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Honest Men vs. Harry Wraggs

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2 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Foster go for his own fans. Hes lucky the steward was so quick to react or it could have turned nasty. Wonder what the BBC or newspapers will have to say about that outburst

Absolutely hilarious video. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. He's clearly a complete twat, wanting the Dundee United keeper to break his leg should have seen him punted off the TV

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2 minutes ago, 101 said:

Absolutely hilarious video. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. He's clearly a complete twat, wanting the Dundee United keeper to break his leg should have seen him punted off the TV

Aye I've watched that wee gif video about 5 times now 🤣 I was at the seggy on the NT and saw it all unfold. Guy is clearly a hot head, but I'm sure the papers won't even mention it, yet the slightest bad thing Ayr does makes the national press. Hope the lad who recorded the vid sends it the Sun's way and makes a few quid!! 

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Glad Ayr are staying up. If the altogether more odious Dunfermline can now go down that would be nice. 

Offt, that was bad tonight. The second half of the season has been a tough watch. There were even genuine moments where it looked as the unthinkable might happen. Ayr looked capable of scoring every time they came forward in the first half. 

Unbelievable to think, unlikely as it might be, that this team could still win promotion. It's been the poorest second tier in some considerable time. 

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Relieved that our overall terrible season is over with a pretty comfortable win in the end. Thought Adeloye was excellent tonight and we should be trying out utmost to get him signed on for next season.

From what I saw the Jags fans looked like they had a good evening and added to the atmosphere. Good luck to yous in the play offs.

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