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The Queen of the South thread

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I know. I was referring to Northfield, not you.

Are you for real? If Oliver scored when clean through last Friday and Rovers hadn't been handed a 90th minute penalty last night we'd be level with them now. We'd be a point ahead but for today's last minute controversy. I realise that's all ifs and buts, and I'm not saying we're playing particularly well, but it's plain madness to write off as impossible something which plainly has small margins in it at the halfway point.

I don't necessarily think we'll get 4th (though I also don't see any particular reason why we can't) but I'll take your bet. I'll have £1 at 1,000,000-1 please since I can have whatever odds I want.

No problem with 1,000000-1 but I only ge a pound.Can you not offer say a free season ticket for next season .As I have said many times there is not a hope in hell of Quernsr s making the top 4.I am 100% sure of that.
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A lot to like about our performance yesterday BUT yet again we show a lack of self belief and after comfortably holding our own for 70 mins we retreat into a defensive shell and invite trouble. Up until then Dowie and Higgy had comfortably coped with Cummings and Keatings and Hibs were having an off day and struggling to create anything meaningful.

By adopting these tactics we effectively give up any chance we had of winning the game and become totally reliant on a 0-0 score as the only decent outome. I would strongly contend thatif we had kept playing the same way and not sitting deep we would have had a much better chance of gaining a point and still have an outside chance of a win. As soon as we effectively let Hibs have the ball at will we make it really easy for them to mount attacks and the ball was fizzing across our box in the final quarter to an extent that had never been in evidence previously. Suddenly the back four was having to throw bodies on the line to block shots and crosses and our goal was leading a charmed life. Yes we had some tired legs but so did Hibs and the best form of defence is attack.

The Manager continually adopts this tactic and despite it being a gut wrenching defeat one could argue that you reap what you sow.The mere fact that Hibs were having an off day should surely highlight the opportunity that exists for a morale boosting away win.

Giving Hibs uncontested possession was a tremendous lift for them and bad tactics in my view.

Feel sorry for the players after the effort that they put in and there was much to like about that performance but i fail to see the wisdom of this approach.

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Fowler does this time and time again and the only time it works is when the opposition miss all their chances. It is never like they don't create anything.

Basically what he is saying is "We are not going to try to score. See if you can score against us". Sometimes this is for an entire game, sometimes for an entire half, sometimes for the last 15-20 minutes.

He is just Gus with better players.

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Queens played well yesterday and,for the first 75 minutes I thought we controlled large parts of the game.

Best for us were Beany (especially 1st half). I also thought Hutton & Miller played well in the midfield and the much-praised Hibs midfield didnt do much at all. Kidd was also good at full back.

I thought we were weakened when the young subs came on and we were certainly hanging on a bit by the end. I know the young lads need game time to bring them on, I just wish Fowler wouldnt do it against Hibs & Rangers (especially away from home) where experience is essential.

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At the halfway point of the season (although we have played 2 extra home games and have to play St Mirren 3 times and Morton once) each quarter so far has been more or less the same. First quarter 11 points with wins over Alloa, Dumbarton and Livingston. Second quarter 11 points with wins over Alloa, Dumbarton and Morton.

7 points behind last season's halfway total of 29. Scored 18 goals this season, last year it was 31.

The good news is that we are 6 points ahead of where we were under Gus at the same stage, swapping 2 defeats for 2 wins for a total of 6 wins instead of 4. The goal difference is actually slightly worse this time. Had scored 20 at this stage under Gus compared to 18, so we have scored 2 less this time round but have conceded 1 less.

If we are to finish 4th we are going to need to start beating the teams above us. In 11 games against them, we have won 1. In 5 away games against them, we have scored 1 goal and earned 1 point out of 15.

Maybe if Tapping starts playing and we get Hilson back it will make a difference. Basically we are trying to win a league made up of of 7 teams and we are 5 points behind the leaders who have a game in hand.

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As Flash says our inability to score goals (and I would contend an inability to create chances) is the main problem this season. Saturday was not a great place to assess our attacking prowess but despite having a good share of possession in first 70 mins we failed to create a meaningful half chance.

Without the goal contribution from Messrs Lyle and Russell it is difficult to see who else might score?

If Hillson is to be out for much longer our forward options are limited but think we need some midfield recruitment - ideally someone who can get ahead of the ball at times and make things happen in final third.

As others have said the recruitment of a solid right back might free Kidd to play in right midfield - he has the energy to get in behind and create things but think another central midfielder is a priority plus Manager needs to be more attack minded.

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