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Jackson Carlaw resigns

Nae Union

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3 hours ago, Nae Union said:

Carlaw gone after a short tenure. He has said he is not the best person to make the case for the union. 

The problem for the Tories and Labour is that anyone with any talent in leadership potential terms wants to be at Westminster and views Holyrood as a slightly souped up regional council, so they have local councilor level politicians there for the most part.

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6 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

The problem for the Tories and Labour is that anyone with any talent in leadership potential terms wants to be at Westminster and views Holyrood as a slightly souped up regional council, so they have local councilor level politicians there for the most part.

A good point indeed and that was also said of much of the initial  Labour worthies from the start, maybe even continuing until today.  As the anti devolution party it's not surprising that Westminster is their target, even if curiously it's the PR system of Holyrood which allowed the Tories to recover from the disaster of 1997.

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1 minute ago, sophia said:

Michelle Ballantyne on BBC Scotland now.

Oh my word!


Just watched that too, she had no idea that he was going and she suspects Westminster had binned Carlaw! 

Douglas Ross to be the leader of the branch party( except for when he's running the line at Pittodrie on a Wednesday night).

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1 hour ago, DrewDon said:

'The SNP are running scared of Ruth Davidson's return - and she is the unifying First Minister our country desperately needs | My latest for @guardian'. 

Waiting for Stephen Daisley to call him Daddy, or to say he gave up on leadership as he is too guid for Holyrood.

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2 hours ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

Looking forward to the UK Party bringing in an alleged heavy hitter to put the SNP back in their place.

It's absolutely never been tried before, I know, but hopefully they will bring along a couple of Barr bottle crates to drive the message home.

Alex Salmond ala Hogan at Bash at the Beach '96. Kaye Adams in the Heenan role to spoil it by asking "but whose side is he on???"

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4 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

Please let it be Murdo Fraser

I thought he announced he was standing down at the next election (he's never actually won one of course, being a perennial list msp).

For sheer comedy value I'd love it to be Annie Wells. 

Breaking News: Mason Boyne has declared he also does not feel he can best put forward the case for the Union. More to follow.

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Daisley will be tumescent at the thought of Ruth's return.

Ross has massive creepy weirdo vibes of the 'politically active Tory from a young age' type. 

I actually think this is a decent short term move for them though. The Colonel does her thing in Holyrood, while Ross gets 8 months to talk shite to lapdog journalists without anyone holding him to account.

Long term ? How long do you think a visionary who answers the question 'If you were Prime Minister for the day, with no repercussions, what would you do ? And answers ' I'd crack down on the Gypos' is likely to last ?

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