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Scottish Parliamentary Elections May 2021

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2 minutes ago, DC92 said:

How are they going to get 65?

Maybe one in the south, taking it to 64, but plenty of results have already come in and they're nowhere near anywhere else.


They needed either Galloway or the Aberdeen West one to have a chance of getting there.

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14 minutes ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

@virginton you are literally saying they shouldn't campaign for both votes.

I said that they shouldn't have made it front and centre of their campaign. Perhaps if they had found a few more targeted slogans and tried it out on the ground instead of driving their gormless both votes bus around, then they would have taken obvious target seats like Jackie fucking Baillie's and got the majority they were looking for. 


People who want to game the list system to remove the proportional aspect of the parliament are idiots. All that does is remove the credibility of the parliament. If 25% of scotland votes Tory they should get 25% of the MSPs.

It's not gaming the system, it's called exercising choice. Where the Greens do not stand in a constituency you cannot vote for them on anything other than the regional list. The same goes for 15 other parties or something that were on the regional ballot in this area alone.

The SNP banged on about the vital importance of lockstep discipline across two votes, by and large got this and it has acheived f**k all. The more that they treat their base with contempt, the steeper their eventual slide will be. 

The real gaming of the system comes with FPTP constituencies, which sees both Nationalists and much more so Unionists hold their noses and cast tactical vote choices across the board. And if Labour voters are going to split tickets to help Tory Yoons then the Yes movement requires a more efficient tactic of its own to empty Labour on the list in retaliation. 

Edited by vikingTON
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12 minutes ago, edinabear said:

So the result is almost identical to 5 years ago and the Yes popular vote is still under 50% and people think this is a mandate for indyref 2?  Absolute nonsense 

The "Yes popular vote" wasn't up for election.

There's no way you can assume that every SNP/Green voter would vote Yes & that every Con/Lab/Libdem voter would vote No.

The new parliament has a mandate for a referendum. That's one way to measure the "Yes popular vote", but I'll bet that you are against holding one.

How democratic!

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1 minute ago, virginton said:

I said that they shouldn't have made it front and centre of their campaign. Perhaps if they had found a few more targeted slogans and tried it out on the ground instead of their gormless both votes bus, then they would have taken obvious target seats like Jackie fucking Baillie. 

Explain how reducing the visibility of the 2nd vote campaing would help win constituency seats because I am not following what you are saying here.

Is it that you think the Both Votes SNP campaign solidified yoon tactical voting?

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7 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:


They needed either Galloway or the Aberdeen West one to have a chance of getting there.


A lot of the BBC graphics said "Aberdeen West " and the presenter guy was grinding my gears by talking about how the Tory guy "retained his seat in the oil and gas city".  There are no Tory MSPs in any of the constituencies covering Aberdeen - it's the teuchters who've let the side down.   

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1 minute ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

If it's 64 they should go into a formal coalition with the Greens with IndyRef2 and things like Land Reform at the centre of the Scottish Government's policies.

SNP will never go into a formal coalition.

The only way they can be defeated is if all the other parties work together against them which play into a lot of the SNP messaging.

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1 minute ago, resk said:


A lot of the BBC graphics said "Aberdeen West " and the presenter guy was grinding my gears by talking about how the Tory guy "retained his seat in the oil and gas city".  There are no Tory MSPs in any of the constituencies covering Aberdeen - it's the teuchters who've let the side down.   

Ok, apologies.

These things do matter.

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I sometimes get annoyed on here how much abuse Clyde fans get. Then I remember John "I'll deal with the trans" Mason is one. As you were chaps

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A lot of the BBC graphics said "Aberdeen West " and the presenter guy was grinding my gears by talking about how the Tory guy "retained his seat in the oil and gas city".  There are no Tory MSPs in any of the constituencies covering Aberdeen - it's the teuchters who've let the side down.   

I would say the affluent suburbanites more than the teuchter element.

Nicola is about as popular as a turd in a sugar bowl with the Markies shoppers in Westhill.
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You’re not far out there.
For me, the Thatcher years were liberating and lifted me out from my Council house upbringing in to new uplands of opportunity.
Also, I love my British heritage with the language which we share with our English neighbours and all the cultural ties which we have . Much more so than with our European friends.
Your analysis is quite accurate.
You love the fact you speak the same language ? Is that how tenuous the link has got, f**k me that's shite.

I too was a child whose parents moved through the housing "ranks" from a council house in Port Glasgow to ultimately 25 yrs later my dad buying a plot and building a house in Ayrshire and he built 3 more before he died. That was from 1977 onwards but f**k me, Thatcher and her Tory govt had f**k all to do with that. They didn't invoke right to buy and my mother was in and out if work throughout. That story will be shared with hundreds of thousands Scotland wide but to cling onto that as some sort of golden era that we should continue to claim made us what we are 40 odd years later is total and utter bollocks.
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7 minutes ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

Explain how reducing the visibility of the 2nd vote campaing would help win constituency seats because I am not following what you are saying here.

Is it that you think the Both Votes SNP campaign solidified yoon tactical voting?

It possibly did, but the much more significant point is that it crowded out any arguments to actually support the SNP in the first place, to win the constituency contests that mattered for the outcome. 

Perhaps the bigger issue with the SNP's campaign is that there simply weren't any highly effective messages; as much as any other party, it has largely been a campaign of promising more and increasingly ridiculous goodies to the voters, as if the last year never happened. 

Edited by vikingTON
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I like the bbc coverage of Scottish Greens celebrating in Central Scotland seat. It was between the Tories and Greens for that last seat so that is good news. 
Greens took list seat off Labour in Central.

Was 4 Lab, 3 Tory last time.
Is 3 Lab, 3 Tory, 1 Green this time.
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