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Pubs are the problem look at the amount of staff in Pubs that are now getting Covid 19. Now over 130 in Wetherspoons alone never mind any other ones . Shut pubs at 10pm ? People are half pished by that time anyway that won’t solve anything . Our club has voted no fans no football looks like it’s time to take a year out and take stock of the situation. There are no winners here have said it since March and nothing has changed too many people kidding thereselves on and hoping for a chink of light ? From where ? No fans and no Social Club open for functions etc means no income. This is getting more serious as the months go on we need a decision yes or no. Time to get real 

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imo this country is sitting on a time bomb with many (not all) of the restrictions that are in place or about to be reintroduced. The lack of any social interaction has sent the suicide rate through the roof. Missed doctor/hospital appointments (2 million missed cancer appointments alone) will cause untold grief. The evidence i have seen is that 75% of the spread is attained through work places, schools, care homes and hospitals. No evidence that sport is a major factor in the spread of the virus. I would rather see players being able to take part in sport with controls and safety measures in place than them seeking alternative less controlled social activities.

Football at our level will die a slow lingering death if we don't get it back soon. People are creatures of habit and once you stop doing anything for a period of time you loose interest and never return. I would imagine a lot of damage has been done already. We do need the fans back asap or most clubs from the championship down to our level will be damaged and in some cases beyond repair. Again at our level i see no reason a few hundred people cant be accommodated in our grounds especially with a few simple protocols to create a safe environment. A few simple changes to allow a couple of hours of joy into peoples current bleak existence. 

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57 minutes ago, Dunfermline Jag said:

Football needs to get off its knees and fight its corner or clubs from SPFL down are in grave danger of disappearing.

Cases are NOT doubling every 7 or 8 days. The figures do not support that. We are again following the curves of countries in Europe - Italy, Spain and France. In NONE of those countries have cases doubled every week or so. Nowhere near it. Hospitalisations  and deaths are growing - of course they are - but at nowhere near the same rate as "cases" (they are actually positive tests which includes false positives and DNA fragments from past infections and not just people who have it now.) There is no numerical or scientific basis for believing that we approaching anything like we had in spring.

In the meantime, contact sports do not appear to be  a major cause of transmission and neither do outside activities. At non-League level it should be easy to control numbers and ensure social distancing . As for travelling - the idea of essential travel only is a busted flush. If people are on public transport they will be distanced and wearing masks. If petrol stations and pubs are a source of transmission they should be dealt with appropriately. The idea that football fans should be barred from games because they might go a pub - which is allowed to stay open for them - is perverse.

Good post, totally agree, people and society need to get off there knees a d learn to live with this, stop hanging on niklas every word and listening to govt scientific advisors who let's remember got the info wrong in the 1st wave....


P S  looking forward to some social distanced banter on the canal bank overlooking Firhill on the 24th Oct....

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46 minutes ago, Big Boab Jnr said:

imo this country is sitting on a time bomb with many (not all) of the restrictions that are in place or about to be reintroduced. The lack of any social interaction has sent the suicide rate through the roof. Missed doctor/hospital appointments (2 million missed cancer appointments alone) will cause untold grief. ...

True enough but everything inevitably gets dumbed down by the media to a narrative where only one thing matters. The SNP had to do a U-turn on exam results, because the public started telling them what they had announced just wasn't on. If enough people start telling them that what they are doing to the lower levels of football is not acceptable things will get changed PDQ. In the words of John Lydon ...And blind acceptance is a sign, Of stupid fools who stand in line...

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6 hours ago, The Ilford Drummer said:

So  while we await the results of the survey by  WOSFL 70% of managers in the top league indicate they wish to start on the 10th with no fans.

Have I heard this correct?

The more I think about it the more this can't be right. Hope you're not yanking our chain here pal.

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We all want football and fans to return asap but just cant see it unfortunately, I follow Clach in the HL and the league is not going ahead as things currently stand without fans teams simply cant afford it even with players from the majority of clubs already agree vastly reduced pay.

Can see this happening in a lot of the lower leagues unfortunately.

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2 hours ago, clash city rocker said:

If any club starts the season without fans then fans should just stay away whenever they are allowed to attend. It's obvious they don't need them. Personally couldn't give a toss what managers wish , the survival of the club is all that matters.

Wonder how many of these managers actually consulted with their clubs??

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20 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Why put a word in quotes I never used? The reason I see mass hysteria setting in is that the numbers for today so far for the UK appear to be 4368 new cases and 11 deaths on the worldometers page I normally check to see what is happening in various countries.


Back in April if you check the data plots at that url there would have been up to around 100 times as many deaths as that corresonding to that sort of number of new cases. Any trend on the latter number should have only a 7 to 10 day lag on the former based on what happened previously, so there is nothing so far with this "second wave" to suggest that there is a major problem that really merits a massive U-turn on the process of re-opening that has been underway in recent months. I predicted this issue was coming on here though. Here's what I had to say on this subject just over a month ago:

"God, you're thick ". I never quoted you, but Andygroundhopper25. BTW, I put this in quotation marks just so you get the message.

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6 minutes ago, TFW said:

"God, you're thick ". I never quoted you, but Andygroundhoper25. BTW, I put this in quotation marks just so you get the message.

IQ tests I have taken suggest otherwise. Could join Mensa if I wanted to, so not going to lose any sleep over what you have to say on that subject.

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21 hours ago, Jack Burton said:

It's mass hysteria to call yourself a victim of a pandemic simply because you can't get to a football match.

I'm as keen as anyone to get back to the football but that isn't going to happen when cases are doubling every 7 or 8 days. You might be able to social distance and be outside at the game but the government isn't going to be encouraging thousands of people to travel around the country in cars, buses and trains just to attend a football match. Most people won't be going directly to the game and back again the majority will stop at petrol stations, restaurants, pubs etc.

Maybe it's just a case of letting non league football back, where say 350 would be the biggest crowd ?  Can fully understand it regarding professional football, the likes of Leeds,Liverpool and Sunderland didn't do any favours in a bid to get fans back.

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46 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

IQ tests I have taken suggest otherwise. Could join Mensa if I wanted to, so not going to lose any sleep over what you have to say on that subject.

To be fair I agree with LTL on many points regarding covid19, hope that's not a criminal offence.Seems like he can back up his arguments with facts, some people don't like that. Because I don't live in fear, and think non league can come back, only my opinion. 


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Maybe it's just a case of letting non league football back, where say 350 would be the biggest crowd ?  Can fully understand it regarding professional football, the likes of Leeds,Liverpool and Sunderland didn't do any favours in a bid to get fans back.

How do you control it though? I have no objections to having a limited number of people back but no one has come up with a solution to controlling the numbers.

The SG are wanting to limit peoples travelling so there would be no away fans (and no groundhoppers like yourself) but again it is up to clubs and the volunteers who run it to police that. I’m not saying it’s impossible but most clubs at this level don’t have turnstiles so would need to have a gate counter, also the same gates at our ground are also needed for exiting so how do you stop people coming in when it’s not manned. I know for a fact our gate numbers could add up to an extra 100 when Rangers and Celtic were away or not playing and it will be the same for other clubs. It’s not inconceivable to have fans desperate to see a game turning up to a big game (Talbot v Cumnock for example) and volunteers getting overwhelmed trying to stop people coming in. It’s not the supporters who are responsible it’s the clubs.

If we can find a way that works great but I don’t see one that doesn’t cause a lot more hassle for clubs.

It’s not just a case of opening up and welcoming people back and is it financially viable for clubs to reopen with additional costs and no guarantee that those costs would be met.
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Football needs to get off its knees and fight its corner or clubs from SPFL down are in grave danger of disappearing.
Cases are NOT doubling every 7 or 8 days. The figures do not support that. We are again following the curves of countries in Europe - Italy, Spain and France. In NONE of those countries have cases doubled every week or so. Nowhere near it. Hospitalisations  and deaths are growing - of course they are - but at nowhere near the same rate as "cases" (they are actually positive tests which includes false positives and DNA fragments from past infections and not just people who have it now.) There is no numerical or scientific basis for believing that we approaching anything like we had in spring.
In the meantime, contact sports do not appear to be  a major cause of transmission and neither do outside activities. At non-League level it should be easy to control numbers and ensure social distancing . As for travelling - the idea of essential travel only is a busted flush. If people are on public transport they will be distanced and wearing masks. If petrol stations and pubs are a source of transmission they should be dealt with appropriately. The idea that football fans should be barred from games because they might go a pub - which is allowed to stay open for them - is perverse.

UK and Scottish government have just brought in further restrictions and postponed further fan test events. There is no chance of fans being back anytime soon.

If you watched the FA cup game featuring Hashtag United then you would have seen there was barely any social distancing been observed. You've then got a bus load from Wales who travelled for the Doncaster races while some of them were waiting for Covid test results.

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Maybe it's just a case of letting non league football back, where say 350 would be the biggest crowd ?  Can fully understand it regarding professional football, the likes of Leeds,Liverpool and Sunderland didn't do any favours in a bid to get fans back.
If only non league is back then the biggest crowd won't be 350. You'll have people travelling all over the place to attend because they can't go to a game elsewhere.
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2 minutes ago, Jack Burton said:
1 hour ago, Andy groundhopper said:
Maybe it's just a case of letting non league football back, where say 350 would be the biggest crowd ?  Can fully understand it regarding professional football, the likes of Leeds,Liverpool and Sunderland didn't do any favours in a bid to get fans back.

If only non league is back then the biggest crowd won't be 350. You'll have people travelling all over the place to attend because they can't go to a game elsewhere.

Not if it's all ticket.

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Not if it's all ticket.

How to do clubs distribute tickets, process payments, make sure that tickets aren’t transferred? Again the question is that will this add additional costs to the club that make it not worthwhile? If it is easy then great that can solve all the ills but unfortunately it isn’t.

The one thing we can’t get away from is that clubs are responsible for all of this and not just to the fans but to the government.
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