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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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19 minutes ago, virginton said:

Aluminium is not 'kit' you utter fantasist. Good luck sending similar raw materials to the kleptocracy in Kiev and expecting them to produce a war-winning effort. 

You mean like the Neptune missile that sank the Moskva?

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43 minutes ago, virginton said:

Aluminium is not 'kit' you utter fantasist. Good luck sending similar raw materials to the kleptocracy in Kiev and expecting them to produce a war-winning effort. 

Trying to work out if you're at it or just thick.

Tough call. 

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Apparently some of the Russian military bloggers are claiming reinforcements were promised to Lyman but they never arrived. Speculation about the progress of Ukraine, there are pictures of Ukrainian troops in the outskirts. Some places say Lyman has been liberated by Ukrainian troops, others that battle is ongoing.


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Unable to comment on the truth of what follows:-



Meanwhile, local chats have a number of unconfirmed and necessarily true accounts of the situation in and around Lyman, here a just a few of them:

  • “Friends called me from Zelenyi Klyn (a railway station in northwestern Lyman, – Ed.) – they already have Ukraine there. [Ukrainian security forces] have already walked home to home checking documents. The Vodafone [mobile provider’s] communication emerged. It was quiet at night, finally, they could sleep”
  • “[Ukrainian troops] are in Lyman, they’ve already visited my loved ones, the northern part. Lyman’s Ukraine”
  • “Called to [Lyman’s] northern part, the area of Pryozerna: it’s calm in the city, the Russians are leaving via Zarichne, our guys gave them time to go out…”
  • “Called to Zarichne, Ukrainian soldiers are in the center of the village, they haven’t walked along the streets yet”
  • “[Ukrainian troops] are in Torske”

It is unknown if the Russian troops coordinated their retreat from Lyman with Ukrainian forces – such coordination would be questionable. However, what the reports have in common is claiming that the Ukrainian troops are already in control of at least the northern outskirts of Lyman.

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Not doing a coup in 2014, recognising that political uprisings in Russian speaking regions were as legitimate as those in Ukranian speaking regions, not passing laws that discriminated against Russian speakers, implementing Minsk, making a new European security pact last December, not increasing the shelling of Donetsk in February. 

There were also negotiations between Kiev and Moscow in April where an agreement was close to being reached which Boris Johnson flew to Kiev to scuper. 

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Then this. Again, no idea how accurate or inaccurate:-




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The road between Zarichne-Kreminna is an absolute killzone 😮 later we will find out once the area is clear, but horrific things happening for Russian forces there.
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I've already read one account and it is absolutely shocking.
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Then this:-



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I'm abandoning my usual policy of not advertising things I'm involved in to encourage people to read this. This is going on right now. The subject of the Ukraine Volunteer blog is west of Kreminna and his unit caught Russian troops evacuating from Lyman.

“its a slaughter”

 Ukrainian War Volunteer Uncategorized September 30, 2022 3 Minutes

3:32pm, September 30th, San Francisco
1:32am, October 1st, Eastern Ukraine

Moved north.

its a slaughter

cut them off west of kreminna. got to go.

Stay safe. Lyman totally cut off?

I think so, engadging thos going east.

Ok, talk to you on the other side

Edited by Dev
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If the latest is accurate it looks as though the Ukrainians have allowed the Russian forces to try to escape to the north-east and then slaughtered them before chasing them through Kreminna(?). 

The Russians did this to the Ukrainians in a previous War. The Ukrainians learned that lesson.

War is gut wrenching whichever side it applies to, and especially to those actually paying the ultimate price. Thanks to Rabid Dog Putin. Poor creature needs to be put out of his misery. 

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10 minutes ago, Dev said:

If the latest is accurate it looks as though the Ukrainians have allowed the Russian forces to try to escape to the north-east and then slaughtered them before chasing them through Kreminna(?). 

The Russians did this to the Ukrainians in a previous War. The Ukrainians learned that lesson....


We'll soon find out how true this is:


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On 29/09/2022 at 18:54, welshbairn said:

Most of the Putinistas on here were saying Putin would never be daft enough to invade Ukraine back in January/February. The military exercises around its borders had been planned months before, nothing happening here chaps. Then the cheeky Ukrainians decided to protect their capital and it all went downhill. Definitely the West's fault, obviously. 

Noted Putinistas such as Volodymyr Zelenskyy were also saying this in January/February.

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7 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

Noted Putinistas such as Volodymyr Zelenskyy were also saying this in January/February.

True, but for all the public statements they seemed to have prepared pretty well, in the North and East anyway. Hard to know what Zelensky really thought, could be he didn't want to do or say anything that Russia could use as an excuse for invasion.

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8 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

True, but for all the public statements they seemed to have prepared pretty well, in the North and East anyway....

The Ukrainians lost the hydroelectric dam at Nova Kakhovka over the Dniepr on day one and did not take out key bridges that could have slowed the initial rapid near encirclement of Kyiv. That points strongly to not expecting an all out invasion beyond Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts where most of the Ukrainian army was stationed at the time. Local territorial defence units defended cities like Kharkiv, Chernihiv and Mykolaiv much better than the western military experts on the TV news expected or it would have been game over.

At this point Vlad doesn't have much to show for what happened after the initial two weeks after the initial element of surprise was gone. The capture of Mariupol was a fait accompli by then so it's only really the Popasna-Lysychansk-Sieverodonetsk-Kreminna portion of Luhansk oblast and the area of Donetsk oblast near Bakhmut to show for all the Russian lives lost since then. Pretty much everything else has been rolled back and now that Izium, Kupyansk and Lyman have been liberated holding onto that is going to become more challenging because the railway lines from Belgorod have gone as supply lines.

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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

TBF, if I wanted a textbook definition of a demented rant I'd be hard-pressed to find a better example than the following without plumbing the depths of your posting history:

You think this is effectively-targetted propaganda? Fair enough. 

"Let me repeat that the dictatorship of the Western elites targets all societies, including the citizens of Western countries themselves. This is a challenge to all. This complete renunciation of what it means to be human, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, and the suppression of freedom are coming to resemble a “religion in reverse” – pure Satanism. Exposing false messiahs, Jesus Christ said in the Sermon on the Mount: “By their fruits ye shall know them.” These poisonous fruits are already obvious to people, and not only in our country but also in all countries, including many people in the West itself."


I'd like an honest response from @virginton and @Todd_is_God about how exactly any rational person could have talked Putin down from this particular window-ledge of insanity to avoid war in Ukraine in February. Come on guys. Defend this speech of Putin's if you can. Show us what the West could have realistically with this rather obvious nutjob.

1) You seem to have badly confused me with an ambassador for the Russian Federation. I'm under absolutely zero obligation to 'defend' any such speech.

2) You're also flailing against a straw man, try running your finger under the words in the post below again:

On 30/09/2022 at 08:06, virginton said:


2) The best time to secure peace is always before the guns start firing and blood is spilled - so it remains the case that February was the best opportunity to do that. There has been no serious effort to deescalate so far from any interested party - which is why we're hurtling into a very risky situation with probable annexations being declared. The chances of a peaceful settlement might have been low then - they're practically zero in the short-term from here. 

Venting your fury about big, bad, mad Putin might make you and the International Twitter Brigades feel better, but it's not actually contributing anything. If Putin is such a unique nutjob as you claim, then that only underlines the need to not escalate a conflict. NATO can quite clearly afford to wait him out; humanity cannot afford even an accidental nuclear exchange between superpowers.  

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13 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

True, but for all the public statements they seemed to have prepared pretty well, in the North and East anyway. Hard to know what Zelensky really thought, could be he didn't want to do or say anything that Russia could use as an excuse for invasion.

There was a good series in one of the US papers that reviewed the start of the war. Essentially, the Ukrainian intelligence service advised Zelensky that Russia wouldn’t invade because they assessed that the force was too small and that they wouldn’t achieve their goals. The US intelligence services said that despite this the invasion was going to happen anyway. You have to assume the US had access to high level people in the Russian intelligence and military that Ukrainian spooks didn’t.


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5 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

You and @Todd_is_God have repeatedly claimed the West should have negotiated with Putin to avert war at the start of this year.

I'm asking you how you think they could possibly have reasoned with a man who quotes Jesus and Satanism in speeches. 😂

If you can't answer, that's fine.

I don't answer all of your utterly stupid, non-sequitur points on request. 

Do we really have to go through Western politicians' references to sky fairies since Putin became Russian president? The entire neocon crusade into the Middle East was couched far more in religious terms than 'let's loot the oil lads'. Bush and Blair were holding fucking prayer policy sessions FFS.

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