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Jackson Carlaw resigns

Nae Union

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Wee Dougie getting punted up north after resigning over cummings,ruthie to lead the scottish branch until next years elections...takes the gubbing gets the ermine robes no harm done as she was steadying the ship...wee dougie takes over but not tainted by the gubbing its all the car dealers fault 

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12 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

The problem for the Tories and Labour is that anyone with any talent in leadership potential terms wants to be at Westminster and views Holyrood as a slightly souped up regional council, so they have local councilor level politicians there for the most part.

That's what I've always thought.

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19 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

I think they just thought he was too old tbh.

Alex Massie in the Times behind a paywall..


Golf club Toryism of the sort Mr Carlaw epitomises has its merits but is not what either the Scottish Tories or Unionism requires now.


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12 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

The problem for the Tories and Labour is that anyone with any talent in leadership potential terms wants to be at Westminster and views Holyrood as a slightly souped up regional council, so they have local councilor level politicians there for the most part.

That's certainly what did for Labour in Scotland imo.

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13 hours ago, sophia said:

Michelle Ballantyne on BBC Scotland now.

Oh my word!


Given her background and the sacrifices she and her husband has made, (selling their house and becoming tenants), she is the one Scottish tory that the Scottish people could possibly identify with, check out her Wiki background.

In an Independent Scotland we will require for politically balanced politicians of her ilk.

The other ilk you mentioned, Donald Cameron born in Achnacarry Castle whose ancestry is littered with Dukes and Earls and with a Harrow public school education, a law degree gained at a London Uni and who practiced in London and is a future major Scottish landowner is the absolute opposite of what is required in Scotland, he is so far removed from everyday life in our country and from the people.

He represents Scotland's past and should have absolutely no part in our future.

Edited by SandyCromarty
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12 hours ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

I met Jackson Carlaw once, and he said his political heroes were Margaret Thatcher and Richard Nixon. 

I also met his son briefly, who seemed alright.

Thats the extent of my involvement with the Carlaw family. 

That sums the man up.

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10 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

Given her background and the sacrifices she and her husband has made, (selling their house and becoming tenants), she is the one Scottish tory that the Scottish people could possibly identify with, check out her Wiki background.

Aye, she's quite the charmer. Not sure why choosing to sell her house and renting instead is a noble sacrifice.


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Ross to give a press conference shortly, he is the consummate slippery politician adept at political maneuvering not hugely intelligent but cunning as we know from his days on the Moray Council.

So I see two courses he may take, one he will refuse the job seeing it as retrograde step to his career where he may be targetting a westminster junior ministerial post, or two he takes the job but places the Blurt in the spotlight for FM's questions and other day to day business so that in next May's elections he can deflect the flak onto her when the tories lose miserably next May.

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1 hour ago, doulikefish said:

Wee Dougie getting punted up north after resigning over cummings,ruthie to lead the scottish branch until next years elections...takes the gubbing gets the ermine robes no harm done as she was steadying the ship...wee dougie takes over but not tainted by the gubbing its all the car dealers fault 

...but really the main problem in a Scottish context is Boris and it's difficult to see what stops Remain voters drifting to Yes to a greater extent than Leave voters are drifting to No as long as he is around in Farage Lite mode generally acting like a buffoonish old Etonian upper class twit.

Beyond that what COVID-19 has done of late is made the London media outlets have to acknowledge the full extent of Holyrood's powers and the limits of those of Westminster's and that has started to give Nicola Sturgeon the gravitas of a national leader on equal pegging a lot of the time with Boris in the absence of an English parliament. Somebody really needs to explain (or not I guess depending on which way you lean on independence) to people like Jacob Rees-Mogg just how corrosive their recent behaviour has been to the Union when they start outright ridiculing the idea that Holyrood can do its own thing. A sizable portion of No voters are pro-devolution and many if anything would like to see Holyrood's powers expanded rather than curtailed. The inability of people like Rees-Mogg to accept the reality of devolution is highly likely to push a significant portion of these people into the Yes camp.

If it's OK for Queensland to stop people from New South Wales travelling across internal state borders during a pandemic in Australia, why is it so supposedly comically absurd to think that Scotland would have the ability to do that in a post-devolution UK context? The Tories could use a leader like Murdo Fraser who would articulate something along those lines and when necessary represent the interests of the Scottish electorate against Westminster in a federal politics sort of way, so they can distance themselves a bit from a deeply unpopular Westminster leader. They opted instead for Ruth Davidson's more rigid anti-devolution British centralism instead, and it's probably too late in the day for a U-turn on that now with the Leave wing of the Tory party calling the shots at Westminster.

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Bit of an indictment that there are 31 sitting MSPs and none are likely to be seen as capable of stepping up to lead their party in Scotland.  Obviously the 6 MPs are entitled to lead their party in Scotland but the fact the favourite for the job so recently chucked a ministerial post doesn't say much for the rest if he remains the best option they've got. 

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

Aye, she's quite the charmer. Not sure why choosing to sell her house and renting instead is a noble sacrifice.


It's down to street cred and politico's can easily turn past trangressions around, political spin was ever thus.

She can sell the nurse tag and the 'sacrifice' with the house easier than the likes of the rank tories Sir Edward Mountbatten and Wee Lachie Cameron can try to downplay owning vast tracts of Scottish Land. 

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So Dross has accepted the role that Bojo probably designed on his visit earlier in the week, oh the spin.

Dross turns his back on Boris by trashing Cummings resigning a Scottish junior ministerial post, (which he wasn't getting extra money for), and then shortly after gets pulled right back into the fold, but wait, is the post a poisoned chalice? time will tell.

The Blurt comes out as anti Boris and refuses him attending the Scottish tory conference and later gets a peerage.

No fuckin morals anywhere in the tories.

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6 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Aye, she's quite the charmer. Not sure why choosing to sell her house and renting instead is a noble sacrifice.


The Tory in the background seems to be feigning a heart attack and loving it.

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23 minutes ago, AUFC90 said:

People down South must never have watched the routine gubbing that Davidson received EVERY week. Wonder how many unionist political leaders Sturgeon will have rinsed by the time we're independent ?

Are you suggesting that former BBC employee Ruth Davidson benefited from a skilfully manufactured media presentation which was careful to omit these gubbings, orange dogwhistling, and avoidance of any actual voters? 

I think you might be correct😉

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