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The abolish the Scottish Parliament party.

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4 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Except that is exactly what it is-an ethno-nationalist movement based entirely on grievance and identity.

Which a hate-filled, xenophobic, anti-Semitic racist like you would naturally be familiar with.

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35 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Except that is exactly what it is-an ethno-nationalist movement based entirely on grievance and identity.

^^^ political editor of The Sun.

I'll bow to your superior knowledge on the subject.


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29 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

^^^ political editor of The Sun.

I'll bow to your superior knowledge on the subject.

Nothing to do with me.

Wriggling out of Natterism being all about grievance and identity doesn't really suit you.

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5 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Nothing to do with me.

Wriggling out of Natterism being all about grievance and identity doesn't really suit you.

Nor does doing a highland fling whilst humming “I’ll Take the High Road” when one of the chaps at the golf course asks, “so were your parents heroin addicts or drunks?” suit you. You’re just supposed to serve the Campari and soda and take the sneering with a smile.

Edited by Antlion
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7 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

Nothing to do with me.

Wriggling out of Natterism being all about grievance and identity doesn't really suit you.

Tut, tut. You're making it up as you go along now. We both know you decided to throw any semblance of nuance out the window.

Trying to wriggle out of the particularly nasty brand of nationalism you've decided to back, being all about having your strings pulled by pound shop Mosleys' as you 'kick the forrins out are country', doesn't really suit you.

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Except that is exactly what it is-an ethno-nationalist movement based entirely on grievance and identity.
I support the cause of Scottish Independence and do not associate myself with your statement above. Other than an example of lazy, clichéd shitstirring would you care to provide some sort of tangible evidence of your claim in order that I can gain a better understanding ?
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21 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Is that what is actually happening though? The Torcuil and Catriona types latch onto Gaelic instead and plaster it all over Scottish government websites in an empty token sort of way because they are almost completely anglicised linguistically.

Their forebears preferred being a junior partner in crime where imperialism was concerned to separate nationhood and were happy to embark on a project of making Scotland very similar to England culturally to fit into the whole imperial escapade. 

This rush to Anglicisation was borne out of necessity after Culloden as far as the Highlands were concerned, as I have mentioned before the aftermath of Culloden was genocide by the Government troops to finally erase the Highland way of life and especially remove the powers of the Highland Clan Chiefs.

A major part of this eradication was the forfeiture and seizing of Chiefs lands, most but not all Chiefs were killed or transported to the hulks on the Thames, the result of this was that their sons and daughters were left with nothing, to attempt to regain the lands and money an many of those sons joined the Government armies throughout the world and fought alongside their father's enemies, they also encouraged clansmen to go with them, in time these sons adopted and became accustomed to the english life and their son's were educated in english schools and as you say they became enveloped into and had a hand in Imperialism much the same as did most European countries at the time.

To highlight this there is an interesting bystory, after the Culloden battle Cumberland gave the order that all wounded Highlanders had to be killed on the battlefield, a young english Lieutenant on horseback came upon two soldiers attempting to stab a wounded man who was defending himself, the young Lieutenant admiring the bravery ordered them to stop, Cumberland rode by and countermanded the order and the Highlander was killed. The Highlander was Fraser of Philorth and the young Lieutenant later became General Wolfe who went on to claim Canada for the crown, he died in battle at The Scaling of The Heights of Abraham against the French and drew his last breath in the arms of Fraser of Philorths son.

An earlier cause of Anglicisation by Scots south of the Highlands for business reasons  was the Darien disaster which Tom Devine describes so well. 


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15 hours ago, Ross. said:

Swiss German would argue against that.

Was tempted to work a Swiss German angle into my posts a couple of times but was wary of trying to spell Schwyzerdutsch. A lot of German "dialects" diverge more from the High German standard than Scots does from English and some still have lots of speakers across all social classes like in Switzerland. Really separate languages in many ways in other words. Just not developed as a literary language for whatever historical reason, so not taken seriously as languages.

There's nothing hugely out of the ordinary about Scots in European terms in other words. Just find it interesting that it isn't pushed by Scottish nationalism more and forms of Scottishness often get pushed instead that are arguably an outgrowth of imperial era state propaganda that was internalised by a signifiant segment of the population, but was usually viewed with complete disdain in left leaning working class circles. The SNP had a hard job getting beyond the Tartan Tory label for that reason.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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4 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Was tempted to work a Swiss German angle into my posts a couple of times but was wary of trying to spell Schwyzerdutsch. A lot of German "dialects" diverge more from the High German standard than Scots does from English and some still have lots of speakers across all social classes like in Switzerland. Really separate languages in many ways in other words. Just not developed as a literary language for whatever historical reason, so not taken seriously as languages.

There's nothing hugely out of the ordinary about Scots in European terms in other words. Just find it interesting that it isn't pushed by Scottish nationalism more and forms of Scottishness often get pushed instead that are arguably an outgrowth of imperial era state propaganda that was internalised by a signifiant segment of the population, but was usually viewed with complete disdain in left leaning working class circles. The SNP had a hard job getting beyond the Tartan Tory label for that reason.

I’d say Schwiizerdutsch is too different from hochdeutsch to be considered a dialect. The grammar is borderline non existent which is probably the main reason I would say that. Then you have the countless Swiss German dialects in there own right, which vary wildly. I can understand a bit of Baslerdutsch and Zuridutsch but put me with someone who speaks Bernerdutsch or Walliserdutsch and I am lost. Even then, if I try to read something that has been written in any Swiss dialect I am stumped.

I know a few Germans who will have a laugh about it and claim Swiss German is just a stupid dialect of the main language, but most of them only say that to hide the fact that they barely have a fucking clue what is being said around them.

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11 hours ago, welshbairn said:

The polls consistently show a higher wish for independence here than Catalonia anyway, it's not a cultural difference we have with the UK, it's a competency issue. Westminster is fucking useless and the rUK electorate are deluded lemmings. Not the majority probably, but that's the way the electoral system works. And it's gone on for fucking ever. Time to go our own way.

That's the way I see it too. A modicum of competence from the Westminster parties in carrying out federal style politics and devolution should have kept the genie in the bottle.

Scotland under normal circumstances lacks the raw material for a strong nationalism. At this point though with all the lunacy over Brexit, there's a strong case for giving independence a whirl.

All the rational arguments for the Union have been severely undermined by the likes of Farage and Rees-Mogg.

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9 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

That's the way I see it too. A modicum of competence from the Westminster parties in carrying out federal style politics and devolution should have kept the genie in the bottle.

Scotland under normal circumstances lacks the raw material for a strong nationalism. At this point though with all the lunacy over Brexit, there's a strong case for giving independence a whirl.

All the rational arguments for the Union have been severely undermined by the likes of Farage and Rees-Mogg.

Could I respectfully suggest there are quite a few more, in fact a lot more, who could be added to that list?


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11 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

Thanks for agreeing with my premise.  Your whitaboutery is normal.

You want to talk about whataboutery? Fine. Let's see you answer you answer these questions directly.

What does "grey and green yins" really mean?

Why do you continue to follow, like and quote racists?

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15 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Could I respectfully suggest there are quite a few more, in fact a lot more, who could be added to that list?


lol yep. If the failings down south could be confined to the extremist fringes of the Tory Party then unionists could still make a plausible case for the UK but the failures are endemic across the board - left to right, Westminster to Holyrood. Full spectrum failure.

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16 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Amusing to see LTL double down there.

The Torcuils' and Catrionas' who were very much taken by empire and North Britishness have suddenly turned to leadership roles in the SNP ? The party is run by central belt technocrats, not the cast of Brigadoon FFS.

Reducing the Yes movement down to the Hamish Husband cosplayers and linking the rise in support for self determination to Braveheart is the level of political analysis I'd expect from The Sun trying to explain to white van man and the gammons why the Jocks want to f**k off.

Don't really get that part. The Torcuils and Catrionas I've met have mostly been Gaelic-speaking Islanders whose parents and grandparents were cannon-fodder for the Empire while their families were booted off the land by rich cnuts.

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2 hours ago, Crùbag said:

Don't really get that part. The Torcuils and Catrionas I've met have mostly been Gaelic-speaking Islanders whose parents and grandparents were cannon-fodder for the Empire while their families were booted off the land by rich cnuts.

In 1732 and 1739 Macleod of Dunvegan and MacDonald of Sleat sold selected Clan members as indentured servants to landowners in the Carolinas.

Slaves in other words.

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You want to talk about whataboutery? Fine. Let's see you answer you answer these questions directly.

What does "grey and green yins" really mean?

Why do you continue to follow, like and quote racists?
Looks, quacks, walks etc. He's a bigot and a lifelong supporter of one of the most bigoted, hate-filled institutions in sport. His dirge should come as a surprise to absolutely no one.
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I'm loving how Scots isn't normalised and I've been living in an alternate universe my whole life. People who use Scots a lot can interchange between both, with ease, depending on the setting.

It is a completely different language though. People from English speaking countries around the globe wouldn't have a clue what you're saying if you're speaking broad Scots between you and your pals. Bet you and your pals would understand them though.

It's a weird one, I prefer speaking in Scots but would never write in Scots. That shit would give me a sore head [emoji23]

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Pie and Bovril mobile app

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