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Cancel culture

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4 minutes ago, Michael W said:

Borat is a perfect illustration here. 

I went to see it at the time and thought it was the funniest thing ever. I watched it again a couple of years ago and switched if off as I just found it a continuous cringe. 

Aye there was a disagreement in the Corbyn/Israel thread about SBC and Borats legacy about this but like for a year afterwards in my high school at least you couldn't avoid credulous parroting of the Jewish jokes, or "ma wiiiiiife" which tbf remains extremely funny 

Edited by Genuine Hibs Fan
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A great many people managed to not be racist, homophobic or sexist without "wokeness". People have been publicly challenging racism for decades without the febrile, smug hysteria every "culture war" issue attracts online these days. 

The sudden outburst of almost adult sensibility in looking at Robinson age and the nature of his tweets is commendable, if more than a touch self serving from those who may have skeletons in their own closets. It would seem "never any excuse for racism" needs to be amended to "never any excuse for racism except being at school in the 2000s."

On the other hand Michael Carberry and Ramps have had their say. 



"I've heard people express sort of sympathy with Ollie Robinson, and say 'hasn't he shown a lot of character?', but I haven't heard enough about the victims or the people that these tweets are aimed at," said Ramprakash.

"How do they feel? Where is the sympathy for those people? They are UK citizens, a lot of them.

"We live in a diverse society and we really don't want this behaviour."



However, Michael Carberry, who played six Tests for England between 2010 and 2014, told 5 Live that Robinson "wouldn't be playing Test cricket" if it was up to him, adding: "I don't believe this is a problem where you can rehabilitate someone."


The ECB will have clear guidelines for what is acceptable to post on social media. Those guidelines apply to their young players at 19 as much as veterans at 39. They will have to navigate the toxic atmosphere of modern politics and online activism. Not an enviable task. Their rules rather than the mood on Twitter should be the the standard this played is judged by.


Edited by dorlomin
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On the theme discussed earlier I'd agree with much of it growing up in the same era, everyone's favourite Limmy actually publically cancelled me for tweets when I was 17/18..

Andre Grays cancellation was spectacular though, most of the homophobic language was lazy but this guy was on another level. Pretty sure he was on about burning gay people or something. Don't think he ever recovered from that one. 

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Guest TheJTS98
6 hours ago, Michael W said:

Athletes/politicians etc would be well advised to erase their social media history when they come to the fore. Too many of them seem to fall foul of this. 

I don't really think it's fair to use things people said a number of years ago when they were teenagers as a stick to beat them with, although clearly what's been said shouldn't have been said and was still wrong at the time. I don't know if Robinson was a cricketer at the time, but clearly if he was he wasn't prominent so no-one cared.  Teenagers do daft things and hopefully with the right contrition he will be forgiven for that. 

The ECB has to do something. Probably a ban for a couple of series or something, reflecting the time span from the comments. If he'd done it now I would have no sympathy at all. 

I guess the difference is that even in my own teenage days, social media isn't what it was now. The Bebo pages will have since been deleted and removing compromising content. Those growing up now really ought to be more self aware of the harm these things do. 

There is no point pretending that my own school days were some sort of beacon of inclusion and equally no point in pretending I was above it either. Overt racism (i.e directed at an individual) was seen as unacceptable, but that was it. Racist jokes were widely shared and homophobia was widespread, indeed  par for the course and used as a generic insult.

I left in 2007 so have no idea how things have changed. I get the sense they have for the better, and I hope so. I still think about the homophobia part. We were told very clearly in school racism was wrong, but homophobia was never challenged and indeed only started to be challenged even a little by the time I left. No one joined the dots to see that it was pretty much the same as racism - mistreating people and abusing them because they were different. 



I left school in 2001, and it would be interesting to see how much that passed for playground humour then would now result in pretty severe action. Things were simply very different.

I agree with the gist of your post, but I disagree that the ECB actually have to do much here. They could go public and say this kind of stuff is unacceptable and he's going to do some kind of community service type thing, but it happened a long time ago and we don't think it should harm his career as a mature adult.

That would be a pretty reasonable response, I think.

Growing up in public and in a way that is recorded forever for some smug p***k to go trawling through years later is a shite kind of life.

Sort of a distant cousin of parents who put embarrassing pictures of their babies/toddlers on social media. Who knows what they'll be in the future, and once that stuff is posted, it's posted. Leave it out, etc.


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“Emerges” is a bit much. You went and trawled through all the players accounts and found a shitty tweet from someone when they were in fucking school.
This is the bit I don't get. Some total loon ball is either sitting there scanning the news for names then trawling through umpteen social media sites hoping to be offended or it's someone who knows the person in question who has harboured a grudge for years and has been biding their time just hoping they might one day be in the public spotlight thus giving them their opportunity for revenge.

Either way these folk are mental. Total freaks !
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2 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

This is the bit I don't get. Some total loon ball is either sitting there scanning the news for names then trawling through umpteen social media sites hoping to be offended or it's someone who knows the person in question who has harboured a grudge for years and has been biding their time just hoping they might one day be in the public spotlight thus giving them their opportunity for revenge.

Either way these folk are mental. Total freaks !

Journalists will have gone back through the publicly available tweets to see if there's anything juicy.  

I wonder if there are any public figures on P&B whose career we could ruin?  

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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie has published an essay on her website about her experience of being condemned on social media by some of her former students. 


Not sure if her website is working properly. 

That's a pretty grim story. But take out social media and "spat between writer and their former student" is a story as old as time is it not? 

Like the part I've taken out here is so funny to me. I'd put the odds heavily in favour of a writer in their 40s when Chimamanda was starting out saying almost exactly the same. It's just these darned kids for a social media age 


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23 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Quite odd to see the free speech champions snivelling about a companies right to advertise wherever they want.... Get it up them

GB News: Piers Morgan attacks Ikea for pulling advertising from news channel - BBC News

Nothing odd at all.

Firstly, Piers Morgan is not part of GBNews.

Having watched a little, they, in my opinion, haven’t covered

 any ‘hateful’ topics that haven’t been covered by other networks.

Ive seen segments on lockdown, taking the knee, Harry and Meghan, trade deals, just all the usual stuff.

There seems to be a reasonable mix of people from a wide range of affiliations.

You are of course correct in saying that advertisers are free to advertise where they wish.

The same thing happened to The Spectator and the power of the consumer soon put an end to it.

The same will happen with GBNews which is already doing well in terms of audience share.

Maybe take a look and make up your own mind.

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GB News don't give a shit about advertisers anyway, the folk funding them have deep pockets even if they have given them a laughably small budget which is borne out in the absolute tinpot production values and constant technical issues they're having. It's just a vehicle for culture war nonsense and arguing that technically Epstein wasn't a paedophile/leave Prince Andrew alone. Their numbers will almost certainly plummet once the novelty wears off and it'll just be DPB and some more performing seals tuning in to watch Dan Wooton speak while the camera's trained on the door to the bathroom 

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1 minute ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

GB News don't give a shit about advertisers anyway, the folk funding them have deep pockets even if they have given them a laughably small budget which is borne out in the absolute tinpot production values and constant technical issues they're having. It's just a vehicle for culture war nonsense and arguing that technically Epstein wasn't a paedophile/leave Prince Andrew alone. Their numbers will almost certainly plummet once the novelty wears off and it'll just be DPB and some more performing seals tuning in to watch Dan Wooton speak while the camera's trained on the door to the bathroom 

Time will tell.

The Guardian wouldn’t be in existence without the Trust Funds which support it.

Has never made a profit in recent times.

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33 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Nothing odd at all.

Firstly, Piers Morgan is not part of GBNews.

Having watched a little, they, in my opinion, haven’t covered

 any ‘hateful’ topics that haven’t been covered by other networks.

Ive seen segments on lockdown, taking the knee, Harry and Meghan, trade deals, just all the usual stuff.

There seems to be a reasonable mix of people from a wide range of affiliations.

You are of course correct in saying that advertisers are free to advertise where they wish.

The same thing happened to The Spectator and the power of the consumer soon put an end to it.

The same will happen with GBNews which is already doing well in terms of audience share.

Maybe take a look and make up your own mind.

Did you see the bit when they were jumping to defend Andrew Neil's pal Jeffery Epstein?

down playing his crimes claiming he wasn't a nonse. Of course when you are trafficking children for sex I'm not sure the label you get stuck on you matters all that much but I'm sure everyone would condemn those crimes, well everyone bar GB news of course.

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