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The longer we wait until the season starts the less clubs will survive anyway so it's a catch22 situation in my opinion.

Why don't the clubs band together and say games behind closed doors will kill us and is a non starter.

A least that clears it up and if we start in Nov or Jan or next July at least clubs will have survived.


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1 hour ago, ibenji said:

No spectators at games, anyone trying to watch it whether they paid in or watched from a car park is attempting to be a spectator. 

we all want football back with fans for the reasons many have already stated and if you get people constantly trying to watch games from a vantage point outside the ground it’s only going to risk getting things back to normal. What if 40 other folk had a similar view and all turned up to the same game and the team had a gathering of fans trying to watch the game. Not going to help, the whole mentality of thinking it’s ok to go and try and sneak a watch when everyone else is doing their bit and staying at home is the one that will spoil it for everyone. But I guess that’s what society is like in all walks of life and people are just out for themselves 

Why stop at 40? Why not 400, or 4,000? Where's your ambition?

You're condemning one man for his actual (and quite legal) behaviour, because of the possible behaviour of an unknown number of  hypothetical strangers. Scottish justice at its finest.

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25 minutes ago, Stag Nation said:

Why stop at 40? Why not 400, or 4,000? Where's your ambition?

You're condemning one man for his actual (and quite legal) behaviour, because of the possible behaviour of an unknown number of  hypothetical strangers. Scottish justice at its finest.

Only because he’s on the forum talking his own actions, I’ve said publicly it’s not acceptable too. There will be others who will try and chance their luck and see a game no doubt about that. I just can’t understand why folk even if it is their legal right to do what they are doing think It’s ok to go against everything they are being asked to do? 

if clubs aren’t following protocols by having fans watch games from the other side of a wall or a car park and then football gets stopped because there’s an outbreak after 20 lads turned up and stood together watching Benburb from a grassy banking outside the ground. Who’s fault will it be? 

I don’t understand why folk think it’s ok  because they have a legal right to stand in a certain area that it’s then ok to gather and watch a match? Surely we all want what’s best for our grade of football and if that means we don’t go and sneak a watch at our local game we don’t do that!

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5 hours ago, cmontheloknow said:

And clubs were asking fans not to do that as reports of it could see the return of fans delayed. Good one!


2 hours ago, ibenji said:

And there we have it folks  there will always be people who think they above the rules and guidelines no matter how much you tell fans to stay away. Utter joke that anyway turns up at a game chancing their luck trying to see a match they aren’t allowed to watch. Every club will have these types of people.

Question? Why did you think it was ok to go and try and see a game on Saturday? Most clubs put out statements saying not to attend yet you went against that exact message so you could selfishly see the game? 

I didn’t even know the game was on! The club never advertised they were playing. I was out walking on a public footpath about 20 mins into the game and I saw that they were playing so I stayed and watched. Nobody was within 2 metres of me. I didn’t shout. I stood and watched. Holy fck you’d think I’d brought along a stepladder and climbed the wall to see a match 🙄

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You sound like the kind of person that would take great delight in telling people to move away [emoji849]
What exactly can clubs do to move people standing legally outside the ground?
Nothing I would imagine.

Only because he’s on the forum talking his own actions, I’ve said publicly it’s not acceptable too. There will be others who will try and chance their luck and see a game no doubt about that. I just can’t understand why folk even if it is their legal right to do what they are doing think It’s ok to go against everything they are being asked to do? 
if clubs aren’t following protocols by having fans watch games from the other side of a wall or a car park and then football gets stopped because there’s an outbreak after 20 lads turned up and stood together watching Benburb from a grassy banking outside the ground. Who’s fault will it be? 
I don’t understand why folk think it’s ok  because they have a legal right to stand in a certain area that it’s then ok to gather and watch a match? Surely we all want what’s best for our grade of football and if that means we don’t go and sneak a watch at our local game we don’t do that!
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18 minutes ago, andy25 said:

You sound like the kind of person that would take great delight in telling people to move away emoji849.png
What exactly can clubs do to move people standing legally outside the ground?
Nothing I would imagine.

It’s not about what’s legal. 

it’s what’s right to do by football. I don’t think you are getting that. Whether someone is legally allowed to stand about watching a game is neither here nor there. Folk coming down to watch a game when they’ve specifically told not is just more evidence football fans can’t do what they are told.


Anyway, you’re probably an anti-masker and think 5g caused all this. 

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How many people did you take delight in turning away from the game on Saturday?

It’s not about what’s legal. 
it’s what’s right to do by football. I don’t think you are getting that. Whether someone is legally allowed to stand about watching a game is neither here nor there. Folk coming down to watch a game when they’ve specifically told not is just more evidence football fans can’t do what they are told.
Anyway, you’re probably an anti-masker and think 5g caused all this. 
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11 minutes ago, ibenji said:

It’s not about what’s legal. 

it’s what’s right to do by football. I don’t think you are getting that. Whether someone is legally allowed to stand about watching a game is neither here nor there. Folk coming down to watch a game when they’ve specifically told not is just more evidence football fans can’t do what they are told.


Anyway, you’re probably an anti-masker and think 5g caused all this. 

U sound like fun 🙄🙄

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17 hours ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I went along to a local game yesterday and watched from outside the ground. About 30 other folk had the same idea as me. Ridiculous that if we’d stood another 6 foot away the club could have charged us to watch, yet they made nothing from the game. Most WoSFL league games can be watched  from outside so you’ll still get fans “attending” yet the clubs won’t get a penny. 

Daft enough to go and do this, never mind posting about it on a public forum.

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Just society I'm afraid, like when you see anti mask folk claiming 'i want my freedom: or 5,000 idiots outside Leeds and Liverpool (sad scousers) celebrating. If any of them catch it from being there, don't mention Hillsborough ever again. The clubs are going to try really hard to stick to the guidelines - they are doing it for US the fans, respect their decisions please ? 

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A few thoughts from my first game in six months....

I went to see Penrith vs Wst Allotment Celtic in the FA Cup preliminary round om Saturday. As is usual I was there early and went to their clubhouse to put a few pound behind the bar despite there being a good real ale pub about half a mile away. Was surprised on entering to see the television on with the sound full blast, competing with the tannoy outside playing music pre match. Have to assume that's the English way of doing things in such circumstances at the moment (perhaps Andy groundhopper could confirm please?)

You had to sign in to enter the ground, and plenty of hand sanitiser available. No food available, but you could buy cups of coffee. The logic defeats me, because if it's about trying to stop contagion, you'll catch Covid from a coffee cup just like you would a pie? Nobody formally stewarding any social distancing inside the ground, and I reckon about 80% of the 167 crowd were respecting the guidelines, but there some noticeable groups of blokes huddled closely together who obviously weren't interested, full stop.

A good number of Scottish fans there, and I was sat next to a couple of Hibees before moving due some arse conitinuing to ignore social distancing guidelines around me. Had to do this three more times. I really worry if that is the lax attitude with a small crowd, what will it be like when we get back to watching our game in the WoSL, with some of the expected larger gates?

Anyway, a sucker for punishment, going to see Carlisle City play tomorrow night at the old Celtic Nation FC ground in Carlisle, and probably there as well on Saturday when they have semi decent opposition vs Nelson.

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7 minutes ago, TFW said:

No food available, but you could buy cups of coffee. The logic defeats me, because if it's about trying to stop contagion, you'll catch Covid from a coffee cup just like you would a pie?

Stocking food that might not be sold or is more perishable with short notice cancellations is probably more costly. There might also be more guidelines to meet over food.

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10 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

There's nothing so far from the SG to suggest that the season definitely won't be given the green light on Oct 5th, so for now things are in wait and see mode. If the new cases trend plateaus and then starts to dip again and the number of deaths is still flatlining then all should be OK.

This is the latest update from WoSFL

Member Clubs

The indicative start date for the new season was scheduled for Saturday 10th October. This however can not be confirmed as a Scottish Government review is due on Thursday 1st October. This review will affect our ability to commence with the new season, with any changes identified coming into force from Monday 5th October. Therefore the IMG are recommending that the indicative date for the start of the new league season be put back by 3 weeks, in line with the timescale of policy reviews by the Scottish Government, to Saturday 31st October. This however MAY change depending on the impact any future announcements from the Scottish Government would have on clubs ability to start the season.

This is only a small percentage of the email but it gives some info on start or non start details

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At what point now do we say games a bogey?  And what happens to the teams that were drawn in the first round of the south of Scotland cup scheduled for the 24th October?   It’s getting less likely we are going  to be able to complete the proposed shortened season. 

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Just now, beithboy said:

At what point now do we say games a bogey?  And what happens to the teams that were drawn in the first round of the south of Scotland cup scheduled for the 24th October?   It’s getting less likely we are going  to be able to complete the proposed shortened season. 

You'd imagine if the LL also have to rerevaluate due to SG dictat, then the dates move as they were not set in stone.

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The full post that Glenafton shared (not seen it anywhere else)

Dear Supporters

This is a particularly difficult time for clubs and the League alike with all the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the effect this will have on clubs and the forthcoming football season. The Interim Management Group (IMG) have listened to those clubs who have provided feedback surrounding their many and varied concerns regarding the start of the new season, concerns which we too share.

I’m sure you will appreciate that trying to plan for a full season in these everchanging circumstances has its’ challenges and as a result the IMG have been looking at a number of options available to it, whilst at the same time trying to interpret the various scenarios that may or may not arise.

The indicative start date for the new season was scheduled for Saturday 10th October. This however can not be confirmed as a Scottish Government review is due on Thursday 1st October. This review will affect our ability to commence with the new season, with any changes identified coming into force from Monday 5th October. Therefore the IMG are recommending that the indicative date for the start of the new league season be put back by 3 weeks, in line with the timescale of policy reviews by the Scottish Government, to Saturday 31st October. This however MAY change depending on the impact any future announcements from the Scottish Government would have on clubs ability to start the season.

The IMG will also be sending out a Survey Monkey questionnaire to ALL clubs by the end of this weeks to ascertain clubs’ views on various key points about starting the new campaign and your response will help to shape the thoughts of the IMG in our future deliberations. I would ask that once this survey is received, that clubs complete and return the survey within 7 days, sooner if possible, to allow the IMG time to make a considered response and plan the way forward.

This is a difficult time for all and I thank you for the patience that you have shown as we strive to return to playing football in an environment that is both safe and viable to do so.

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