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Serious incident in Glasgow

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1 hour ago, Barry Ferguson's Hat said:

My mate works for the Armed Response Unit and he was saying that since the turn of the century officers have been, first and foremost, trained to shoot down the chandelier, ultimately pinning the suspect to the ground.

He reckons that the chandelier in the Park Inn stairwell was either too small to properly incapacitate the suspect or that it had been temporarily removed for maintenance.

In this scenario officers are, as has been alluded to above, trained to shoot the knife (or any other weapon, for that matter) out of the suspect's hand. Given the location of the incident, it's highly likely the suspect was sliding down the banister with the knife between his/her teeth, giving the officers no option but to aim for the torso.

Should have got Del, Rodney and uncle Uncle Albert to sort the chandelier out. 

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This is an interesting post about the background behind the park inn.


Scott Agnew

The incident at The Park Inn in Glasgow yesterday was absolutely no surprise.

There's been warnings and campaigns about what has been going on in our city and how asylum seekers here were being treated and held. Glasgow City Council had even lodged objections with the Home Office about this too. Nothing was done.

Don't be drawn in by the idea that this was a cushie weekend break in a hotel with a mini-bar and an all you can eat breakfast, room service and spa facilities. Nothing could be further from the truth.

This was a hotel in name only. It was a defacto detention centre, a prison if you will. People were ripped from their homes with only 20 mins notice and bundled into vans with dubious justification around the Coronavirus. They were forced to eat together in dining rooms not allowing for social distancing. They were fed the same meal day after day. Often the food inedible. Confined to their rooms there was no access to cash, they couldn't buy essentials like toiletries or top-ups for their phones, WiFi was either unavailable or poor, cutting them off completely from the outside world.

And all this during this lockdown. Imagine yourself and your own lockdown and how difficult it has been even in your own home. Could you have coped in one room with no phone, no internet access and no money? Could you have eaten the same three meals often poorly prepared day after day?

Cooped up and paranoid they could get sick some went on a hunger strike hoping their situation would get noticed. Already vulnerable, people's mental health started to deteriorate in this boiling pot atmosphere. One even took his own life earlier in lockdown.

The Home Office and the Mears Group, a private firm contracted by the UK Government to provide accommodation did nothing.

A peaceful protest was attempted last week and campaigners had hoped to get the issues and neglect faced by asylum seekers noticed but some folk thought it more important to protect statues they can hardly name or recognise and resorted to violence and racist rhetoric to do so. So the asylum seekers went unheard yet again, their voices silenced yet again, their problems unaddressed yet again, their supporters bullied off the streets, a worrying new development.

Is it any surprise just over a week later someone may finally snap while detained in the very epitome of this Tory Home Office's hostile environment?

Racist slime balls like Nigel Farage, whose rhetoric has encouraged "patriots" to "take back control" and silence these already marginalised people and their voices then attempted to weaponise yesterday's events against them. That's the ultimate sick cruelty. Create a problem, exacerbate it and then blame the victims of the environment you and your right wing friends and corporate partners created for that very problem.

Perhaps if the right wing bovver boys weren't out on the streets threatening and intimidating people trying to exercise their right to protest and free speech a man would still be alive, five folk wouldn't be in hospital and a brave police officer wouldn't be fighting for his life.

The political temperature in the city the past few weeks has been rising. Everyone is on edge. It doesn't need to be like this. Don't fall into the trap of rejoicing the man wielding the knife was shot dead. I'm willing to bet the armed officer who shot him isn't.

When the heat is turned up on issues of race and someone's race automatically ramps an incident up to a terror threat people get shot and that's not right. The first person shot dead for wielding a knife in this city in 50 years. Let's not pretend and clutch our pearls here, we're used to knives and knife crime in this city. Should every one wielding a knife now be shot? If that's the case we are going to be stepping over a lot of bodies from now on.

Glasgow and knives have been a thing for decades, why was yesterday different that it led to a fatal shooting? We can't let racists define our normal response to things because they have warped all our perceptions.

Glasgow is better than this; we have always been a city of immigrants. We cannot forget our past. We cannot allow ourselves to be played by right wing Tory spivs trying to make a fast buck out of someone else's misery whilst dividing our city for political gain.

Refugees are people. Refugees are welcome here because many of us, our families, started here as a refugee from somewhere and were welcomed here. That's what makes us the people Refuweegees and people make Glasgow.

With love and best wishes to all those injured yesterday and especially to Constable David Whyte on making a full recovery.

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16 hours ago, Lex said:

Horrible stuff.

Let us all hope for a full judicial enquiry by Nicola Sturgeon and her SNP government.

Justice for those affected by this tragedy.

Come to think of it, WTF has it got to do with "Nicola Sturgeon and her SNP government" anyway?

Those refugees are under the control of the Home Office, via their contract with Serco. 

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9 hours ago, throbber said:

Aye the good old days! You wouldn’t even considering bothering the polis with this sort of nonsense back then.

I'm reliably informed that you wouldn't if you preferred to administer summary justice yourself.

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Pretty sure they are now trained to "shoot to kill" so the police have no option
Probably also gives them an out if someone dies as well.
Big boy told me to do it.
Not saying they shouldn't have shot him dead better that than him stabbing someone else.
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3 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Three people were rushed to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital where they were pronounced dead.

They were then transferred to a better hospital, where doctors upgraded their condition to alive.


You can genuinely find a Simpsons reference to suit everything

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So all the Refugees were in residential accomodation but were taken away to an empty hotel because... the outsourcing company got a cheap deal due to the Coronavirus.
It may well have been a Home Office directive going by the Mears group response so far ( referring all enquiries directly to the HO so far)
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4 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
43 minutes ago, Jim McLean said:
So all the Refugees were in residential accomodation but were taken away to an empty hotel because... the outsourcing company got a cheap deal due to the Coronavirus.

It may well have been a Home Office directive going by the Mears group response so far ( referring all enquiries directly to the HO so far)


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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Saying on the radio that it was a Sudanese asylum seeker who was told the day before that he was going to be deported.

I read today that most of them also had letters in the last few weeks telling them they could be getting chucked out the hotels pretty soon and should prepare for that. 

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1 hour ago, dirty dingus said:

This is an interesting post about the background behind the park inn.


Scott Agnew

The incident at The Park Inn in Glasgow yesterday was absolutely no surprise.

There's been warnings and campaigns about what has been going on in our city and how asylum seekers here were being treated and held. Glasgow City Council had even lodged objections with the Home Office about this too. Nothing was done.

Don't be drawn in by the idea that this was a cushie weekend break in a hotel with a mini-bar and an all you can eat breakfast, room service and spa facilities. Nothing could be further from the truth.

This was a hotel in name only. It was a defacto detention centre, a prison if you will. People were ripped from their homes with only 20 mins notice and bundled into vans with dubious justification around the Coronavirus. They were forced to eat together in dining rooms not allowing for social distancing. They were fed the same meal day after day. Often the food inedible. Confined to their rooms there was no access to cash, they couldn't buy essentials like toiletries or top-ups for their phones, WiFi was either unavailable or poor, cutting them off completely from the outside world.

And all this during this lockdown. Imagine yourself and your own lockdown and how difficult it has been even in your own home. Could you have coped in one room with no phone, no internet access and no money? Could you have eaten the same three meals often poorly prepared day after day?

Cooped up and paranoid they could get sick some went on a hunger strike hoping their situation would get noticed. Already vulnerable, people's mental health started to deteriorate in this boiling pot atmosphere. One even took his own life earlier in lockdown.

The Home Office and the Mears Group, a private firm contracted by the UK Government to provide accommodation did nothing.

A peaceful protest was attempted last week and campaigners had hoped to get the issues and neglect faced by asylum seekers noticed but some folk thought it more important to protect statues they can hardly name or recognise and resorted to violence and racist rhetoric to do so. So the asylum seekers went unheard yet again, their voices silenced yet again, their problems unaddressed yet again, their supporters bullied off the streets, a worrying new development.

Is it any surprise just over a week later someone may finally snap while detained in the very epitome of this Tory Home Office's hostile environment?

Racist slime balls like Nigel Farage, whose rhetoric has encouraged "patriots" to "take back control" and silence these already marginalised people and their voices then attempted to weaponise yesterday's events against them. That's the ultimate sick cruelty. Create a problem, exacerbate it and then blame the victims of the environment you and your right wing friends and corporate partners created for that very problem.

Perhaps if the right wing bovver boys weren't out on the streets threatening and intimidating people trying to exercise their right to protest and free speech a man would still be alive, five folk wouldn't be in hospital and a brave police officer wouldn't be fighting for his life.

The political temperature in the city the past few weeks has been rising. Everyone is on edge. It doesn't need to be like this. Don't fall into the trap of rejoicing the man wielding the knife was shot dead. I'm willing to bet the armed officer who shot him isn't.

When the heat is turned up on issues of race and someone's race automatically ramps an incident up to a terror threat people get shot and that's not right. The first person shot dead for wielding a knife in this city in 50 years. Let's not pretend and clutch our pearls here, we're used to knives and knife crime in this city. Should every one wielding a knife now be shot? If that's the case we are going to be stepping over a lot of bodies from now on.

Glasgow and knives have been a thing for decades, why was yesterday different that it led to a fatal shooting? We can't let racists define our normal response to things because they have warped all our perceptions.

Glasgow is better than this; we have always been a city of immigrants. We cannot forget our past. We cannot allow ourselves to be played by right wing Tory spivs trying to make a fast buck out of someone else's misery whilst dividing our city for political gain.

Refugees are people. Refugees are welcome here because many of us, our families, started here as a refugee from somewhere and were welcomed here. That's what makes us the people Refuweegees and people make Glasgow.

With love and best wishes to all those injured yesterday and especially to Constable David Whyte on making a full recovery.

I agree with most of this, but like someone said earlier in the thread, if someone has stabbed 5 people and a polis, I don't think it's that out of order to get the guns out. It really doesn't mean that any wideo that pulls a blade gets shot, and it isn't because he's an asylum seeker he got shot. It's because he showed that he was willing to commit mass murder. Shit as things have been for them (and the really really have, it's a fucking disgrace imo) the police can't really be expected to take that into consideration when 6 folk are bleeding out. 

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