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Yogi Bears Pars v Bully's 45-90 minute cameos (The proverbial relegation 6 pointer)

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We got out of jail there. Somehow we were worse than we were against Kilmarnock last week. 

The winner looked awfully like the goal Morton scored agaisnt us a couple of weeks ago with w terrible goalkeeping error. 


I would prefer Ayr's order of fixtures than ours just because Partick will be in self preservation mode in the last game of the season.

Happy we are still in it. 

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I think we’ll probably finish 9th now but in terms of how the fixtures work out. Dunfermline will beat QOS on the last day of the season. By that point it’ll be the last game for many in the Queens squad so they likely won’t give a f**k and Dunfermline will maybe need all three points to stay up.

We’ve got an awful record at Palmerston but this is our best chance of beating them. They’re shite, pretty much down with nothing to play for and we have everything to play for. If we can’t come away next week with a win then we deserve to finish in the bottom two.

A lot will hinge on how both teams fair against Partick. A win for them against Dunfermline will confirm their playoff spot regardless of a Raith result (if Raith win then it would take a big goal swing for them to overtake Thistle). Compound that will Dunfermline being half as good away from home as they are at home and it points to Thistle being favourites for that one. Meaning that if we win and Thistle win then we’ll go three points clear with a game to go.

Potentially this means that both ourselves and Dunfermline will end up playing teams who have zero to play for. QOS will have jacked it in properly and Thistle will be resting players for the playoffs. Similar to when we played Alloa on the last day a couple of years ago and we had to rest a couple of guys in order to get them fit for the playoffs, they might have to do the same against us. Also means that if we go into this game three points clear we’d only need a point against them to stay up.

At this stage I’m far more confident of beating Thistle in two weeks time than I am beating QOS next week. Something tells me that Gibson will know his team are down and will urge the players to at least show the fans something before the season ends. Compound that with them maybe feeling absolutely no pressure and playing with more freedom. Also Gibson absolutely hates us so I’m sure he’d quite like to drag us down as well.

Absolutely no idea how it’ll actually play out and I’m sure it’ll be nothing like how I’ve described it but I’m going to try and stay positive. Bullen can’t hide from the fact that how we played today was arguably the best we’ve played under him bar the Killie and Raith games so he cannot justify changing anything unless there are injury concerns. Personally I’d drop Maxwell for another central midfielder but that’s just me.

Tldr - Us finishing 9th is looking incredibly likely but given the way things may play out in the next two weeks it’s very conceivable we could finish 8th.

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Wish the game next week against Thistle was at home. Would have been far more optimistic if that were the case. I just don’t see how we get anything better than a draw from that one.

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57 minutes ago, DAFC. said:

Wish the game next week against Thistle was at home. Would have been far more optimistic if that were the case. I just don’t see how we get anything better than a draw from that one.

Don't be a negative nelly, I want to be drunk and hopeful on Saturday afternoon and I don't need you trying to add logic into the equation.

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8 hours ago, Grant228 said:



Jesus f**k, McAdams. I was quite far away from it at the time and remember thinking he should've surely done better with the second goal.

Seeing it back, it's an absolute howler and looks utterly horrific. 

Positioning for the free kick is awful as well.

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14 minutes ago, Calayrdonia said:

Jesus f**k, McAdams. I was quite far away from it at the time and remember thinking he should've surely done better with the second goal.

Seeing it back, it's an absolute howler and looks utterly horrific. 

Positioning for the free kick is awful as well.

Hard to argue with that. 

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47 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

That free kick from Cole was outstanding. Bounces up in front of the keeper. Not sure about his positioning but f**k it.

Also helps when number 10 I think in the wall turns away so it doesn't hit him. What a shitebag if you don't want the ball to hit you don't stand in the wall.

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Watched the goals now. Definite penalty - stupidity from Donaldson. But he’s been very good until now and just didn’t seem himself yesterday. Clearly injured, but even his general decision making seemed very uncharacteristic of him. Diving in all over the place and getting it wrong.

Our first, thought it was a fairly good free kick. Obviously noted the keeper’s position and went for keeping it low and hard into that corner. Keeper has to trust his wall more though - particularly from that distance. I don’t think the muddy goalmouth helps. His feet seem to slip when he tries to dive. If you watch his feet, you can see him try to dive, but he ends up just falling to the side in the mud.

Todorov did well keeping it low and hard, but the keeper probably should have done better. Ended up going under him. Bit like Morton’s goal at East End a couple of weeks ago, in the same goalmouth. Again, the keeper seemed to lose his footing a bit in that goalmouth and get no purchase on the ground when he tried to dive to make the save.

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1 hour ago, Calayrdonia said:

Jesus f**k, McAdams. I was quite far away from it at the time and remember thinking he should've surely done better with the second goal.

Seeing it back, it's an absolute howler and looks utterly horrific. 

Positioning for the free kick is awful as well.

Yeah, it is pretty awful. 

Also absolutely laughable that Fjortoft doesn’t just pull him down when he is running through about forty yards out. The stupid f**k does it in the wrong situation against Kilmarnock, but not when it is entirely necessary and let’s us reorganise. 

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1 minute ago, CallumPar said:

Watched the goals now. Definite penalty - stupidity from Donaldson. But he’s been very good until now and just didn’t seem himself yesterday. Clearly injured, but even his general decision making seemed very uncharacteristic of him. Diving in all over the place and getting it wrong.

Our first, thought it was a fairly good free kick. Obviously noted the keeper’s position and went for keeping it low and hard into that corner. Keeper has to trust his wall more though - particularly from that distance. I don’t think the muddy goalmouth helps. His feet seem to slip when he tries to dive. If you watch his feet, you can see him try to dive, but he ends up just falling to the side in the mud.

Todorov did well keeping it low and hard, but the keeper probably should have done better. Ended up going under him. Bit like Morton’s goal at East End a couple of weeks ago, in the same goalmouth. Again, the keeper seemed to lose his footing a bit in that goalmouth and get no purchase on the ground when he tried to dive to make the save.

Tomi Adeloye has done that to most defenders in the league tbf, he is incredibly hard to defend against with the ball at his feet and his back to goal. 

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53 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

Tomi Adeloye has done that to most defenders in the league tbf, he is incredibly hard to defend against with the ball at his feet and his back to goal. 

Couldn't finish his dinner though, not like this shagger. 


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