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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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1 minute ago, Hillonearth said:

I suppose the argument against that is that with a conscript army, you've only got them for two or three years so they're of limited use in the long term. According to the guy I was talking to, the Russian army aren't bad per se - pound for pound they're certainly not top notch, but despite their inherent mediocrity they can normally grind out a W through weight of numbers which if we're being honest is likely to happen in this instance.

There just seem to be such a ridiculous amount of rookie mistakes being made that it beggars belief that they're currently fighting to the best of their ability against a numerically and technologically inferior opponent...their re-enactment of Arnhem (twice apparently!) at Kyiv airport, their comedy approach to logistics and even  their elementary misunderstanding of terrain to list a few.

That's my point, it feels like a training exercise where is the air force?  Lessons will be made from some dreadful mistakes but are they deliberate mistakes or not?

Re the conscription, there will surely be enough battle hardened re-enlisters  to make this worth while.  Again, see my previous post regarding being a pessimist.

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10 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

That account seems to spew pretty much entirely pro-Russian propaganda so I wouldn't be 100% sure of the authenticity of this video. 

Sounds like steve55 

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21 minutes ago, Jedi said:

You are right....might as well readmit them in time for the WC. So if the conflict ended next week, all sanctions immediately end, M+S, IKEA, Apple etc can start happily selling their product in ol'Russia again, as the conflict is now 'at an end'?....better get those oligarch vessels ready to sail again by the weekend as well.

Well, no. Mainly, because diplomatic and financial sanctions are different from sporting sanctions, particularly sporting sanctions on individuals. I'd imagine there will be some sanctions lifted immediately at the end of the conflict, in fact it may even be part of the agreement, while others will take months or years.

You seem to be advocating for some sort of years long collective punishment for innocent Russian sportspeople (and cats), including a bizarre fixation with Medvedev, who has spoken out against the war and has been praised for doing so by his Ukrainian counterparts.

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8 hours ago, Hillonearth said:

I was talking to somebody who knows quite a lot about military theory and they were saying that much of the Russian battleplan up until now seems to be too bad to ring true...they're making elementary mistakes that you'd learn not to do in your first week at somewhere like Sandhurst.

Thinking is that possibily either the military are deliberately making a baws of it in order to weaken Putin's position, or else Putin has personally conceived a grand invasion plan which they knew was amateurish and they're carrying it out to the letter knowing it would fail and weaken him.


Other theory I've seen is that Putin actually believes his "Ukrainians are really Russians, suffering under a Nazi regime and will be glad to be back in the arms of mother Russia"  theory. He was convinced his army would be met with open arms by a grateful nation so didn't bother with a proper invasion plan. 

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6 hours ago, Andre Bo said:

I have a genuine question. I'm living in a detached house for the first time in my life. I need the front and back masonry and the front wall and the woodwork/eaves etc painted. The sides of the house are unpainted roughcast, so what is a reasonable ballpark quote for everything except the masonry on the sides of the house? It's a pretty standard interwar bungalow.

I apologise for going off topic, folks. 😬

@Shandon Par is tendering to repaint the Kremlin. He's not going to bother with a house in Greenock.

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4 hours ago, Lurkst said:

FFS, you'd think he'd be happy with his lot!


Alternatively obscene wealth on that scale would just completely warp your sense of money and success being related. You wouldn't even think about your worth at that point and focus on what you'd see as bigger fish that you haven't landed yet.

As a species we should have long since stopped letting a few mental people hoard so much power, land and resources but here we are. It's hard to see how humanity isn't completely fucked in the next couple of hundred years.

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