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36 minutes ago, Jack Burton said:

It's mass hysteria to call yourself a victim of a pandemic simply because you can't get to a football match.

I'm as keen as anyone to get back to the football but that isn't going to happen when cases are doubling every 7 or 8 days. You might be able to social distance and be outside at the game but the government isn't going to be encouraging thousands of people to travel around the country in cars, buses and trains just to attend a football match. Most people won't be going directly to the game and back again the majority will stop at petrol stations, restaurants, pubs etc.

The anoraks don't care they just want a game of football to watch they live in a little bubble and think i will do everything right and totally ignore what every one else does and the practical behind the scenes things that just aren't possible. 

Its something for them to cling onto at a bleak time i guess we all do that in some form during trying times but at some point folk need to come to terms with the reality of things. 

I've said it from the start for the love of god whoever use hell is running this shambles to protect clubs and the game at this level and call the season void . 

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I wonder if they got the go ahead from their committees to start without fans or maybe they have some arrangement with the players that they will all contribute their time and effort for free. Starting without fans and virtually zero income and expectecting to be paid is going to bring nothing but extreme financial hardship on the clubs, probably most will not be able to meet their obligations very quickly and then what?

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16 hours ago, Ball-foot-score said:

Hate to break it to you but you can’t get herd immunity when all the studies are showing very few people are building any lasting immunity

Well, if that is true, vaccines won't work either so we are with this virus for ever and we might as well just get on with it.

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4 hours ago, The Ilford Drummer said:

So  while we await the results of the survey by  WOSFL 70% of managers in the top league indicate they wish to start on the 10th with no fans.

Have I heard this correct?

If any club starts the season without fans then fans should just stay away whenever they are allowed to attend. It's obvious they don't need them. Personally couldn't give a toss what managers wish , the survival of the club is all that matters.

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16 hours ago, Jack Burton said:

It's mass hysteria to call yourself a victim of a pandemic simply because you can't get to a football match.

I'm as keen as anyone to get back to the football but that isn't going to happen when cases are doubling every 7 or 8 days. You might be able to social distance and be outside at the game but the government isn't going to be encouraging thousands of people to travel around the country in cars, buses and trains just to attend a football match. Most people won't be going directly to the game and back again the majority will stop at petrol stations, restaurants, pubs etc.

Football needs to get off its knees and fight its corner or clubs from SPFL down are in grave danger of disappearing.

Cases are NOT doubling every 7 or 8 days. The figures do not support that. We are again following the curves of countries in Europe - Italy, Spain and France. In NONE of those countries have cases doubled every week or so. Nowhere near it. Hospitalisations  and deaths are growing - of course they are - but at nowhere near the same rate as "cases" (they are actually positive tests which includes false positives and DNA fragments from past infections and not just people who have it now.) There is no numerical or scientific basis for believing that we approaching anything like we had in spring.

In the meantime, contact sports do not appear to be  a major cause of transmission and neither do outside activities. At non-League level it should be easy to control numbers and ensure social distancing . As for travelling - the idea of essential travel only is a busted flush. If people are on public transport they will be distanced and wearing masks. If petrol stations and pubs are a source of transmission they should be dealt with appropriately. The idea that football fans should be barred from games because they might go a pub - which is allowed to stay open for them - is perverse.

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