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1 hour ago, dorlomin said:



So the defence that someone has a "creepy interest" in population levels is to cherry pick a few donations that are publicly available then insinuate that these are part of a global conspiracy for power

It's not a conspiracy because it's completely in the open. 

The billionaires we are discussing use their foundations and other institutions to project political power globally.  

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10 minutes ago, Detournement said:

It's not a conspiracy because it's completely in the open. 


Deflection from the first argument that there is some kind of "creepy" or malevolent interest in Africas population.

"Given that Gates has a creepy and longstanding obsession with the size of Africa's population it seems ominious to me."

No evidence  that vaccines are "neocolonialism".

"My position is that I want Africans to be freed from the forces of neocolonialism"

No evidence  that  Gate's somehow believes Africans are not part of the solution to the continents problems

"Believing Gates rather than Africans has the solutions to Africa's problems is a big old giveaway to some fairly noxious politics."

All you have done is thrown in some emotive off topic subjects in the hope of obfuscating the fact you are talking out your arse. A couple have been pulled in, but its the usual suspects. 

You are just a Pound Shop Alex Jones. Edited. I think we are done here. Unless someone has something that looks like a coherent on topic argument back by some actual evidence. :lol:

Edited by dorlomin
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Saying someone is a creep is a subjective thing. I think if you are overly interested in the reproductive systems of strangers then you are a creep. You obviously think it's fine. Fair enough. 

I don't think white Oligarchs should be deciding the population of Africa. You do. We have very different politics. 


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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Well for instance the population of sub Saharan Africa is set to double by 2050, while global warming is making larger parts infertile year by year. I don't get why he would be immune to concerns about that just because he's rich. What evil plans do you think he has for the people of Africa?

I have no idea I just find it weird that people are really defensive about why an Epstein associate and largely unaccountable billionaire is allowed an almost unfiltered ability to influence world affairs as he sees fit. Maybe it's less about him having evil plans and more "huh, this insanely wealthy westerner shouldn't be allowed to have this much influence over African birth rates or anything in fact." It reeks of a feudal or colonial mindset especially when he's pretty much on the record as saying that he doesn't want to pay more tax because he believes he can spend his money better than governments can. 



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1 hour ago, NotThePars said:

I have no idea I just find it weird that people are really defensive about why an Epstein associate and largely unaccountable billionaire is allowed an almost unfiltered ability to influence world affairs as he sees fit. Maybe it's less about him having evil plans and more "huh, this insanely wealthy westerner shouldn't be allowed to have this much influence over African birth rates or anything in fact." It reeks of a feudal or colonial mindset especially when he's pretty much on the record as saying that he doesn't want to pay more tax because he believes he can spend his money better than governments can. 



I'm not sure Trump would have made better use of his money. Trump, in order to keep his loony right to fifers on board, has banned US AID from funding any charity that advises or assists with birth control. If Gates is able to make up for the shortfall, well and good. I don't see what's really defensive at seeing nothing wrong with that, and I don't see what's creepy about other NGO's worrying about population either. The main opponents of his charity work seem to be antivaxxers and 5G hysterics who think he's planting microchips in vaccines for purposes unknown. I get it that you distrust rich people on principle, and anyone who defends them is suspect, but that's a strange bunch to get onside with.


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If people believe someone has done something that is morally or legally wrong they need to be clear what it is and provide well sourced evidence that supports the claim.

Settle for insinuations, inferences and gut feel and pretty much you are here:


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12 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I'm not sure Trump would have made better use of his money. Trump, in order to keep his loony right to fifers on board, has banned US AID from funding any charity that advises or assists with birth control. If Gates is able to make up for the shortfall, well and good.

Maybe we should aspire to slightly better than hoping wealthy philanthropists should plug the gaps in public services. That's the Victorian mindset you would find banana and oaksoft championing on here.

12 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I don't see what's really defensive at seeing nothing wrong with that, and I don't see what's creepy about other NGO's worrying about population either.

Maybe it isn't in isolation but we're talking about a western NGO headed up by a ludicrously wealthy tech billionaire who has an inordinate amount of concern about the population of a historically colonised people. One which may have its own problems with ongoing climate change but isn't going to be a particularly major driver of climate change in and of itself. So why is it remotely his business? If he wants to do something then, again, either give his wealth away to these people or divert it towards challenging his comrades in wealth or his countrymen who help produce the insane carbon footprint that's turning the world into an oven.

12 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

The main opponents of his charity work seem to be antivaxxers and 5G hysterics who think he's planting microchips in vaccines for purposes unknown. I get it that you distrust rich people on principle, and anyone who defends them is suspect, but that's a strange bunch to get onside with.

Who is getting onside with these people? This is like saying "well some people think JFK is taking orders from the Vatican so your concerns about the escalating missile crisis and the Bay of Pigs makes you as much of a crank." It's utterly mental to suggest that paranoia and conspiracies around a topic or person automatically negates any and all critiques made towards it or them. You would literally be unable to criticise anything.



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Since 2002 The Gates Foundation has donated over $2 billion to the organization I work for, supporting nationally-owned HIV, tuberculosis and malaria programs in the world’s neediest countries. But yeah, it’s all a conspiracy.



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6 minutes ago, Duszek said:

Since 2002 The Gates Foundation has donated over $2 billion to the organization I work for, supporting nationally-owned HIV, tuberculosis and malaria programs in the world’s neediest countries. But yeah, it’s all a conspiracy.



But if Bill Gates didn't pay for it the level headed and stable governments of Africa would pay for it. 

He just wants to keep all the Malaria for himself the big colonial b*****d. 

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50 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Who is getting onside with these people? This is like saying "well some people think JFK is taking orders from the Vatican so your concerns about the escalating missile crisis and the Bay of Pigs makes you as much of a crank." It's utterly mental to suggest that paranoia and conspiracies around a topic or person automatically negates any and all critiques made towards it or them. You would literally be unable to criticise anything.


That would be a fair analogy if you had specified the harm he's doing in Africa with his money. But you haven't, you and detourney have just put out mantras and innuendoes; "African neocolonialism", "photographed with Epstein", "creepily obsessed with reproduction". You can disapprove of someone without making an automatic negative judgement of everything they do. 

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America's influence in Africa has always been benign. The World Bank never had any economic hitmen tricking African leaders into placing their nations into a debt trap. It was a wonderful idea not to back Patrice Lumumba and install Mobutu Sese Seko instead, and the good ole US of A really burst a gut combating the Apartheid regime in South Africa and never encouraged them to invade Angola. No Siree Jimbob.

Given that sort of backdrop it's completely baffling why anyone would be suspicious of the motives of a rich billionaire from a country with such a stellar record of treating its black African population with equality and respect over the past few centuries after he takes a sudden interest interest in Africa's problems.

To draw an analogy with Austria for no obvious reason, it was completely absurd that anyone would be concerned about Jorg Haider just because he was a right wing Austrian politician with pan-German nationalist sympathies with a name beginning with H and ending in r. We just forget about the past and assume everything is going to be OK this time.

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39 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

America's influence in Africa has always been benign. The World Bank never had any economic hitmen tricking African leaders into placing their nations into a debt trap. It was a wonderful idea not to back Patrice Lumumba and install Mobutu Sese Seko instead, and the good ole US of A really burst a gut combating the Apartheid regime in South Africa and never encouraged them to invade Angola. No Siree Jimbob.

Given that sort of backdrop it's completely baffling why anyone would be suspicious of the motives of a rich billionaire from a country with such a stellar record of treating its black African population with equality and respect over the past few centuries after he takes a sudden interest interest in Africa's problems.

To draw an analogy with Austria for no obvious reason, it was completely absurd that anyone would be concerned about Jorg Haider just because he was a right wing Austrian politician with pan-German nationalist sympathies with a name beginning with H and ending in r. We just forget about the past and assume everything is going to be OK this time.

So besides from him being rich and American, what has he done wrong in Africa? Is every British charity working in Africa evil because of our Colonial history?

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The other big donor in Africa is China with the belt and road initiative*. 

I'm sure the Communist Party is helping their African brothers as part of socialist solidarity and not as a way of getting Africa's resources on the cheap, like the West..



(*which maybe the UK should sign up for post Brexit- free munny and the Chinese might actually complete HS2)

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Scottish judge refuses to release documents that prove Scottish judges framed Meghari.

I am shocked. 


I'm not sure how you get that take from reading the link.

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3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I'm not sure how you get that take from reading the link.

A statement from the Jordanian head of state informing the UK that a Jordian intelligence officer built the bomb being dismissed as hearsay is ridiculous. Any official document that relies on multiple authors/investigators could be described that way. 

The national security defence is nonsense as well. Everyone knows Iran paid Palestinians to blow up the plane and that Gauci was paid for his ridiculous evidence by the US state. The only things that are being protected are the official reputations of the three bent Judges who went over to the Hague. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
24 minutes ago, Detournement said:

I'd say the Salisbury posioning narrative has huge holes in it but there's not even a public timeline of events so that would be giving it too much credit. There is a reason there will never be an inquest into Dawn Sturges death. 

Can you expand a little on your thinking here. 

Who then poisoned the Skripals, what evidence do you have that the "mainstream media narrative" is wrong?

In many other conspiracy theories leading questions are just a cover for evidence free assertions that do not make sense. But perhaps this one is different: you may have something we can all learn from here. 

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