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Amazon’s Tolkien Adaptation - Coming 2nd September 2022 Discussion


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1 hour ago, GHF-23 said:

Managed to make this more entertaining for myself by barely paying attention to it. Had completely missed Durins decision so was fully expecting the usual sun come up army comes to save the day thing.

It's better, definitely, than it was last season but not by much. There's too much going on and the pacing is so different between the different plot lines, some of which seem to only exist to make knowing winks to the audience about revelations to come. It still has the first season problem of constantly trying to get the characters into position for the last couple of episodes and the further story in a way that's really forced. 

I actually think the Celebrimbor stuff was ok, other than making him so thick. The illusion stuff was quite well done and the Sauron fella is doing a better job than most on the show. 

No idea how the elves ended up with 10 lads and no one on the walls. Also was Gilgalad always there or did he just turn up by himself at the end? 

Anyway I tend to watch it on my lunch break one of the days I come home at lunchtime so not exactly wasting my time but every week I do think "why did I just watch this?"

Excited to get 10 minutes of Isildur and his new pal, gandalf or whoever picking a staff and chatting to Ciaran Hinds, the hobbits standing up to the biker gang and whatevers meant to be interesting about Numenor alongside Galadriel accidentally giving Sauron the rings this week. 

I slagged Celebrimbor early on for being thick as f**k, but I agree with you that they did finally manage to portray Sauron in an appropriately evil and manipulative way when they showed him bending Celebrimbors mind as he becomes a little more keen to speed the ring making up. 

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Arondir took a sword to the guts and was left face doon in the dirt last episode, and yet suddenly he's up and running aboot like nothing happened in this one, with no explanation offered at all for how this happens.

I really cba with it any more. Watched this series against my better judgement, but I couldn't give a toss about season 3.

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“Let’s sing”.  

No.  Let’s f**king not.  

I actually thought this was the best episode so far by quite a distance. But the awful script, the gaping plot holes, and some of the acting make it painful in places.  

Lady Galadriel has precisely one expression. 


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I am not a big Tolkein buff I have a very basic knowledge although it does reach into some of the deeper lore. 

Even I know that what was a very well thought out, crafted world by a very talented man has been taken by presumably a typing pool of chimps and has been absolutely murdered. 

You would have thought that after the Star Wars debacle writers would have learnt that shoehorning in old characters and the "Ooh this sword is called this wink wink nudge nudge" trope is absolutely pish and does away with any creativity or mystery and is so ham handedly done that it leaves a new viewer who may not have seen LotR being confused or not understanding what this means.

There are three really good story lines in the 2 series so far, Celebrimbor and the creation of the rings, Numenor, and Moria. If they had just concentrated on these storylines and got rid of the excess crap, it would have been a right good series. There would have been 4 good story lines if they had the two wizards in Rhun being blue wizards, but they've even managed to f**k that up.

Spectacly these two series are really good very good visuals and some decent acting from a few folk every now and then, really enjoyed the Sauron-Galadriel fight, actually felt like two peole having a right go at each other.

I could go on even more but I've already bored myself with what I've written so god knows what it's done to you lot.

Tired Back To School GIF by Originals


Edited by CountyinBorders
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