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First Divison 22/23

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2 minutes ago, JYT said:

Nothing angry about it. It’s just not helpful for genuine supporters of the club when they are told lies from Someone passing on gossip.

who from the committee has given you this information that would even make it remotely true???

someone is telling you they are signing Scott Allan, efe Ambrose and Leigh Griffiths as per your previous posts?


I’d be questioning if they were fit enough to run the club if that’s the case!

Please also let us know who the backer is since you “sort of know him” but not well enough to talk to 

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I've no idea where some of you guys get info from but at Gartcairn we have...

200 seated in 3 stands ✔️

food cube (pies hot dogs sweets crisps tea coffee Bovril) ✔️

scoreboard ✔️

tannoy system ✔️

halftime and full time hospitality with live tv ✔️

4 public toilets with 1 disabled toilet. ✔️

one of the best 4G pitches in Scotland ✔️

business club with over 40 members✔️

no idea why a few in here think we are a pop up club lol but what I will say is...

remember if you need the toilet you've to say you need the toilet from now on!









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26 minutes ago, Cairn Cheerleader said:

I've no idea where some of you guys get info from but at Gartcairn we have...

200 seated in 3 stands ✔️

food cube (pies hot dogs sweets crisps tea coffee Bovril) ✔️

scoreboard ✔️

tannoy system ✔️

halftime and full time hospitality with live tv ✔️

4 public toilets with 1 disabled toilet. ✔️

one of the best 4G pitches in Scotland ✔️

business club with over 40 members✔️

no idea why a few in here think we are a pop up club lol but what I will say is...

remember if you need the toilet you've to say you need the toilet from now on!









It's easy for traditionalists to have a pop at the Boys Clubs and the Cages my friend.

Not been to the MTC since the Academy where playing behind the leisure centre down the path.

Didnt think there was enough room at front pitch to develop fan facilities, again not been there since forever. So memories patchy.

Brilliant what you have achieved since I first met some of the academy boys on the pitches behind Excelsior. Long time ago now.

Keep moving forward brother.

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5 minutes ago, HorseyGhirl said:

It's easy for traditionalists to have a pop at the Boys Clubs and the Cages my friend.

Not been to the MTC since the Academy where playing behind the leisure centre down the path.

Didnt think there was enough room at front pitch to develop fan facilities, again not been there since forever. So memories patchy.

Brilliant what you have achieved since I first met some of the academy boys on the pitches behind Excelsior. Long time ago now.

Keep moving forward brother.

Thanks mate, some people forget some of these clubs are decades old and I'm sure it didn't happen over night for them. I've been to many grounds who don't have half what we do and have given up trying to be honest.

just remember if you need the toilet you've to say you need the toilet!

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13 minutes ago, Cairn Cheerleader said:

I've no idea where some of you guys get info from but at Gartcairn we have...

Are you actively working towards your licence or are you already in the SFA licensing process (having paid your £2k)?

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1 hour ago, Cairn Cheerleader said:

A few other wee pics.










It certainly didn't look lime that on the wet Sat/Sun mornings when I was there.😀😀😀

Edited by HorseyGhirl
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1 hour ago, Cairn Cheerleader said:

Already on it mate and should be awarded in the next few months. We have a small area to develop with turn styles and another changing area and that's us

As I've stated in previous posts Gartcairn are an example for all new clubs to aspire to.

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2 hours ago, Cairn Cheerleader said:

I've no idea where some of you guys get info from but at Gartcairn we have...

200 seated in 3 stands ✔️

food cube (pies hot dogs sweets crisps tea coffee Bovril) ✔️

scoreboard ✔️

tannoy system ✔️

halftime and full time hospitality with live tv ✔️

4 public toilets with 1 disabled toilet. ✔️

one of the best 4G pitches in Scotland ✔️

business club with over 40 members✔️

no idea why a few in here think we are a pop up club lol but what I will say is...

remember if you need the toilet you've to say you need the toilet from now on!









Brilliant. These modern facilities are the way forward for any community clubs. Seems some in here would rather pish against a brick wall or fall down crumbling steps just because a grounds got history 

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To the Johnstone fans... you have taken a key player from us, with two years on his contract, paid a fee and made an offer too good to refuse when he was already in receipt of an offer from us that was very good... how is this sustainable on the limited means of clubs in our set-up?

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7 minutes ago, Kenny*******Powers said:

Brilliant. These modern facilities are the way forward for any community clubs. Seems some in here would rather pish against a brick wall or fall down crumbling steps just because a grounds got history 

Got to disagree the modern cages and plastic is a pain   for me,  I can't stand watching football at them  and I will get labelled a dinosaur and it's nothing personal against clubs with them but it's soulless for me and there's far too many of them , kids and woman's football fine but I don't like it at our level at all and give me grass anytime. 

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2 hours ago, Cairn Cheerleader said:

I've no idea where some of you guys get info from but at Gartcairn we have...

200 seated in 3 stands ✔️

food cube (pies hot dogs sweets crisps tea coffee Bovril) ✔️

scoreboard ✔️

tannoy system ✔️

halftime and full time hospitality with live tv ✔️

4 public toilets with 1 disabled toilet. ✔️

one of the best 4G pitches in Scotland ✔️

business club with over 40 members✔️

no idea why a few in here think we are a pop up club lol but what I will say is...

remember if you need the toilet you've to say you need the toilet from now on!









Any reaction @PossilYM?

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33 minutes ago, Thejackdaw said:

Got to disagree the modern cages and plastic is a pain   for me,  I can't stand watching football at them  and I will get labelled a dinosaur and it's nothing personal against clubs with them but it's soulless for me and there's far too many of them , kids and woman's football fine but I don't like it at our level at all and give me grass anytime. 

Wouldnt say dinosaur, more of a traditionalist.

In an ideal world all new builds would be a nice grass pitch in a field/park type area. But I think it can be a mite disingenuous to dismiss all cages as not acceptable. 

Within the spectrum of cages their is a variance.

Just for examples; Bonnyton at the Synergy  have a setup where the fencing is back from the pitch, whereas at the much publicised Hub at Huntershill the fencing is right up at the pitchside, apart from the 2 fan zone  things.

Not for me to say if one is better than the other.

Have been to plenty of grass/traditional grounds, not prepared to name any, that have bumby/poor pitches and no cover or notable fan facilities.

It can be easy to dismiss and group all new builds into one big pile.

To finish I'm an old codger born well over half a century ago. But like to pretend I'm down with the kids.🤙🤙

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11 hours ago, JYT said:

Please also let us know who the backer is since you “sort of know him” but not well enough to talk to 

I know nothing about who is financing JB.

The only thing that is out in the public domain is that they were registered on companies house as a private limited company at the end of last year and show as having a single director who also owns or co owns another couple of businesses.

I assume you are in the know of who is behind the money? 


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5 hours ago, cmontheloknow said:

To the Johnstone fans... you have taken a key player from us, with two years on his contract, paid a fee and made an offer too good to refuse when he was already in receipt of an offer from us that was very good... how is this sustainable on the limited means of clubs in our set-up?

The money they are believed to be offering people, in excess of £500 a week for some players is crazy. If their backer gets out they’ll be fucked. Hope the contracts are riddled with clauses. 

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6 hours ago, Thejackdaw said:

Got to disagree the modern cages and plastic is a pain   for me,  I can't stand watching football at them  and I will get labelled a dinosaur and it's nothing personal against clubs with them but it's soulless for me and there's far too many of them , kids and woman's football fine but I don't like it at our level at all and give me grass anytime. 

This is a great point as I agree I would love a great big grass park however when you have 500 kids and 5 adult teams then the only way forward is 4G. 

i disagree with the atmosphere part though as we have had our ground rocking in a few occasions.

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4 hours ago, Cairn Cheerleader said:

This is a great point as I agree I would love a great big grass park however when you have 500 kids and 5 adult teams then the only way forward is 4G. 

i disagree with the atmosphere part though as we have had our ground rocking in a few occasions.

There has obviously been a power of work done since I was last there.

The photos are very impressive and I must eat some humble pie.

Very best of luck in the top flight.

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