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Quick question, has anyone actually trusted a tory?


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2 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Anyone who trusts ANY politician of any hue needs their head checked.

The idea that just the Tories are corrupt is simply laughable.

Have people forgotten the expenses scandal so quickly?

A bit like teachers and police officers, these people are in politics because they can't get jobs in the real world.

None of them can be trusted. None.


The less charitable would label that as classic deflection. Me? I just find it interesting you were unwilling to mention a time you trusted a tory.

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Guest Bob Mahelp

The Tories became UKIP, and UKIP are all cvnts, so by process of deduction, all Tories are cvnts. 

If they weren't cvnts, they wouldn't be Tories. 


Edited by Bob Mahelp
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9 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Oh that's OK then.

As long as Labour MPs were slightly less corrupt than their Tory counterparts.

Still at least we can trust you to explode with rage on here. 🤣

Second post, second deflection. All this in a thread titled "have you ever trusted a tory", a question you seem to have a real difficulty answering.

It would suggest, at least to the neutral observer, that you have never trusted one because like everyone else, you know the tories are untrustworthy.

Now, I expect one of two replies to this..

1) More deflection
2) Some made up nonsense to try and show you've trusted a tory.

The second one, if you choose that option, will be some fabricated nonsense, because if you had an answer to the question posed in the topic, you would have answered by now instead of just coming in the thread and shitting yourself.

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31 minutes ago, Tommy Carcetti said:


I kept on getting posts removed from... https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/

It's not that they were bad, or wrong, but the mod said if they allow "Brexiteers complaining about Brexit" posts, they'd fill up the entire subreddit because there is simply too many examples.

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2 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

I did answer it. In my very first post on the topic.

This was your first post on this topic...

15 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Anyone who trusts ANY politician of any hue needs their head checked.

The idea that just the Tories are corrupt is simply laughable.

Have people forgotten the expenses scandal so quickly?

A bit like teachers and police officers, these people are in politics because they can't get jobs in the real world.

None of them can be trusted. None.

Yeah.... so, the problem here is where you claim to have answered it, and pointed to exactly where you had done that, you forgot to edit the post to show that, as it's quite clear (from above) that you did nothing of the sort.

This is now the third time you've had the opportunity to say when you have trusted a tory, and the third time you have failed to do so.


I think that tells us all we need to know.


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1 minute ago, oaksoft said:

My apologies my fellow Saints supporting friend.

I wasn't aware that you needed things breastfed to you.

I'll do better next time.

Interesting reaction to..

Me: "Why haven't you done the thing"
You: "I have done the thing"
Me: "No you've not"
You: "I have, look I'll show you"
Me: "The thing you showed, doesn't show what you claim it does"
You: "Well you are an idiot"

Every single one of your posts have been to try and deflect and blame others.

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25 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Have a nice day bud. 🤣


Perhaps I have misconstrued your posts, but in a thread about tory politicians you seem to have a desire to do the "bad people on both sides" thing, when it's quite clear both sides are not the same.


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8 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Remind me how many innocent people died because of Blair in Afghanistan and Iraq?

Remind me who was in the coalition when Universal Credit was conceived?

Who supported introducing and increasing student loans?

Remind me who screwed the public purse for new house purchases during the expenses scandal?

You are absolutely kidding yourself on here if you believe the Tories are alone in all of this but that's your right.


Yeah, I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, it just seems you are determined to whataboutery. Shame really.


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7 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Wonderful to see...

I'd perhaps use a different adjective.

I mean it's clearly my fault, how was I to know that starting a thread asking if anyone has experience of trusting a tory would be a honeytrap for the misguided?


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2 minutes ago, Ric said:

I'd perhaps use a different adjective.

I mean it's clearly my fault, how was I to know that starting a thread asking if anyone has experience of trusting a tory would be a honeytrap for the misguided?

He's quite amusing, once you realise it's a satirical account. Nobody signs up to post on a Scottish football forum just to post about the Daily Mail's latest bête noires.

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14 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Oh that's OK then.

As long as Labour MPs were slightly less corrupt than their Tory counterparts.

Still at least we can trust you to explode with rage on here. 🤣

As pointed out by several posters above, your input screams of whataboutery. I can't recall anyone advocating sainthood for Corbyn, Benn or Skinner - three principled men who I have disagreed on several occasions, in sometimes heated discussions. Those of us who actually participate in politics saw Blair and his band of used car salesmen coming, and conflating that aberration with the Socialist project is the sign of  an ill-informed and lazy-thinking ingenue. Were we to draw up a list of the most corrupt abusers of democracy in the last fifty years or so, however, I feel it is inarguable (no matter what criteria were used) that one party would be massively over-represented (clue - it's the one full of cúnts).

Apologies, by the way - I should have described you as a fucking idiot whose comprehension skills don't stretch to understanding the effect quotation marks can have on the meaning of a written word or phrase. Better?

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4 hours ago, oaksoft said:

What onh earth are you wittering on about?

I did answer it. In my very first post on the topic.

You obviously didn't pick up on it.


19 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Anyone who trusts ANY politician of any hue needs their head checked.

The idea that just the Tories are corrupt is simply laughable.

Have people forgotten the expenses scandal so quickly?

A bit like teachers and police officers, these people are in politics because they can't get jobs in the real world.

None of them can be trusted. None.


Er, no you didn't. Unless we're supposed to read that with the assumption that you don't need your head checked, therefore don't trust any politician, including Tories. A wee bit of a circuituous route to answer a simple question, imho. Even if we were to assume your reasoning skills are in good order, which, seeing your frankly insulting statement about those who work in education and LE, Id suggest was more than a reach.

Sorry again, maybe that should be a condescending fucking idiot who struggles to make his own input comprehensible, let alone understand that of others.

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As an aside, given Owen Paterson has announced he's resigning from his consultancies as well as the Commons (no point in paying him if his HoC writing paper has been confiscated), I've a suggestion for his next career from his very own mouth!

Top Tory's heartless plan to put pensioners to work picking fruit: Owen Paterson put forward the idea as a way of cutting eastern European immigration and even said they should be paid less than the minimum wage

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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

Remind me how many innocent people died because of Blair in Afghanistan and Iraq?

Remind me who was in the coalition when Universal Credit was conceived?

Who supported introducing and increasing student loans?

Remind me who screwed the public purse for new house purchases during the expenses scandal?

You are absolutely kidding yourself on here if you believe the Tories are alone in all of this but that's your right.

1. Blair - Ideological son of Thatcher and Reagan. This we know. At least, most of us do.

2. Why? Are we supposed to still believe that was anything other than a Tory government? really? If you're still buying that, I have a bridge you may be interested in..

3. Introduced and raised by (as pointed out above) Ronnie and Maggie's boy. TREBLED by the scum almost before Cameron had got moved into No 10.

4. Many opportunists wearing many different rosettes. Not, it should be noted, those Socialist dinosaurs like Skinner, McDonnell, and Corbyn. Hardly in the same league as the fucking BILLIONS being handed out currently to Tory donors with no fucking scrutiny - and that's before we get onto Dildo Harding's pension fund.

That this post of yours was green dotted by Dawson Park Boy should cause you to find a quiet corner and re-evaluate your thinking.

But, it won't. Because you're a fucking idiot.

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