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15 hours ago, Anonymous Spider said:

For anyone not tuned to a crank radio station for their QP updates… 


I'm not sure I've ever had the misfortune of hearing Haughey speak before or reading anything he's said, but this is exactly the sort of tired, riddy-inducing grandpa patter I would have expected.

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52 minutes ago, Skeletar Spider said:

I'm not sure I've ever had the misfortune of hearing Haughey speak before or reading anything he's said, but this is exactly the sort of tired, riddy-inducing grandpa patter I would have expected.

What's the honest opinion of Haughey is /has he been good for the club or short term relative success is going to lead to a survival battle when he gets fed up, 

 as long as oor Willie makes money he seems to be happy..


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1 hour ago, Passionate said:

What's the honest opinion of Haughey is /has he been good for the club or short term relative success is going to lead to a survival battle when he gets fed up, 

 as long as oor Willie makes money he seems to be happy..


His money is good. The lack of transparency and accountability around his involvement is not. I’d be amazed if anyone at Queen’s Park has ever said no to him. 

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5 hours ago, Skeletar Spider said:

I'm not sure I've ever had the misfortune of hearing Haughey speak before or reading anything he's said, but this is exactly the sort of tired, riddy-inducing grandpa patter I would have expected.


I read your post before I clicked on the article and knew exactly what his patter would be before I opened it.

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2 hours ago, Bring Your Own Socks said:

Apparently he thinks Dempster still works for us 😯


That for me is his one big flaw.

I do believe in his his initial intention in stepping in with the balance of funds to purchase Hampden, in effect for the SFA, was as he stated at the time to prevent the SFA from moving their headquarters to Edinburgh, and to maintain the history of Queen's Park and Hampden remained in Glasgow.

In appointing Dempster to oversee the running of his investment, has been a disaster IMO.

If we believe Haughey's latest newspaper statement that she is responsible for the decisions to be made concerning Beuker's future employment.

She is then apparently responsible for the costs involved in the scrapping of the  initial plan for a 1900 seater stadium at Lesser,  with stands on the west and east terraces, to include the blazers to be seated in front of the social club.

She is then apparently responsible for the subsequent court case with the initial builders that resulted in the judge awarding us to pay £800,000 in damages.

She is also then apparently responsible for the farce that is the Blazers being allowed to build themselves an outrageous carbuncle of a "Royal Box" for their own exclusive use, despite the fact that they are not owners of anything, but elected by the members as custodians of the clubs history.

She is also responsible for the debacle that is the rebuilding program for Lesser, which has now proven to be not fit for purpose.

Yet she has allegedly been successful with her two previous clubs, Hibs and Motherwell, yet her profile amongst the club's lifeblood, ie the supporters, is non-existant.

I can only think that her previous clubs held her more accountable for her actions which then influenced her decision making.

Somehow, Haughey, believes her to be infallible.

As all of the above listed responsibilities have been with Haughey's approval, we can only assume he is really in it for the long haul as he has stated from day one.

He is reported as having stated his aim was for us to be self sustaining at Lesser, after his initial financial support for the first team squad is over.

That will never happen while we are "visiting" at Hampden.

What makes the whole Lesser building fiasco, under Dempster's control, all the more difficult to swallow; is the fact that Haughey's fortune has been made in the construction industry.





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1 hour ago, QP's in my DNA said:


That for me is his one big flaw.

I do believe in his his initial intention in stepping in with the balance of funds to purchase Hampden, in effect for the SFA, was as he stated at the time to prevent the SFA from moving their headquarters to Edinburgh, and to maintain the history of Queen's Park and Hampden remained in Glasgow.

In appointing Dempster to oversee the running of his investment, has been a disaster IMO.

If we believe Haughey's latest newspaper statement that she is responsible for the decisions to be made concerning Beuker's future employment.

She is then apparently responsible for the costs involved in the scrapping of the  initial plan for a 1900 seater stadium at Lesser,  with stands on the west and east terraces, to include the blazers to be seated in front of the social club.

She is then apparently responsible for the subsequent court case with the initial builders that resulted in the judge awarding us to pay £800,000 in damages.

She is also then apparently responsible for the farce that is the Blazers being allowed to build themselves an outrageous carbuncle of a "Royal Box" for their own exclusive use, despite the fact that they are not owners of anything, but elected by the members as custodians of the clubs history.

She is also responsible for the debacle that is the rebuilding program for Lesser, which has now proven to be not fit for purpose.

Yet she has allegedly been successful with her two previous clubs, Hibs and Motherwell, yet her profile amongst the club's lifeblood, ie the supporters, is non-existant.

I can only think that her previous clubs held her more accountable for her actions which then influenced her decision making.

Somehow, Haughey, believes her to be infallible.

As all of the above listed responsibilities have been with Haughey's approval, we can only assume he is really in it for the long haul as he has stated from day one.

He is reported as having stated his aim was for us to be self sustaining at Lesser, after his initial financial support for the first team squad is over.

That will never happen while we are "visiting" at Hampden.

What makes the whole Lesser building fiasco, under Dempster's control, all the more difficult to swallow; is the fact that Haughey's fortune has been made in the construction industry.





I think she's just been the messenger in all these cock-ups you've listed. She's just the runner. 

Actually, his big bump in fortune was the facilities management service he started with his wife. Building construction is fraught with danger and works on very low margins. Housebuilding is much better. The jewel in the crown is the aftersales. In commercial buildings, making money during the construction phase is a bonus if you can get the maintenance contracts cause that's where you really start writing your own cheques.

Which is why I'm very intrigued about the QP Foundations current interest in the Holyrood Sports Campus. 29 PFI schools were built, or majorly refurbished/extended, across Glasgow, one of which was Holyrood Secondary between 200-2003. Part of the draw for construction partners was, to keep building costs down, they would be rewarded with a FM package for a 25 year concession, with a nominal 2-5 years beyond that for transition back to the council. 

Some of these are drawing to a close. The council has the option to adopt all the FM works (catering, cleaning, maintenance, etc) but as we know councils across the land are flogging off as much stock as possible just now. So the probability is that the original FM provider along with 2 or 3 other bidders will make an offer for a new contract. As well as the services mentioned above, facilities for out-of-hours use were also the remit of the FM operator, such as the library, assembly hall doubling as a theatre, music rooms and sports facilities such as playing fields, gyms, swimming pools. All these facilities were chargeable and payable to the FM operator.

The Foundation's interest and the announcement of a consultation period was put up on our website a few months ago. It'll be a lengthy process but running a sports complex is such a step away from our core business (which many would argue isn't particularly well run) you have to wonder why they would want involved in that. Unless of course you had a pal who just happened to have an FM business.

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27 minutes ago, HoBNob said:

There's an industrial park across the road, that's where I've always went and never had any dramas. 

And it's significantly better,  parking at the stadium is horrendous even if was free,  they'd need to pay me to choose it over the industrial park. 

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That was absolutely utter tripe. Veldman playing a centre back up top for the last 20 minutes was an admission that he has absolutely no clue what he’s doing

Thomas in the middle, chucking in a youth player who looked miles out their depth and subbing your only credible outfield player at half time. Sign Mckinstry and simply not place him in the squad when we’re absolutely bogging 

The individual mistakes are embarrassing, the build up play is simply not working and it’s a massive bore fest for everyone involved.

We almost scored one of the worst own goals I’ve ever witnessed and if it weren’t for Ferrie having the game of his life, we’d of lost by 3 or 4 goals comfortably

Get Veldman out before we embarrass ourselves and get relegated 

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