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4 minutes ago, Kenny*******Powers said:

What a lot of pish, theres no saying how many could’ve attended a Darvel game without showing symptoms last week

Am saying they wouldn’t be there if tested positive spread before you come out with your push replies

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1 minute ago, Newguy said:

Am saying they wouldn’t be there if tested positive, read before you come out with your pish replies!,,

The majority were in the boozer last Saturday, none had symptoms, my point was if there had been football on they would have been there.

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You'd like to think with this news they'll try and put together a WoS Premier in some form. Then reshuffle the Conferences into something more local to at the very least minimise travel costs. I know that won't be the easiest thing to do with the potential spread of the clubs, but it would be better than nothing.

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13 minutes ago, Ceejayar said:

The majority were in the boozer last Saturday, none had symptoms, my point was if there had been football on they would have been there.

...in an outdoor context where they would be a lot less likely to pass on the virus than they would have been indoors at the boozer last Saturday, especially if people social distanced properly and did all the sensible things on mask wearing and hand sanitising.

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7 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

...in an outdoor context where they would be a lot less likely to pass on the virus than they would have been indoors at the boozer last Saturday, especially if people social distanced properly and did all the sensible things on mask wearing and hand sanitising.

And if they had been at the football and in for a pint as usual before, during and after the game🤷🏻‍♂️

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An absolute cock up. Clubs with a proud history chucking the towel in for the season. Whole situation has been crying out for leadership. Faith been put in a self nominated management group that gave been a sham from the off. There’ll now be a pile of relevant questions that they are incapable of answering/dealing with. SFA been no better. A series of shite bag tweets posted at 5pm just as they clock off for the night. 

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5 minutes ago, Innocent bystander said:

An absolute cock up. Clubs with a proud history chucking the towel in for the season. Whole situation has been crying out for leadership. Faith been put in a self nominated management group that gave been a sham from the off. There’ll now be a pile of relevant questions that they are incapable of answering/dealing with. SFA been no better. A series of shite bag tweets posted at 5pm just as they clock off for the night. 

Should have taking a leaf out Highland League leadership which has been exemplary. 
A few may ask if a few have bullied or railroaded the committee into a season.

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5 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

...the real problem would be the in for a pint part but the SG in their infinite wisdom opened up the significantly higher risk part of the equation and kept the significantly lower risk one closed off.

Correct, again fans almost demanding that a restart has to be like the old days - can't anyone last a couple of hours without 🍺  ? ? Managed to see a Western League game again, Portishead 1 Lebeq 1 att 75+ with no masks, drinks coming from the clubhouse, no real distancing required with a small crowd. Took your name and number on way in, hand sanitizer on entry.  Looks like more chaos in Scotland, if fans can't get back in by December at latest, is it worth playing the games ? Ever hopeful.

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49 minutes ago, Newguy said:

Am saying they wouldn’t be there if tested positive, read before you come out with your pish replies!,,

Sorry but that is such an ignorant view of how a virus works. If the string of infections stopped when people tested possible for the virus there wouldn't be a problem. Individuals are infectious before they display symptoms (if they ever do) and before they are tested. That's the point Ceejayar is trying to make.

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17 minutes ago, jimbaxters said:

Sorry but that is such an ignorant view of how a virus works. If the string of infections stopped when people tested possible for the virus there wouldn't be a problem. Individuals are infectious before they display symptoms (if they ever do) and before they are tested. That's the point Ceejayar is trying to make.

My son played in an amateur game last saturday. Only social contact was the game. Now 6 players from the team have covid. My wife and daughter now have it too. Luckily I have tested negative and can look after my elderly mother in law who lives with us. Is it worth it ?

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Football with no fans, promotion or relegation? No thanks!  Glorified friendlies for a season when there is not a chance of the season being completed. We will see how many teams last the season. I find it staggering that 70% of clubs said they wouldn’t last 4 weeks without fans but only 14 had the balls to pull out 

Well if nobody pulled out we wouldn’t have that! Nobody wants to play without fans but nobody wants to sit it out for 15 months either. Give it a go and see where it ends up.
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2 minutes ago, not man of the match said:

Well if nobody pulled out we wouldn’t have that! Nobody wants to play without fans but nobody wants to sit it out for 15 months either. Give it a go and see where it ends up.

Bankruptcy? How do you plan to pay your players? IOUs?

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Bankruptcy? How do you plan to pay your players? IOUs?

I’m led to believe that our players want to play and will take what they get until such time as when they can get what they are due. I think it’s strange that the West seem to be holding back while the other regions are happy to get going.

Each to their own.
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4 minutes ago, not man of the match said:

Well if nobody pulled out we wouldn’t have that! Nobody wants to play without fans but nobody wants to sit it out for 15 months either. Give it a go and see where it ends up.

Nobody would have had to pull out if the vote had been for the sensible delay-until-it's-safe option.

The turkeys have voted for Christmas, or play-until-you're-bankrupt as it's now known.

Also, the WoSFL insurance covers players for loss of wages if they are off their regular work due to injury. It doesn't cover them if it's because they catch COVID. That'll go down well.

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Players playing for nothing... interesting...perhaps clubs have been giving these guys too much cash all along...if they really just want a game of fitba.  Personally believe if a player has a contract for certain cash he should be paid , clubs should not play if they can't guarantee his money.

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