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Sarah Everard

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1 minute ago, Dunning1874 said:

Some police officer in the replies bragging about scabbing when fire brigades were on strike.

Not only does that say something about their own approach to solidarity, but actively trying to harm the working conditions of other state employees could never have ended up harming the police in the long term, could it?

Wonder what would happen if the police went on strike

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7 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

Astonishing to me how virtually everyone on this thread thinks one party is entirely at fault to the detriment of the other party. There are shades of grey in this but any debate is stifled by one party ridiculing the other....

Where's the shade of grey when the police storm in and batter some lassies

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Do you need to have been there to form an opinion?
It’s the fact that debate is being stifled that I’m pointing out.
You can form an opinion, but to genuinely believe there are no shades of grey is wrong.
No one in their right mind cannot be sympathetic to the cause, but technically it was an illegal gathering whether people are willing to accept it or otherwise.
i suspect the police were heavy handed but as I said I wasn’t there to understand any causes or perceived justifications....
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1 minute ago, roman_bairn said:

It’s the fact that debate is being stifled that I’m pointing out.

You can form an opinion, but to genuinely believe there are no shades of grey is wrong.

No one in their right mind cannot be sympathetic to the cause, but technically is was an illegal gathering whether people are willing to accept it or otherwise.

i suspect the police were heavy handed but as I said I wasn’t there to understand any causes or perceived justifications....


Yes, it was an illegal gathering but the punishment for that is a fine, not getting battered. The police way overstepped the mark here

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It’s the fact that debate is being stifled that I’m pointing out.

Who's stifling debate? You're entitled to post your opinion just as much I'm entitled to think you're a bootlicking moron. This is the free speech thing you've probably convinced yourself has been stifled by "the left".
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1 minute ago, roman_bairn said:

It’s the fact that debate is being stifled that I’m pointing out.

You can form an opinion, but to genuinely believe there are no shades of grey is wrong.

No one in their right mind cannot be sympathetic to the cause, but technically is was an illegal gathering whether people are willing to accept it or otherwise.

i suspect the police were heavy handed but as I said I wasn’t there to understand any causes or perceived justifications....


I'm not sure the justification exists for the bits I've seen. It would have been better to stand back. If speakers were causing a problem, discretely pull the plug. If it was a few agitators, there's techniques to deal with them.

It's poor communication and very poor execution of control.

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I'm not sure the justification exists for the bits I've seen. It would have been better to stand back. If speakers were causing a problem, discretely pull the plug. If it was a few agitators, there's techniques to deal with them.
It's poor communication and very poor execution of control.

As I said, there are faults in many aspects of this.
It certainly appears from the small clips we have seen that there was heavy handedness. It would be good to hear what caused the police to adopt such an approach before forming a firm conclusion though....
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Who's stifling debate? You're entitled to post your opinion just as much I'm entitled to think you're a bootlicking moron. This is the free speech thing you've probably convinced yourself has been stifled by "the left".

Interesting that you name yourself after a Joy Division song.
Just think about that.....
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37 minutes ago, superbigal said:

No justice, no peace,
Fuckk the police.

From the Vigil ladies last night.

It's quite catchy you know, when you give it a go.


They should release it in the charts.





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