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Rangers - 55 or 1

Rangers - 55 or 1  

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5 minutes ago, CCB19035 said:

Where have I mentioned political views with regards to specific parties?

Take a look at your clubs Twitter feed, the stand behind the goal, the tweets by your fans most of them are staunch, fierce unionists. 

I think I've got you pegged. You're clearly a reasonably minded individual who struggles to come to terms with the fact the club you support is not a force for good in society. 

Enjoy your title win, it's deserved based on how the side have played this season. And that alone. 

Are you hurting? is it sore? so every Rangers fan thinks and acts the same do they, ffs where do you start with this pish

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11 minutes ago, CCB19035 said:

Where have I said that it's every Rangers fan? 


45 minutes ago, CCB19035 said:

Fed up of this myth that it's a few bad eggs and they aren't all the same blah blah, it's a load of pish. 



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57 minutes ago, bennett said:



That ccb guy isn't too happy,  is he.....




Only problem is that it hurts when I laugh (kind of got puggled last night), so can you refrain from the angry posts for a wee while until I recover.



He is an actual nutter. Runs around the forum foaming at the mouth, lashing out at Rangers fans calling them sectarian terms whilst proclaiming how bigoted they are. Not the brightest..

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1 hour ago, TonyFerrino said:

That is the crux of the matter.  The parent company that held the license is no more as of 2012, a matter of public record and visible to all at Companies House, but they managed to shelp the license to another company and effectively carry on as normal, shedding tens of millions in debt in the process.  Nice work if you can get it.

That's the way I see it.  If we accepts that it's the same club, and I'm happy to do so, then they still owe a lot of companies a lot of money.

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Just now, AJF said:

bill hader popcorn GIF by Saturday Night Live


We can surely compromise and refer it as the 55th and 1st. It was good enough for King James after the union of crowns. I'll take my Nobel peace prize now thank you.


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1 hour ago, Lothiangamer said:

Officially its 55, morally you could say its the first. I say officially as the SPFL, SFA, UEFA and FIFA have them as the same club. I know most people look upon them as corrupt, but they are still the official licensed bodies within Scotland, Europe and the World.


... who appear not to understand company law 😐

but obvious to everyone why they signed up to this fiction!

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21 minutes ago, CCB19035 said:

I very rarely post on the forums. 

You keep playing the victim though, feel c**t that you are.

That's the part he took issue with 😂

He may be a stupid angry bigot but he doesn't spend much time on here at least. 

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1 hour ago, Pull My Strings said:

What if you're using it in a casual manner, not getting wound up by it and simply enjoying the journey?


Edit: Although having now read the thread I can see that there's still a lot of anger out there. It's not healthy lads.

That’s absolutely fine, although for what it’s worth I doubt you’ll find many Rangers fans today who’ll care a jot what anyone else says. :lol:

But yes, as your edit suggests, some people get themselves pretty worked up.

Even it Rangers officially were recognised as a new club by the authorities etc, you think their fans wouldn’t be claiming this as title number 55 today? I highly doubt it.

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6 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

That’s absolutely fine, although for what it’s worth I doubt you’ll find many Rangers fans today who’ll care a jot what anyone else says. :lol:

But yes, as your edit suggests, some people get themselves pretty worked up.

Even it Rangers officially were recognised as a new club by the authorities etc, you think their fans wouldn’t be claiming this as title number 55 today? I highly doubt it.

Aye, folk arguing until the end of time over something that ultimately matters not one bit.

55 or 1, it's just an absolute tragedy that the events of 2012 were a mere blip and that Scottish football is back to 'normal'.

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30 minutes ago, EdinburghBlue said:

... who appear not to understand Scottish company law 😐

but obvious to everyone why they signed up to this fiction!

This.  Have amended slightly for fuller clarity.   Ask the good chaps at the new Gretna 2008 club what the position is regarding administration/liquidation.

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13 hours ago, deadasdillinger said:

A baby born in 2012 has had 9 Christmases, just as a club born in 2012 has seen 9 league titles handed out. 

The Rangers has won 1 of those titles. 

Simple maths. 

That is arithmetic.

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8 minutes ago, CCB19035 said:

I'm not a bigot. Using the word *** doesn't make you a bigot. 

You can't support an institution of bigotry and then turn around and call others bigots, it doesn't work like that I'm afraid. 

It's like when your Farage types like to claim they get offended when they get called a "honkey" or something like that. 

Canna happen. 



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57 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

Aye, folk arguing until the end of time over something that ultimately matters not one bit.

55 or 1, it's just an absolute tragedy that the events of 2012 were a mere blip and that Scottish football is back to 'normal'.

As soon as they were allowed in, it was when rather than it normality was resumed.

Scottish football has made its bed and will have sleep in it.

The decision to allow them back was just the latest and biggest factor in why we are stuck with what we have.

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