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George Floyd/Black Lives Matter Protests

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37 minutes ago, ali_91 said:

Yeah, that’s absolutely fair and there’s obviously a discussion to be had around why he (and others like him,) behave in that manner. A lot of it will be the environment we live in where a fringe lunatic like Farage is still shaping government rhetoric.

I was more meaning the bit about ‘he should be arrested.’ Just because someone breaks the law doesn’t mean that we need to say that they should be arrested, it sounds like wanting him arrested, where most people would see that, think the boy deserved it and hope the police don’t get involved. 

Theres a whole conversation about the "wanting him arrested" part which I am happy to have if you want, but if not it's no worries. I like to think you are intelligent enough to have seen from all of my posts that I have no sympathy with the racist, and never attempted to convey any. 

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1 minute ago, ali_91 said:

Erm, no? 

erm, aye



There were also indications that the offender, a 30-year-old man, had mental health issues.

"The fact that the suspect was possibly suffering from psychological problems does not make this issue any easier



Recent research on lone-actor terrorism has found a high prevalence of mental health disorders among these offenders



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Perfectly happy to label that kind of stuff under self-defence. The racist was being verbally and physically aggressive to wards the guys. If you've dished out abuse to someone for a solid 5 minutes and then square up to them, I don't think you can have a single complaint about getting smacked.

The folk that were kicking him on the floor are cowards and I'd get them done if they're identified but I wouldn't expect the police to put much effort into that one

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1 minute ago, ali_91 said:

You have posted two articles showing people who committed a terrorist attack had mental health issues and one study discussing the link between terrorism and mental health.

I was discussing people speculating about mental health before any diagnosis is known, a phenomenon almost exclusively used in relation to white people who do bad things, see almost every school shooter in history. 

The idea that people immediately jump to mental health in relation to Islamist terrorism is a myth peddled by your fellow gammons like Tommy Robinson and Katie Hopkins. The truth is actually the complete reverse.

Better yourself. 

Nope. The media started putting out the mental health aspect of lone wolf terrorists pretty early on. Subsequently proven correct, it's an angle that's mentioned very early on in most terrorist attacks nowadays.

There's an argument that there's a mental health aspect to a lot of London knife crime as well in that poverty, lifestyle choices and being the subject of racism can affect mental health.


Finally, shove your "gammon" labelling up your arse. You're displaying nothing but bigoted prejudice yourself.

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Perfectly happy to label that kind of stuff under self-defence. The racist was being verbally and physically aggressive to wards the guys. If you've dished out abuse to someone for a solid 5 minutes and then square up to them, I don't think you can have a single complaint about getting smacked.
The folk that were kicking him on the floor are cowards and I'd get them done if they're identified but I wouldn't expect the police to put much effort into that one
Spot on.

My point was about the police action - and how we can't have a system whereby some folk can punch folk and other folk can't.

Ultimately they need to follow process (which I'm certainly no expert in) - but like you say, hopefully somewhere along the line it gets binned in some way.

As sarge suggested earlier, a caution seems the right way forward. The racist guy needs dealt with by the police as well - but all in all he's been given the appropriate punishment that his actions deserved.

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Just now, ali_91 said:

Bigoted prejudice against who? Angry, racist white men? 

Is that what you're calling me for pointing out the link between mental health issues and terrorism?


The actuality is the people like Robinson and Hopkins seek to deny the mental health link because they see that as an excuse being peddled by people trying to defend extremism. You're putting yourself in their camp by denying that link.

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

I assumed that he knew full well what he was saying, just that the right mix of alcohol and cocaine took away his fear of saying it.

I'm with you on that.

I wonder if being an alcoholic and/or drug addict would be as acceptable an 'excuse' for his behaviour as being mentally unstable?

Or is being racist simply a black and white question? Yes, I'm aware how that last part reads.

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3 minutes ago, ali_91 said:

Erm, what? I am absolutely not denying the link between terrorism and mental health, or between knife crime and mental health.

I said that speculating about mental health is something that tends to only happen en masse when it’s a white person committing a crime. You then said it happens with Islamist terrorism when it clearly doesn’t.


You’ve massively changed the goalposts, and anyone with a passing knowledge of your posting history will know fine well what point you were trying to make, and it’s the same nonsensical point made by far right social media commentators. 

Ah, a student of my inanities. What point was I trying to make, pray tell?

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18 minutes ago, ali_91 said:

Ot course, I know that you aren’t excusing the racist and apologies if it came across like I meant that, I just think that’s a video that should be watched, enjoyed, and my natural reaction is to want absolutely no charges against your man with the rocket hands, and I don’t really understand why anyone who’s not a gammon (ie you,) would watch that and not feel the same. 

It's just that theres a line for me with street justice and whilst I absolutely enjoy some rare instances of perfect comeuppance, in general terms its something that needs to be discouraged because of the likelihood of it going wrong. 


There are some situations where I spuld bang someone in the street, but I would do so in the knowledge that I would have to answer for it. For every justifiable dig and nothing more than wounded pride such as the Steele case, theres a case of mistaken identity, a totally false social media witch hunt, a brain bleed.... You get the picture. As Shandon has already said, punching someone full pelt in the head is incredibly dangerous. It's not the movies. It's not that hard to kill someone that way, and none of us are judge or jury let alone executioner. 

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3 hours ago, ali_91 said:

Punch less but punch better imo. 

This video is one of my favourites on the World Wide Web, you can’t seriously tell me we want a world without superb content like this?

I wouldn’t have punched your man on the train because i don’t have absolute hammer hands like the shagger in the video, but there was serious provocation and he was trying to be intimidating, one punch was a proportionate response. 

It just doesn’t need this measured response (and I don’t mean that sarcastically whatsoever.) A racist got sparked clean out with a class right hand, there doesn’t need to be the ‘well that’s illegal, he should get arrested, and what about the racists mental health?’ Just enjoy the content. 


A tremendous post. Videos of Nazis getting punched in the head is one of the greatest gifts to humanity that the internet has brought us. Anyone who does not enjoy videos of Nazis getting punched in the head are highly likely to be Nazis IMO. 

Edited by VladimirMooc
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Just now, ali_91 said:

Terrorist attack happens.

Right wing commentators and NewBornBairn: he’ll have mental health issues no doubt. Eye roll eye roll eye roll. 




So you're going for the "made up bullshit" angle then.


Please point to a post where I've said that in response to a terrorist incident.

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I am sure that most regulars on here are aware of my mental health struggles at times. I am ashamed to admit that I have said a couple of racist terms in the past, when I did excess alcohol was involved & I was disgusted with myself afterwards. What I said had nothing to do with my condition & everything to do with being a drunk arsehole, that is my personal experience of these things.

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Just now, ali_91 said:


Me: Reaching for mental health is something that happens when a white man does something bad. 






The media very much do discuss the mental state of terrorists from the get-go, which is what I am pointing out. They're right to do so too as there are proven links. 


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3 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

Whilst I’m all for a good punch up, punching folk in the head is dangerous. Both those clips show the person smacking their head on the way down. The person doing the punching could easily break bones in their hand and get horrible infections from teeth too. 

If you get the chance to drop a racist, maybe go for a shot to the lower ribs. It won’t hurt you, they will still go down but will probably have a half second or so before they realise they can’t breathe and feel like someone just filled their lungs with acid and can hit the ground in a slightly more measured fashion. 

Or just report them to the police?

Then they get charged, it's made public and they'll probably lose their job too. Violence isn't the answer.


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Not sure why some people think the boy throwing the punch should get a caution? Ive watched the video quite a few times, for me its self defence, the racist boy is quite clearly standing by the exit adopting a fighting stance and challenging them to fight, the guys actually look quite scared of the guy and have just been subjected to an outrageous racist onslaught for a prolonged period of time.

If the person was charged it’d be quite reasonable to offer a defence that he punched the aggressor because he approached him and his friends offering to fight/making threats and  encroached on their personal space, partially blocking their exit from the train to safety. They weren’t clear of the doors by any stretch and still in danger, for me I wouldn’t charge the guy with anything. The people who run up and take cheap shots whilst the boy’s knocked out are a different story. 

The racist boy should be getting done with whatever the BTP have for a breach of the peace on a train or sec 5 public order act. 

Edited by Inanimate Carbon Rod
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