is around 20% non white and work in a office of maybe 200 people and I have one colleague who is of Chinese origin and everyone else is white. Working in IT, I'm used to where I work being quite diverse and it was noticeable when I first started how white the office really was. This then leaves the question, is that do we have a racist hiring policy, or are problems starting earlier because everyone I work with is I assume to be university educated. So does the problem go back to schools/universities, and bringing in quotas would really mean bringing in someone substandard, or are ethnic minorities getting overlooked for roles for racist, whether consciously or subconscious reasons. Idk

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I see David Williams is coming under more fire on twitter because of his stereotyping in his books.

ETA I have never read any of his books but people are still going crazy about the little Britain characters being harmful and offensive stereotypes. I always perceived the characters in Little Britain to just be absolute piss takes of themselves more than anything else but they did have characters who were disabled, black, gay and transgender so I can see why people would take offence if they were that way inclined. Does anyone on here think Lucas/Walliams are a pair of bigots who hate all minorities or was it all good harmless fun?

Edited by throbber
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17 minutes ago, throbber said:

I see David Williams is coming under more fire on twitter because of his stereotyping in his books.

No doubt I'll out myself as a massive racist, but I tend to be more offended by the just eat advert with Snoop Dog as a more offensive racial stereotype than Walliams who ridicules pretty much everybody. I understand Snoop being black might make difference, but to me it looks a bit like a black man subserviently playing what a white man thinks a pimp looks like.

I suppose you could be offended by both...or neither...maybe...

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Never read any of his books but a quick google shows that he's sold 37 million of them.  If you like them then buy them and if you don't... then don't,  life is too short.





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3 minutes ago, bennett said:

Never read any of his books but a quick google shows that he's sold 37 million of them.  If you like them then buy them and if you don't... then don't,  life is too short.





I think that was Warwick Davies.

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55 minutes ago, throbber said:

 Does anyone on here think Lucas/Walliams are a pair of bigots who hate all minorities or was it all good harmless fun?

It's possible for people to do things with no malice and still end up making a rip roaring c**t of it.

Matt Lucas seems to spend time now doing stuff like amplifying voices of people in wheelchairs who had the piss ripped out of them with Little Britain catchphrases. 

Walliams doesn't seem to give a f**k really. 

I know they did have a go at everyone but it's interesting that the most popular characters are the ones that punch down to marginalised groups and not the ones where they were getting a laugh at white male Tory MPs 

Lucas at least seems to have realised you have to own your actions when that's the result.

Also Little Britain was dogshit 

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1 hour ago, Turkmenbashi said:

I live in a city which is around 20% non white and work in a office of maybe 200 people and I have one colleague who is of Chinese origin and everyone else is white. Working in IT, I'm used to where I work being quite diverse and it was noticeable when I first started how white the office really was. This then leaves the question, is that do we have a racist hiring policy, or are problems starting earlier because everyone I work with is I assume to be university educated. So does the problem go back to schools/universities, and bringing in quotas would really mean bringing in someone substandard, or are ethnic minorities getting overlooked for roles for racist, whether consciously or subconscious reasons. Idk

Probably a small percentage are losing out through recruitment discrimination, with the overwhelming disadvantage being the disproportionate numbers of minority ethnic children being brought up in poverty conditions and having a subsequent impact on achieving the necessary grades in education. 

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Loads of the culture during the Blair years was proper nasty looking back. Even the ones I still think fondly of, like Simon Amstell's Never Mind the Buzzcocks years, can be a bit much on rewatch.

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43 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

I think some of it has aged poorly but they poked fun at unsaid racism throughout that show. The WI tea morning where one of them eats a cake, gets told its from an Ainsley Harriott recipe and violently pukes everywhere. The University secretary who can't describe a minority without resorting to the worst stereotypical description. It wasn't exactly a subtle show so it's not surprising some of it doesn't look great on second look. I don't think it was done with any malice, but I suppose that's not the issue.

favourite of mine was the naming traditional British foods bit.

"Fish and chips."

"What, sorry, I can't make out what you're saying?"


"Sorry, love, I just can't understand you. I'll just put curry on the board." 


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