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The George Galloway "Unity Party" thread


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2 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

I wondered about that as well - surely for the police to investigate it he is the one that needs to make the complaint?

Wouldn't surprise me one bit if this is just another Galloway engineered piece being played out for the 'journalists' in the hope it'll keep his name in the media in the lead up to the election.

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1 hour ago, Highland Capital said:

Only just noticed that the racist, obese and extremely moronic former UKIP MEP David Coburn is standing for Alliance for Unity.  You know this party is bad when Galloway's not the worst person in it.

I forgot about this c**t. I always remember him being interviewed on TV and when confronted with his own racist comments, his defence was an abrupt, “I’m a gay man!”. It was simultaneously hilarious and bizarre just how much of a non sequitur it was - even the interviewer seemed confused. Also notable was his claims when the polls closed that he’d won “according to the rumours” (think he got 1800 votes in comparison to the SNP’s 35000). Also also, he looks like 90s cartoon fish-mutant-masquerading-as-a-man Lawrence Limburger. 


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1 hour ago, DA Baracus said:

I don't wish death on him but I'll enjoy a hearty chuckle when the odious p***k dies. I'll have a beer to celebrate that one less racist scumbag is around.

If I wanted him dead I’d stab him in the neck with a sparkly pencil and let him bleed to death in a tub of whale urine.

I reckon I could pin it on whoever made that threat.

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3 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:
3 hours ago, heedthebaa said:
Gets affay excited so he does 

How does he know it's a Scottish nationalist? Maybe it was an Asian person who felt victimised by Galloway's recent racist comments?

Obviously anyone issuing death threats is a complete moron, far better to point, laugh or criticise than threaten his life.

There could be a number of suspects perhaps Jewish people who felt insulted that he compared the SNP, bad are running ferries, to the Nazis, good at running death camps. 

His tweets have been dialed up to 11 in recent days race baiting, the Nazi comparison etc etc if doesn't seem that strange that someone has taken exception to his tweets and done something very stupid.

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9 hours ago, 101 said:

Obviously anyone issuing death threats is a complete moron, far better to point, laugh or criticise than threaten his life.

There could be a number of suspects perhaps Jewish people who felt insulted that he compared the SNP, bad are running ferries, to the Nazis, good at running death camps. 

His tweets have been dialed up to 11 in recent days race baiting, the Nazi comparison etc etc if doesn't seem that strange that someone has taken exception to his tweets and done something very stupid.

Breaking: Sparkly pencil death threats up 100%

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I'm leaning towards him totally making it up.

I don't doubt that there are mentalists online who would chuck death threats around, but he seems to have been building to this with his garbage rhetoric of late. It all seems rather staged.

That, and he's a massive attention seeking liar.

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16 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

I'm leaning towards him totally making it up.

I don't doubt that there are mentalists online who would chuck death threats around, but he seems to have been building to this with his garbage rhetoric of late. It all seems rather staged.

That, and he's a massive attention seeking liar.

I'll write a newspaper headline

"Graphite or shite?  Galloway death threat claim challenged"

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3 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

I'm leaning towards him totally making it up.

I don't doubt that there are mentalists online who would chuck death threats around, but he seems to have been building to this with his garbage rhetoric of late. It all seems rather staged.

That, and he's a massive attention seeking liar.

There are posters on this forum that meet that description yet others still insist on engaging with them.

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