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Sarah Everard

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There is no need to look to America for that shit. The police officers who killed Sheku Bayoh got medical retirement with enhanced pensions. The police told lies about him having a knife. The police made clearly racist comments about him having super strength.

This guilty plea is pretty convenient on the weekend of the Euros final. The outstanding question is why he wasn't properly investigated for the indecent exposure days prior to the abduction? I don't expect the media to take much more interest in that question than they do in reporting the Manchester bombers relationship with the security services or where Jo Cox's killer got a gun. 

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17 minutes ago, Detournement said:

where Jo Cox's killer got a gun. 

I read an article about that, the police tracked its original owner, it was stolen from his car when he shouldn’t have had it there and from that point the cops don’t know how it got to the murderer? I may have misremembered.

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6 hours ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

This might just be me, and might well belong in PTTGOYN, but..


The lovely Cressida has just been giving a statement to the press. Along with the acceptance that all murder victims are the absolute best folk, she said, "Sarah had her whole life ahead of her."

No, she fucking didn't. She was 33. Obviously this is a figure of speech, but it's use should surely be limited to those <ten years or so?

Fo the avoidance of doubt, I'm glad this knobhead is coming into the System as I prepare to take my leave from same.  The victim also appears to have been a decent and popular person. I just think we generally kid ourselves occasionally that cúnts don't get murdered. 

Mrs Mathematics hates this as well, and wants me to tell the utter truth if she ever goes missing or is murdered.

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This case equally terrifies/fascinates me. I understand that he should have been investigated in 2015 for allegedly flashing women, but how can you get to 48, be reasonably successful in your career, and do something as heinous as this? Being a serving police officer, he must have had some inkling that he would never get away with this, especially with his Keystone Cops-esque behaviour in hiring a car in his own name, using his own credit card, shopping for tarpaulin in B&Q and the other glaringly obvious mistakes he made trying to cover his tracks.

In addition, did it never enter his head what the consequences would be if/when he was caught? It’s surely bad enough being a rapist and murderer in prison but given his profession he will be living the remainder of his life looking over his shoulder.

He must also have surely been aware that given his position of power, and as has been alleged that he used his Warrant Card to lure Everard into his car, that he would almost certainly be looking at a full life sentence.

I just cannot comprehend how someone firstly can do something like this, but someone who had, to all extents, a pretty decent life. Married, young children, good job. Just makes the mind boggle.

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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

I read an article about that, the police tracked its original owner, it was stolen from his car when he shouldn’t have had it there and from that point the cops don’t know how it got to the murderer? I may have misremembered.

I think I linked the article you read in the conspiracy thread. 

Yeah the gun was stolen from a car but the police are sure it wasn't Mair who did that. There was someone else involved.

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This case equally terrifies/fascinates me. I understand that he should have been investigated in 2015 for allegedly flashing women, but how can you get to 48, be reasonably successful in your career, and do something as heinous as this? Being a serving police officer, he must have had some inkling that he would never get away with this, especially with his Keystone Cops-esque behaviour in hiring a car in his own name, using his own credit card, shopping for tarpaulin in B&Q and the other glaringly obvious mistakes he made trying to cover his tracks.

In addition, did it never enter his head what the consequences would be if/when he was caught? It’s surely bad enough being a rapist and murderer in prison but given his profession he will be living the remainder of his life looking over his shoulder.

He must also have surely been aware that given his position of power, and as has been alleged that he used his Warrant Card to lure Everard into his car, that he would almost certainly be looking at a full life sentence.

I just cannot comprehend how someone firstly can do something like this, but someone who had, to all extents, a pretty decent life. Married, young children, good job. Just makes the mind boggle.
From experience, one thing very few offenders (of whatever type) ever consider is getting caught.
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18 hours ago, Michael W said:

There have been several cases of this recently. The murder of the two sisters in London also featured cops taking photographs of the bodies to send to their mates. Unbelievable.

Sounds as well that there has been rank incompetence in investigations too.

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On 10/07/2021 at 18:06, ICTChris said:

Apparently Couzens nickname in the police was “The Rapist”. Hahaha great banter lads.

Ive been meaning to bump this all day but surely I wasn’t the only who thought of this when I heard the name the rapist?


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It would be hilarious getting pulled over by “the rapist” and some other wise cracking police officer if they started going off about their nicknames etc like some sort of comedy double act, would be like the cops in the film Superbad only there would be a very serious chance of being murdered.

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Wayne has been sacked from the Met a week after admitting murder. 

You really would think admitting to murder would be automatic sacking for a polis but it appears to take a week for the paper work to be done.

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9 minutes ago, 101 said:

Wayne has been sacked from the Met a week after admitting murder. 

You really would think admitting to murder would be automatic sacking for a polis but it appears to take a week for the paper work to be done.

Regulation 15 notice I believe it’s called.



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10 hours ago, 101 said:

Wayne has been sacked from the Met a week after admitting murder. 

You really would think admitting to murder would be automatic sacking for a polis but it appears to take a week for the paper work to be done.

No they legally have to give notice of a misconduct investigation and allow the other party time to prepare etc. If they didnt do it properly he could appeal and drag the thing out. Which given his actions is quite possible as he is a twisted sick p***k. 

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I've posted this before, but an ex colleague of mine was sent down for transporting drugs into the nick. The disciplinary (dismissal) hearing took place in her new Nick's visits room. Word, but that's how timescales sometimes work.

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11 hours ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

I've posted this before, but an ex colleague of mine was sent down for transporting drugs into the nick. The disciplinary (dismissal) hearing took place in her new Nick's visits room. Word, but that's how timescales sometimes work.

Yeah yeah "ex colleague"

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