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Cobra Kai Appreciation Thread


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  • 3 weeks later...

Finished Season 3 last night my thoughts:-

  • A lot of it was filler, it was pretty obvious at the end of season 2 that it was heading towards Johnny and Daniel teaming up so they could have got there in maybe 5-7 episodes. But somehow it still didn't feel long enough :(
  • Enjoyed them leaning into the comedy aspect of things more with Johnny until the last couple of episodes where he got serial again, while still building on his relationship with Miguel.
  • The Kreese flashbacks while there to try and give a backstory didn't really land with me. Until the last one despite the over the top snake pit it served the purpose of showing why Kreese is the c**t he is and that it was obviously Terry Silver's life he saved. Adds some background to KK3 and no doubt his appearance in season 4.
  • Didn't expect Hawk's face turn in the last episode (he's still an arsehole), was expecting Robby to turn up and turn face again so that was a surprise.
  • Looking forward to Season 4 hopefully despite the way the world is they can still get it shot and ready to release next Jan. Obviously building to Miguel/Sam v Robby/Tori at the tournament with a good guy win. Which should be the happy ending to it, so I'm struggling to see how they have enough story to last 6 seasons like I seen they had claimed.

Not spoilering this because you shouldn't really be reading this far along if you haven't watched it and are still planning to.

Edited by Scotty Tunbridge
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So Terry Silver is coming back in Season 4 that is a stick on.

Ive checked and Sean Kanan who played Mike Barnes "Karate's Bad Boy" is still acting so he's available to come back. Same too for Robyn Lively who played Jessica. Guess they are possibles to keep the reminising going.

will it stop there or will they get Hillary Swank and an even longer shot... Jaden Smith to make appearences

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1 hour ago, steelmen said:

So Terry Silver is coming back in Season 4 that is a stick on.

Ive checked and Sean Kanan who played Mike Barnes "Karate's Bad Boy" is still acting so he's available to come back. Same too for Robyn Lively who played Jessica. Guess they are possibles to keep the reminising going.

will it stop there or will they get Hillary Swank and an even longer shot... Jaden Smith to make appearences

Please God no.

Sadly, given his old man is one of the producers, I'd say there might be a chance.

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Man, I spent the entire series despising Hawk. He was a coward and an irredeemable bully who just acted like the biggest piece of shit who needed such a massive, massive kicking. Then we get his face turn out of absolutely nowhere.

Tori is just the female Hawk, but worse. She's such a horrid little c**t. A grim, angry bully, also a massive coward. Worse is how stupid she is. She needs her wrists, ankles and knees snapped.

Talking of stupid we have Robbie, the world's most gullible wee p***k. He allows himself to be played so easily despite how achingly obvious it is every single time.

The asian lad, who appears to be mid 20s, thinks he hard by beating up wee kids who look to be about 10. All of the other stuff noted about the others applies to him. After he repeatedly punched Miguel in the spine he deserves to have every single finger and toe snapped, as well as his wrists, ankles, elbows and knees. c**t.


Anyway, on to lighter things. Johnny might actually be the best rehab guy around! His work with Miguel was top notch, and also hilarious.

Daniel's trip to Japan was entertaining as was his encounter with his old foe, who turned out to be a nice guy. The mad technique he taught Daniel certainly proved handy.

Some cracking music and some cracking maws.

Why do they trust Kreese to keep his word though?

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Also how does Johnny afford to keep drinking so much?! And indeed just live in general?

I know his step dad is rich but it's pretty clear that the step dad isn't giving Johnny a regular income (or indeed any income!).

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That got really good from the last couple of episodes of S2 right up to the end of S3. The big fights, while totally nonsense are really well done. Hawks face turn was definitely coming from the moment he clocked the bully entering the dojo but it was damn satisfying when it came.

Tori's character isn't great I don't think. She's obviously a massive cow and they've succeeded in making me hate her but her whole personality doesn't fit with the sympathetic back story. When she insists on it ending, what does she mean? Is her intention to beat Sam to death?

I'm still of the opinion that Krees is a massive creep though. Nobody questioning the fact that he was wandering about the school netball and wrestling matches?

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Just caught up on this , didn't realise it had its own thread.

It is very good but I think I was overhyped leading into it and it got a bit predictable in series 2 and 3 - here are characters A and B in some remote restaurant / forest / planet. Amazingly character C appears from a rival faction. Half expected Kreese to turn up in Japan.

Also given the quotes about the rent level, and the fact Kreese is basically homeless / Johnny is perpetually skint, where have they been getting the money from  unless they're charging each kid about $100 per lesson. If Kreese was being bankrolled by Terry Silver surely he wouldn't be destitute?

Thought it was nailed on Ali was going to be Tori's mum given the mum never appeared on screen and that Ali would have fallen on hard times. I'm sure there'll be some connection in series 4 for Tori to an existing character, maybe a one night stand from Johnny with her mum?

Hawk still deserves a kicking, not sure off who though.

Edited by Fuctifano
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1 hour ago, Fuctifano said:

Just caught up on this , didn't realise it had its own thread.

It is very good but I think I was overhyped leading into it and it got a bit predictable in series 2 and 3 - here are characters A and B in some remote restaurant / forest / planet. Amazingly character C appears from a rival faction. Half expected Kreese to turn up in Japan.

Also given the quotes about the rent level, and the fact Kreese is basically homeless / Johnny is perpetually skint, where have they been getting the money from  unless they're charging each kid about $100 per lesson. If Kreese was being bankrolled by Terry Silver surely he wouldn't be destitute?

Thought it was nailed on Ali was going to be Tori's mum given the mum never appeared on screen and that Ali would have fallen on hard times. I'm sure there'll be some connection in series 4 for Tori to an existing character, maybe a one night stand from Johnny with her mum?

Hawk still deserves a kicking, not sure off who though.

I reckon Daniel's rarely seen or mentioned son should be the one to give Hawk a hiding

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