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Twenty-two for 22

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I haven't seen a thread for this yet upon which to post up my list of predictable failure. Anyway I'll start with this work of sheer (and hopeless) optimism. 

  1. Finish the munros (again).  I've got 37 left so barring ludicrous travel restrictions, the Black Death variant or further relatives passing away, surely to f**k I can get these finished in my tenth year of walking up these fuckers. 
  2. Climb my 500th summit - linked to No1, including repeats, Corbetts and Grahams, I've climbed about 405 hills. 500 seems a nice number to aim for.
  3. Save £4000 - the last two years provided a good opportunity but weeks and months of lockdowns meant buying stuff online I didn't really need. It's good fun though. 
  4. Kayak/Camp on Loch Maree - My partner and I had a wee day trip to the island son Loch Maree last summer on our kayak - there are a few cracking camp spots, so this is an absolute must do. 
  5. Summit camp on A'Mhaighdean - another reappearance for this one, but as i'm going to walk this route in May with any luck, it's the perfect time to camp on this munro, one of the remotest and a stunning viewpoint. 
  6. Beat my fastest time for the Loch Ness Etape cycle event - Entered this again for April, I've got 3h43m to beat from 2019. 
  7. Get one of my photos published  - managed this last year when TGO Magazine used one of mine on a full page spread, which was pleasing. 
  8. Improve my fitness levels - I really got into shape in 2020, let things slide a wee bit last year, so i want to get back to 12.5stone and maintain this, plus good general fitness
  9. Run 200 miles next year
  10. Try a Duathlon - I hate swimming so the Tri can f**k off. However there's a decent cycle/trail run duathlon up Glen Clova next year so i'm going to try that and not finish last
  11. Do a decent XC route on the mountain bike - It's been criminally underused in the last 2-3 years so I'd like to do a decent remote cross country route at least once this year. 
  12. Have a bothy night - it's been 2 or 3 years since I've done this due to covid closures or simple laziness. Nothing beats being in the middle of absolutely nowhere with a fire and a few drinks
  13. Go to some Dundee games again - had intended to do this last year with my old man, sadly he was never well enough and he passed away before we could. Fully intend to get to 2 or 3 games before the end of the season, although I am generally as busy as f**k as weekends. 
  14. Cycle a total of 5000 miles over the year
  15. Make more effort to visit family - we've always been a hopeless family for only catching up when someone gets married or dies. I defo need to make more effort with this.

(Will add to later if I can think of anything else) 

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Ahh just found this. Ok so I will try and probably fail again to do the following:

1) Learn to drive and get a car. I really need to because public transport to mountains and Lochs is a pain in the arse.

2) Save money and reduce my debt.  Not so easy given my first resolution, but if I can be financially a bit better off this time next year, I’ll take it as a win.

3) Do at least one multi-day walk. This has been something I have wanted to do for a long time and have been too lazy to do. Need to start motivating myself. Loose aim for 1000 walking miles this year.

4) Do at least one open water swimming event. I managed to get back into swimming at Loch Lomond last year and so I’d like to step that up. 

5) Book a holiday for next New Year. I always wanted to go away for new year, so I will.

6) Continue reading by reading 2 new books each month. Started reading more in 2021 so want to keep that up and read even more as I am enjoying it a lot.

7) I want this to be my year of health. I want to start trying to get 5 a day fruit and veg, and generally eat better than I do. Rather than setting weight loss goals, I’ll aim more for better health.

Thats all for now, I’ll keep it manageable. Will add more if I want to.

Edited by Jambomo
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Gonna get involved cause eh can

1. Learn to drive - failed theory twice cause I'm a fanny. Get over this n just dae it n this is my year.

2. Put on weight - ideally put on a stone of weight as I'm pretty thin and well just need to eat better. 

3. Eat better - my diet is not impressive n needs to change. 

4. Pnb dundee fives - play wee a few already so may try organising something here for a once off or see what happens.

5. Walk more munroes - I enjoy when I do them but rely on going we someone usually , see number 1.

6. Get back into gaming - dunno how but just can't be fucked we it these days but when I play do usually enjoy it. 

7. Sort loft/ rooms - plenty stuff to be done in house but can either never be fucked or lack of money stops. Regardless would like this to happen.

8. Holiday - havnt booked anywhere but really need to get finger out n book somewhere. 

9. Ice hockey - keep saying I'd take in a dundee stars game but never do. Need get finger out n make this happen.

That will do for now. Rest I put be even more shite anes but achievable 

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Some revisits from previous years and some new ones following my recent medical assessment.

  1. Get my BMI below 25 and keep it there. I’ve been consistently in the 25s for 9 months so would be nice to see if another drop can be maintained. 
  2. Get my cholesterol level below 6. It’s supposed to be below 5 but was above 7 at the medical. 
  3. Get back in the pool. Assuming the Commie stays open, would be nice to have a couple of swims a week. 
  4. Complete Couch to 5k. Funky Junior wants to get into running, so would be a safe introduction for him and an opportunity for some shared time together. 
  5. Do some volunteer work. I retired at the end of 2021 and have some useful skills and qualifications. 
  6. Improve the back garden lawn. Two young dogs and years of neglect means it would score 3/10 at best. Following the RHS lawn care program with hope to get at least 6/10 by the end of year. 
  7. Complete a 24 hour OpenLearn course. Find one that inspires me and use it to progress to more advanced options. 
  8. Join a cookery class. I make the evening meal a couple of times a week and would like to develop beyond “easy” recipes.
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I have a number of items which have been on my yearly goal list for so long, I'm sick of looking at them. So, I had a bit of a purge this year and dumped a few. The last couple of years weren't helped by Covid and all the hoopla around it. This included me getting hit with it in the spring and months on, I'm still struggling to recover from it. But, I'll be 60 in August and my fitness won't improve unless I put in the effort. So...

1. Cycle High Grade
A local hill climb, which the hotshots can knock out in less than a couple of hours. 1,000m of climbing over 16 miles.  Considering that the last time I rode my bike, 3 weeks ago, I did a 2-mile, mostly flat loop and was dead for the rest of the day, this will definitely require some work.

2. Camp out at least 1 night each quarter
I have all the gear; I just need to make plans and get my arse out the door.

3. Hike Manitou Incline
Another local(ish) one. This is a hiking trail up the path of an ex-funicular railway. 613m in 0.88m, 2,768 steps. The views are apparently spectacular.

The rest are a bit less definitive.

4. Spend a lot more time practicing art
I recently dug out my art supplies. Pencils, coloured pencils, watercolours and sketchbooks. I used to love making art but have barely done anything in years. My drawings are currently about the skill level of the average fish but I'm enjoying it and I want to get better.

5. Spend more time with my DSLR camera
As with number 4. My camera is old by modern standards but it works fine and the only thing holding me back is lack of practice. I'd like to get out of the habit of simply reaching for my phone.

6. Get serious about learning French
I've been dickering around with this for about 5 years but haven't really made much progress beyond the basics. I'd like to fix that. I've heard good things about the Pimsleur method and as my library has the first 5 series on CD, I'm going to give that a go.

There are more but that'll do for now.

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Quite enjoy doing these and it’s good to look back at the end of the year.

1. Get fitter and lose some weight, been slacking off with running & walking recently, need to get back to it.

2. Climb (at least) 6 Munros, done 4 this year so would be nice to get to 10.

3. Practice at the golf more regularly as I let it slip quite a bit last season.

4. Get the garden finished before Summer, need to dig out some old tree stumps and lay slabs so should be doable.

5. Increase the savings, took a massive hit after I bought my first flat. Need to build them back up again. 

I’ll stick with 5 for now, certainly all doable 

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1. Sobriety.  Lockdown and the way life has gone has made my powder use uncontrollable. I'm going to get into whatever help program I can and kick this addiction. 

2. Money. Alongside number one ramping up has come a mountain of debt. Achieve number one = achieve number two. 

3. Read more. I found myself sat in the pub a few days last year just reading a book and suppin' pints. It was actually quite an enjoyable way to spend some of an afternoon. 

4. Get a new hobby. I want to get into photography but will need to wait a while before I can get a decent camera. Another intermediate hobby would be good to fill that time.

5. Volunteer. I'm not sure whether it will be volunteering I do or just quitting my current job to move into a more "people helping" role. I'm sick of making other people loads of money - and while the drop in wages would hinder my housing etc, I'm very much needing to give more back to life actually making a difference to people who need help and not just tarting up buildings etc. 

If I can get those 5 done and be happier in myself I'll have had a fucking excellent year, personally. 

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Was depressing to look back at last years' goals - I managed 1.5 out of 8. But onwards and upwards! This year I'll just choose 5, so if I only get 1.5 again, I'll have gone from a 19% to a 30% success rate.

1. Find a better-paid job - our outgoings keep going up and some extra income would be fantastic. Also, I need a new professional challenge.

2. (esp. if previous one doesn't happen) Monitor our financial situation more - I've always had a head-in-the-sand approach to finances, paying bills etc. 

3. Go for at least two mountain hikes - only managed 1 in 2021.

4. Get to lower-intermediate level Swedish - began this a month ago and have been doing Duolingo every day. 

5. Run more - probably only went for 20 runs during 2021, I'm aiming for 50 for 2022.


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  • 11 months later...
On 03/01/2022 at 09:07, Duszek said:

1. Find a better-paid job

2. Monitor our financial situation more

3. Go for at least two mountain hikes 

4. Get to lower-intermediate level Swedish 

5. Run more

Poor effort from me this year.

I managed 1) but the job has turned out to be a nightmare, v long days and stressful. A mistaken move.

Can’t claim successes for any of the others. FFS. Room for improvement in 2023.

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Not sure I can come up with 22!

1 - Enter a powerlifting meet. I have no illusions about being a competitor but I’ve been lifting recreationally for years and have decent numbers and think at least doing one meet would be a good motivator. I don’t even know how to go about it though, will have to look into it and may need to join a proper gym or get a coach.

2 - Lose some weight. Perhaps contradicting the above ambition, I could do with slimming down a little bit. No great changes required, just a little more portion control and self discipline.

3 - Walking 8k steps a day. My average for the last six months is 4500, I need to bump this up. 

I’ll have to try and think of more.

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On 02/01/2022 at 00:44, Mr. Alli said:

1. Sobriety.  Lockdown and the way life has gone has made my powder use uncontrollable. I'm going to get into whatever help program I can and kick this addiction. 

2. Money. Alongside number one ramping up has come a mountain of debt. Achieve number one = achieve number two. 

3. Read more. I found myself sat in the pub a few days last year just reading a book and suppin' pints. It was actually quite an enjoyable way to spend some of an afternoon. 

4. Get a new hobby. I want to get into photography but will need to wait a while before I can get a decent camera. Another intermediate hobby would be good to fill that time.

5. Volunteer. I'm not sure whether it will be volunteering I do or just quitting my current job to move into a more "people helping" role. I'm sick of making other people loads of money - and while the drop in wages would hinder my housing etc, I'm very much needing to give more back to life actually making a difference to people who need help and not just tarting up buildings etc. 

If I can get those 5 done and be happier in myself I'll have had a fucking excellent year, personally. 

Absolutely fucking zero. Embarrassing. I did quit my job and move in to a more "helpful" area. The longer I've been there the more the mask is slipping and I'm starting to get asked to put in things which don't need repaired, need repaired etc. 

I've spent the past couple of days applying for different roles elsewhere. No idea of the wage on one but it sounds like it would be more fun, in AV basically. I'm not even sure how they've seen my application and thought my skills are transferrable, find out Tuesday I suppose.

I'm not even making a list for next year. Every day as it comes. One thing is for sure though, I'm leaving these shores for at least a fucking week.

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On 30/12/2021 at 15:38, Benjamin_Nevis said:

I haven't seen a thread for this yet upon which to post up my list of predictable failure. Anyway I'll start with this work of sheer (and hopeless) optimism. 

  1. Finish the munros (again).  I've got 37 left so barring ludicrous travel restrictions, the Black Death variant or further relatives passing away, surely to f**k I can get these finished in my tenth year of walking up these fuckers.  - only managed 5 new ones, loads of repeats and a few corbetts
  2. Climb my 500th summit - linked to No1, including repeats, Corbetts and Grahams, I've climbed about 405 hills. 500 seems a nice number to aim for - only made it to 447
  3. Save £4000 - the last two years provided a good opportunity but weeks and months of lockdowns meant buying stuff online I didn't really need. It's good fun though. 
  4. Kayak/Camp on Loch Maree - My partner and I had a wee day trip to the island son Loch Maree last summer on our kayak - there are a few cracking camp spots, so this is an absolute must do.  - Went for another wee kayaking trip there but didn't camp. Still absolutely magnificent though. 
  5. Summit camp on A'Mhaighdean - another reappearance for this one, but as i'm going to walk this route in May with any luck, it's the perfect time to camp on this munro, one of the remotest and a stunning viewpoint - Not quite. Ended up camping close by on the shores of loch fada due to a shit forecast.
  6. Beat my fastest time for the Loch Ness Etape cycle event - Entered this again for April, I've got 3h43m to beat from 2019. - yup, down to 3h 38m
  7. Get one of my photos published  - managed this last year when TGO Magazine used one of mine on a full page spread, which was pleasing - some american travel mag used one of my Alamy photos of Glencoe.
  8. Improve my fitness levels - I really got into shape in 2020, let things slide a wee bit last year, so i want to get back to 12.5stone and maintain this, plus good general fitness - weight up to 13st 5lb - however definitely fitter and stronger than last year. FTP on the bike is up and i'm getting up mountains without feeling particularly knackered
  9. Run 200 miles next year
  10. Try a Duathlon - I hate swimming so the Tri can f**k off. However there's a decent cycle/trail run duathlon up Glen Clova next year so i'm going to try that and not finish last
  11. Do a decent XC route on the mountain bike - It's been criminally underused in the last 2-3 years so I'd like to do a decent remote cross country route at least once this year. 
  12. Have a bothy night - it's been 2 or 3 years since I've done this due to covid closures or simple laziness. Nothing beats being in the middle of absolutely nowhere with a fire and a few drinks - Has 3 of those (Gorton, Glendhu and Leacraithneach)
  13. Go to some Dundee games again - had intended to do this last year with my old man, sadly he was never well enough and he passed away before we could. Fully intend to get to 2 or 3 games before the end of the season, although I am generally as busy as f**k as weekends. 
  14. Cycle a total of 5000 miles over the year - Nope, 3044
  15. Make more effort to visit family - we've always been a hopeless family for only catching up when someone gets married or dies. I defo need to make more effort with this.

(Will add to later if I can think of anything else) 

Yeah a pretty pish effort there 😂

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On 01/01/2022 at 21:23, Central Belt Caley said:

Quite enjoy doing these and it’s good to look back at the end of the year.

1. Get fitter and lose some weight, been slacking off with running & walking recently, need to get back to it.

2. Climb (at least) 6 Munros, done 4 this year so would be nice to get to 10.

3. Practice at the golf more regularly as I let it slip quite a bit last season.

4. Get the garden finished before Summer, need to dig out some old tree stumps and lay slabs so should be doable.

5. Increase the savings, took a massive hit after I bought my first flat. Need to build them back up again. 

I’ll stick with 5 for now, certainly all doable 

1) Ended the year heavier and unfit so a fail here

2) Managed to climb 11 and got the running total to 15 so a Pass for this one.

3) Pretty much chucked golf so this is a big fat fail.

4) Got the fence near enough fully painted, Dad was relaying the patio which he hasn’t finished so out of my hands. Not a pass but not a fail as made some good progress.

5) I think from looking back I’ve increased my savings but not by a lot, so a pass but not a brilliant pass.

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