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The Queen of the South thread

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Yes, it could be shaping up nicely for the home game at the Easter weekend, or the likeliest alternative is that we clinch it when Brechin drop points some time when we're watching the updates on-line.

Brechin's fixture nonsense is a real pain and it'll be a shame if it all falls a bit flat.

Trophies on successive weekends would be lovely, but it's maybe asking a lot.

Brechin have three games between now and 20 April when we're not playing as well.

East Fife at home on 2 April, Stranraer away on 6 April (a Saturday - we're not playing due to Diddy Cup final) and Forfar at home on 9 April. We both play midweek on 16 April.

Which of these games do you see Brechin dropping points in and us winning the league as a result?

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You mean it bounces and rolls like it would on an actual flat surface?

Kinda - the one I saw last night was far too 'fast'. Don't know the technical reasons for that, but a little more resistance from the top surface would have been needed to more accurately replicate the sensation of playing on real grass.

Artificial surfaces are kinda like breast augmentations - there's good examples and bad. :P

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Shame about the grass at Palmerston being taken up . This has happened so quickly and never thought I would see the day this happened. I am a realist though and if this helps secure the clubs future , then so be it . As has been explained , Palmerston is not used much at all in a calendar year and takes a lot of maintenance. This weather aint going to get better any time soon and the crowds have proved stubborn to attract back. With a (slightly) heavy heart , I say go for it Queens .

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Good luck to Fitzy.

Very unfortunate injury with us, 1st choice left back when we started our 11-12 Div1 champions season but injured in Dec and never played another game. That must have been 12 or so games into our 40 unbeaten run.

Started this SPL campaign as 1st choice left back, played 20 or so games, but Adams signed Oikonomou in January and to be fair he is much better.

Signed him from Motherwell when he was a midfielder and Willie McStay :1eye switched him to left back. No idea what his best position is since we never saw him in midfield.

Hope he does well for you guys anyway.

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I must admit to a feeling of sadness at us turning our back on grass. I alway used to feel a sense of moral superiority playing against the likes of Hamilton (when they had a plastic pitch). Even though we often lost at New Douglas Park (and I still have nightmares about the 5-2 reversal), I could always console myself with the fact that at least we had a real pitch. Alas, that will be no more as we make the switch to plastic. Whilst it may make business sense and possibly even better conditions for playing football, I'm still sad. It's the passing of an era and it is just a bit difficult for me to let go of the grass. It may be muddy grass, but it's grass nonetheless. It has also happened most suddenly and I've not had time to prepare myself. I'm sure I'll get used to it but that's how I currently feel.

Edited by MB
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Sad as it is to see the grass being lifted I am happy we are giving it a go. If it brings more money into the club and gives local clubs and groups of casual players the chance to sample better facilities then why not.

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Does it matter what the surface is your watching your team on? As long as your getting to watch your team. It's never ever at the forefront of my mind when watching a game and I would say out of the top ten footballing performances i've seen under Dick "Hoof it" Campbell maybe eight have been on artificial. Financially - as our chairman put it - it's been a godsend. So er ye as someone who was sceptical at the outset it's the future.

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Brechin have three games between now and 20 April when we're not playing as well.

East Fife at home on 2 April, Stranraer away on 6 April (a Saturday - we're not playing due to Diddy Cup final) and Forfar at home on 9 April. We both play midweek on 16 April.

Which of these games do you see Brechin dropping points in and us winning the league as a result?

I know their form's very good, but I think it's conceivable they'll drop points in any given one of those games, and really quite likely they won't take full points from the lot.

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As for the pitch, I think I'm happy enough - I think so.

As other old gits have said, it's all been a bit sudden. I think a few years ago, I'd have been up in arms about this, but the surfaces have improved a lot and I can't be arsed getting all uptight about another Palmerston decision.

Bring it on, I therefore say.

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Like others I'm a little split on the decision to turn Palmerston artificial. I'm a traditionalist and I like to see football played on grass. I don't think there's any denying the game is slightly different on artificial surfaces, though the present top of the range surfaces are a million miles away from those even in use 10 years ago. And we haven't really had any tradition of having big problems getting Palmerston playable. It hasn't lost many games over the years apart from the two incredibly bad winters in a row when almost nobody was playable.

However, the economic argument for change isn't hard to make and there are other benefits such as the various youth teams all being able to use it and possibility of using it as training facilities in Dumfries also. The window of opportunity for getting funding for such a project is probably short and it was probably a case of now or never. I have some personal regret but I feel it will probably be for the better for the club ultimately.

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Like others of a certain age this has come as a bit of a shock. I'm glad the club was not one of the first adopters. That would have been a mistake as I know only too well, having been Betamax man amongst other things.

I do feel however that now is probably the right time in terms of finance, state of the pitches etc.

Worse than being Betamax man would to be left behind while others forge ahead. IMHO

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Like others I'm a little split on the decision to turn Palmerston artificial. I'm a traditionalist and I like to see football played on grass. I don't think there's any denying the game is slightly different on artificial surfaces, though the present top of the range surfaces are a million miles away from those even in use 10 years ago. And we haven't really had any tradition of having big problems getting Palmerston playable. It hasn't lost many games over the years apart from the two incredibly bad winters in a row when almost nobody was playable.

However, the economic argument for change isn't hard to make and there are other benefits such as the various youth teams all being able to use it and possibility of using it as training facilities in Dumfries also. The window of opportunity for getting funding for such a project is probably short and it was probably a case of now or never. I have some personal regret but I feel it will probably be for the better for the club ultimately.

Pretty much how I feel.
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Any info on reserve game at Annan tonight? Heard Magic was going to be playing? Prob Fitzpatrick Paton Gibson & Smith, Orsi , black for Annan by any chance?

We lost 3-2, Johnston and Gibson scored, with Black playing for Annnan

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Our current surface is no where near a top level park, you will be lucky to have ten truely top level grass parks in Scotland that can rival an artificial surface

Pretty much agree with this. Artificial surfaces are really the only way forward in Scotland (especially the lower leagues), hopefully more consistent pitches will encourage a higher standard of football and benefit everyone long term.

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