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WWE PPV Thread


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The crazy fuckers did it.

I'll be honest, I got spoiled on Punk returning before I started watching, but that kind of made me appreciate just how masterfully they handled it.  Leak they're talking to the guy, then leak that it's done.  Throw in a few hints over the weeks but ultimately (seemingly) completely pivoting away in favour of Orton.  Looked like they were trying to quash any expectation, which is something they've fallen foul of in the past.  Knowing he was coming back, and the way they handled Orton during the show, I just assumed you'd get him coming out as the 5th guy when the timer hit 0, ra-ra babyface pop, and off we go.  Then Ripley comes out, which is a nice wrinkle, then Orton to a massive pop.  Would've been easy for the crowd to turn on it all at that point, but they played it so well that they hadn't given them Punk, but gave them something almost as good to them.  Orton looks brilliant, gets his moment, match ends, and then the fucking copyright card.

Incredible pop for the guy.  He seems like a particularly objectionable human being at times, but you can't deny what he brings to a company.  Now that he's here, maybe this is the best place for him.  He's not going to get nearly as much of a long leash that he got in AEW, and any discontent is probably going to get squashed before it has a chance to fester.  I just hope they don't have him as a face now they've left Chicago.  Let him be a dick.

Have to hand it to WWE.  Felt like the show was a bit meh and safe after the lunacy of Full Gear last week.  But they absolutely nailed the ending.

EDIT: Anyone watch the press conference afterwards?  Did Punk manage not to immediately burn everything down?

Edited by forameus
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Lots of post match reaction online showing Rollins and Drew raging at the ending, Rollins having to be held back by Michael Cole during Punk’s entrance. Interesting to see how much, if anything, talent knew before the return and what reactions are genuine and which are a work. Which is how this sort of thing is meant to work I suppose.

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6 minutes ago, forameus said:

Think it's been said that talent knew, and Rollins is in full on work mode in anticipation of having a feud with Punk


The number of people that think Rollins is genuinely going off here is hilarious - it's fucking Michael Cole holding him back FFS :lol:

At least Triple H addressed the real big return


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I didn't see the ppv, knew nothing about it this morning and just had time to dip in and watch the last 10 mins or so of the main as I was more interested to see if there was any stuff happening with Orton or Judgement Day or MitB cash in or that. I wasn't even thinking about Phil. What a fucking company. 

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59 minutes ago, forameus said:

Think it's been said that talent knew, and Rollins is in full on work mode in anticipation of having a feud with Punk


Good to see Mike Ehrmantrautt has got another gig after Better Call Saul.

Edited by Derry Alli
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4 hours ago, djchapsticks said:

Love that HHH took control of last 5 mins and even told truck to fire up the 'Copyright WWE' banner which is always a surefire way to say 'shows over' and only THEN got the truck to hit the music.

Brilliant stuff!

One thing you can say about HHH. The guy knows how to keep surprises and how to book a show.

7 minutes ago, Londonwell said:

Cranky Phil back in the big hoose. Absolutely fantastic. So many possibilities for this run. 

Punk and Cody both winning the main titles at WM next year please.

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4 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

This is going to end in tears. The Rollins thing is clearly a work, but a lot of folk there will legitimately hate him and vice versa.

It's a great bit of business, however long it lasts.

Which is why they'd be much better just accepting he's at least straddling heel and face or just let him be a heel.  I think AEW went far too long having him as this super face, particularly with all the shit that was going on behind the scenes.  Everyone knows what happened in AEW, and outside of Chicago he's likely to get mixed reactions.  Have Rollins continue as a face, and have the two of them absolutely go off on each other in the run-up.  Just so much material there.  The Shield was Punk's idea, Mox has already dismantled him verbally, Rollins has called him a cancer, Jack Perry almost certainly going to be referred to.  If HHH can sit behind the scenes and make absolutely sure he is kept on a leash, both sides are going to make a lot of money, and Punk can disappear off into retirement eventually having not completely self-destructed.

Or it all goes to shit in weeks.  It'll be fun seeing which.

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, FifeArab said:

As tradition goes the night before the rumble I’ll stick an older rumble on YouTube. Got 2008 on this year.

Great Rumble. Piper still gets me.

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