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P&B Chess League - Season 8 coming soon….

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On 27/06/2021 at 15:42, Uncle Psychosis said:

Div A

ChessBassGuitar beats Ziggy_The_Spider

A strange game, think Ziggy resigned a wee bit early to be honest. I wasn't quite sure how I was going to continue. Was intrigued by a few of your moves - why did you take on d4 with the rook and not the Bishop? And did you mean to sac the knight on f4? That one had me scratching my head. 

Thanks for the game.

I was confused for most of it, I couldn’t figure out if your knight on e4 was a strength or a weakness.

I took with the rook as I was working on the incorrect assumption that you would struggle to finish developing.

Yes, I meant to sac the knight, it was more out of hope than expectation as I thought any alternative just led to a slow death.

 I’m trying not to worry about material.

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2 results.

Pleslie999 beats invergowrie by Checkmate. Wild game but enjoyable, numerous blunders between us lol


Dandies1983 beats pleslie999 by checkmate. Playing half the game while having a bevy last night was not advisable 🤣 Well played sir 👏


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1 minute ago, Frank Grimes said:

Two wins for me against Invergowrie & pleslie999

Wee rook sacrifice in the last game to get the checkmate 

Cheers for the games lads 

Well played, didn't even see that checkmate 🤣 but was miles behind at that point anyway 

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In division B, GCarlos9 defeats Board_stupid by checkmate.

Nicely brought about by a rook sacrifice, I can't have any complaints about the result.

This also means that @Loki is confirmed as the Division B champion and well done to him, it's thoroughly deserved.

For the rest of us also-rans it we now wait to see if eindhovendee can take anything off him in the final game.

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13 minutes ago, Curmudgeon said:

In division B, GCarlos9 defeats Board_stupid by checkmate.

Nicely brought about by a rook sacrifice, I can't have any complaints about the result.

This also means that @Loki is confirmed as the Division B champion and well done to him, it's thoroughly deserved.

For the rest of us also-rans it we now wait to see if eindhovendee can take anything off him in the final game.

I had a look at your game last night and thought it looked evenly balanced. Surprised it was over so quickly but it was a nice attack by Gcarlos.

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17 minutes ago, Curmudgeon said:

In division B, GCarlos9 defeats Board_stupid by checkmate.

Nicely brought about by a rook sacrifice, I can't have any complaints about the result.

This also means that @Loki is confirmed as the Division B champion and well done to him, it's thoroughly deserved.

For the rest of us also-rans it we now wait to see if eindhovendee can take anything off him in the final game.

Yeah I may as well retire now, as I’ll never do anything quite as clever ever again.  I thought you might think the rook was a desperate attempt to save my Queen and you wouldn’t see the dance to end it all.

I got that from doing those puzzles.  Very tough match.  The match with Eindhoven is very finely poised as well, slight advantage to me as I have his rook for my horse.  But with all our matches it will be decided by which one of us makes the mistake.

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[mention=22650]DeeTillEhDeh[/mention].Accepted your challenge, played my white first move and the game disappeared and can't find you  now.
I've played my first black move - I also checked your profile - the game is showing there.

PM if you still can't see it and I'll invite again.
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2 hours ago, Ziggy said:

I had a look at your game last night and thought it looked evenly balanced. Surprised it was over so quickly but it was a nice attack by Gcarlos.


2 hours ago, Loki said:

Yeah I may as well retire now, as I’ll never do anything quite as clever ever again.  I thought you might think the rook was a desperate attempt to save my Queen and you wouldn’t see the dance to end it all.

I got that from doing those puzzles.  Very tough match.  The match with Eindhoven is very finely poised as well, slight advantage to me as I have his rook for my horse.  But with all our matches it will be decided by which one of us makes the mistake.

The queen and rook lined up the diagonal was just too tempting.

I could see the danger with the rook sac, but I didn't factor in the second rook following it up.

The voice inside my head was going:

It's a trap; don't do it; it's clearly a trap; you know it's a trap, right?

But like a moth to the flame there was a part of me that wanted to see how it would unfold. It might as well have been a big red button with a sign saying "something bad will happen if you press this".

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Division C, round 21

cols407 made a wee early mistake that knocked a hole in his kingside pawn structure, and then spent the rest of the game tenaciously hanging on in a desperate rearguard action, at one point offering up a queen without compensation to stave off checkmate - and still kept fighting for 22 more moves! He didn't give up that epic winning streak without a fight. I'm tipping him to be a promotion contender for season 3.

AimHere beats cols407 by resignation.

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16 minutes ago, Aim Here said:

Division C

Round 22

RBWatson attempts some tricksy Petrov variant where black pins the white knight with his queen, but it backfires and he loses his queen instead.

AimHere beats RBWatson by resignation.

Well played, I ought to have resigned earlier I suspect.

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31 minutes ago, EvilScotsman said:

Well played, I ought to have resigned earlier I suspect.

If you're at all in doubt, you shouldn't resign. Unless you're absolutely, positively, definitely, 100% sure that the other guy won't ever blunder you back into at least a drawn position, you should hang in there and make the him or her prove they can checkmate you. At the sort of level you and I play at, it's far from impossible to come back from "losing" positions, though at some point you may have to change your mindset from 'can I win?' to 'can I get a repetition draw?', and then at some other point from 'is there a perpetual check?' to 'how can I best throw away all my movable pieces and engineer a stalemate?'.  The worst case scenario for not resigning is you get a bit of practice at trying to battle out unfavourable positions - and you'll end up being better placed to judge which positions really are or aren't completely unsalvageable.

Us lower level chess scrubs like to pretend that resigning makes us more like proper clever chess players because we see the Carlsens and Caruanas and Kasparovs and whoever shaking hands and resigning over a board that looks, to our untrained eyes, like it's more or less even, but that's only because they know absolutely, for sure, that the other guy is simply never going to screw up hard enough. They're trained professionals. Don't try that at home.

Even at the very highest levels, there's cases where 'if in doubt, don't resign' applies. Here's someone refusing to resign in a well-known (if rather tricky) lost endgame against a former women's world chess champion, and actually getting a result, because the former world champion didn't know how to pull it off.



Edited by Aim Here
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