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No BBC license fee from 2027


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From a purely selfish perspective I'd be more than happy to see it punted into the sea. I think it will be the older generations (60+) and those who are financially vulnerable who will really miss it more than anyone else. Honestly can't remember the last time I watched anything live on TV that wasn't a Friday night game. In the car I just fire on apple music, haven't listened to any BBC radio station in over 10 years. 

We do make use of Iplayer occasionally (few times a month), but annoyingly alot of the older stuff disappeared a few months before Britbox appeared. It was clearly a ploy to test the market more than anything else for this. You have to remember the BBC also has interests in other channels such as Dave as well - so fans of heavily edited Top Gear reruns will be disappointed if that goes. The major shift for us has been to Netflix and Amazon. We're in the process of telling Virgin to bugger off as we just have so little interest now in anything on live TV and their reliability in our estate is absolutely atrocious. 

Hopefully the lads from AVFTT and the Friday night games can find a decent home, I'd happily pay for that content. Zero interest in the tourist football down south as nearly all the games are dull as dishwater (from a person that willingly went to watch David Hopkin v Gus MacPherson earlier in the season). 

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10 hours ago, Clockwork said:

This for me. I listened to a recording of a BBC radio interview broadcast last year with Lineker, when he was questioned about his huge salary for presenting football highlights? He pretty much closed the question down with ‘I’m in demand, I’m marketable, I’m worth it, f*ck off!
The BBC pays hugely over the odds for its regulars, Sports Presenters/Pundits, Chat Show & Game Show hosts, Current Affairs & News Broadcasters even Radio Presenters. Is the talent pool so small that they are forced to pay such exorbitant wages to retain the likes of Gary Lineker, Zoe Ball, Steven Nolan & Vanessa Feltz? Surely not.

I find MOTD a weird one, as is strikes me as the sort of thing that folk will tune into regardless of the host. Different thing altogether with radio shows where everything's to do with the presenter and their rep', but the EPL highlights at 22:30?  I don't get it.

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3 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

This is where I am. There’s loads wrong with it, mostly for me that it’s output as a public service just isn’t representative of the public it serves. It’s approach to the royal family is case in point, I just don’t think people care as much as they seem to think or want them to these days.

But that’s not to say we do away with it as a public service, it just needs to be much, much better. 

Being run like ITV or the likes would be a disaster. 

It will never ever be better unless it has the massive boot up the arse of removing the licence fee. The licence fee ironically gives it a licence to be shite because there are no real consequences for its performance.

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25 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

The only way you can get done, is for them to actually catch you watching live tv. If they come to the door, you just say 'no thank you' and close it. There's f**k all they can do.

Your statement is years out of date.


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39 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

The only way you can get done, is for them to actually catch you watching live tv. If they come to the door, you just say 'no thank you' and close it. There's f**k all they can do.


8 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Don't think so.

No i get what you’re saying, if i was in that position thats what id do too. But there are lots of people who dont maybe have the foresight to do that, the circumstances im aware of for example a single mother, struggling, lost her job and with the recession struggled to get another, kids with ASN and the enforcement guy came to the house sounding all official and she crumbled. Guy cautioned her and began interviewing essentially, burst to it and eventually fined £1000 or something, couldnt pay and a warrant was issued for her arrest. 
Now for me theres a number of issues here 1) I dont think the court should issue arrest warrants for TV licence offences 2) if police interview someone they should be afforded rights of access to a solicitor (the solicitor will in most cases tell them to say nothing and that will be it in many occasions), TV licence enforcement in that example and to the best of my knowledge dont check people fully understand cautions and dont afford solicitor access rights 3) the bbc should be free for people who are below the poverty level. 

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7 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:


No i get what you’re saying, if i was in that position thats what id do too. But there are lots of people who dont maybe have the foresight to do that, the circumstances im aware of for example a single mother, struggling, lost her job and with the recession struggled to get another, kids with ASN and the enforcement guy came to the house sounding all official and she crumbled. Guy cautioned her and began interviewing essentially, burst to it and eventually fined £1000 or something, couldnt pay and a warrant was issued for her arrest. 
Now for me theres a number of issues here 1) I dont think the court should issue arrest warrants for TV licence offences 2) if police interview someone they should be afforded rights of access to a solicitor (the solicitor will in most cases tell them to say nothing and that will be it in many occasions), TV licence enforcement in that example and to the best of my knowledge dont check people fully understand cautions and dont afford solicitor access rights 3) the bbc should be free for people who are below the poverty level. 

You're correct. In the seventies and eighties, there was a lot of single mothers who ended up in prison because of these BBC scum.

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2 hours ago, Thorongil said:

Shetland is mid tier at best. 

Line of Duty has collapsed in quality since season 3.

Guilt is decent mid tier.

Normal People is excellent but BBC3 and underlines the point.

His Dark Materials is atrocious.

Killing Eve is good but BBC America and BBC3 and underlines the point. 

You Don’t Know Me, I haven’t seen. 

It’s been a very poor 5 years from the BBC.

All entirely subjective opinions of course. 

The BBC is taken granted by absolutely everyone, it's quite funny to see the likes of Dan Wootton proclaim that he doesn't watch any BBC service yet he was tweeting about Strictly in real time not even a month ago 

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Remember Adrian Durham (I think it was) on TalkSport referring to a time when he was sent to cover a European football match for an independent radio station before he worked at TS. He said that in his group was him, a sound engineer and some other fella, three in total. Said the BBC radio group were there with 10-15 people to do the same job. Yes, the BBC have produced some great work and it would be sad to see them go but it's that sort of wastage which has led to questions.

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27 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

All entirely subjective opinions of course. 

The BBC is taken granted by absolutely everyone, it's quite funny to see the likes of Dan Wootton proclaim that he doesn't watch any BBC service yet he was tweeting about Strictly in real time not even a month ago 

The BBC also takes the public and it’s money for granted. 

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1 hour ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

You're correct. In the seventies and eighties, there was a lot of single mothers who ended up in prison because of these BBC scum.


15 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

It honestly sounds like straw clutching seeing some of these arguments using imaginary stories about people going to jail for not paying a TV license as a reason to scrap it and switch to a subscription based service


I have absolutely no reason to lie, I have said before that in a former role I was a uniform PC, part of that job is executing apprehension warrants. I can absolutely assure you that even back then in 2012 there were people with arrest warrants for TV licence offences, whether they would ever go to prison I’ve no idea, but an apprehension warrant at that time would mean arrest and held in a cell until the next day. The BBC enforcement people absolutely wanted these warrants enforced. Most people with these warrants could be assisted with advising them to ask a legal aid lawyer to get an invitation to attend a court appearance or if arrested released on an undertaking.  But the very fact that its a criminal offence is an absolute disgrace. 

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21 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

It honestly sounds like straw clutching seeing some of these arguments using imaginary stories about people going to jail for not paying a TV license as a reason to scrap it and switch to a subscription based service


There’s loads of reasons to get rid of the TV licence. It looks like you are the one clutching at straws by focusing entirely on that one point.

Edited by Thorongil
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When I first read this last night, my first thought was that I was against it. It seemed like this couldn't/shouldn't be done. 

But thinking about it now, after a bit of digesting, it wouldn't bother me all that much. I pay a direct debit for the BBC every month, but unlike the others I have this one is mandatory for watching the TV. And what do we really get in return? 

Loads of radio stations. Fine - there should be a place for Radio 3,4,5 and the regional ones. Radio 1 and 2 are flat out competing with commercial rivals but at a huge advantage - they can pay the big bucks for presenters and have no adverts. 

TV - so many repeats on BBC 1 and 2. The rest of the schedule filled with cookery shows and brainless quizzes. Blankety Blank? I think I only really make a point of watching Line of Duty and Doctor Who on the BBC. I like BBC4 - often good documentaries. 

So all in, would I sign up to pay for BBC if it was an option? Possibly - if the price was right (in line with Netflix and so on). 

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One area where the BBC excels and where i can't see "the market" being any use is in children's programmes. Wihout cbbc and cbeebies there will be nothing but badly drawn 100mph cartoons with lots of manic shouting. 

There is an argument that most public service stuff would be delivered by commercial channels. There's even some decent wildlife stuff on advert channels now. 

The bbc used to do global news really well and the world service was a good soft power instrument.  The bbc itself has slowly killed its own reputation here. But i think there is a case that a proper public service provider could do news and current affairs in a way that commercials won't. 


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