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The Queen of the South thread

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A successful small side as queens are, in a lot of people's eyes out with dumfries will always cause it's own problems am afraid.

Players ego's get too big for there boots and the team morale that has been so good over recent seasons will start to disappear.

The board must act and bring an experienced Asi manager to work alongside Fowler, someone he can lean on at this difficult time he always said he didn't need one as things were running along smoothly well now it's starting to go off the rails.

"Difficult time", "Off the rails".

Do you not think the extent of any 'crisis', on the back of a couple of games, is being overplayed a bit?

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Nothing wrong with big Jim Thomson though, he's a leader through and through.

There's no room for sentiment at this level. Fowler needs an experienced assistant to control the dressing room, and Jim Thomson isn't that person. From the stories I've heard, his man management is bad enough with the 20's, let alone the first team.

Fowler is doing a good job as an inexperienced manager, but he needs experienced help.

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A successful small side as queens are, in a lot of people's eyes out with dumfries will always cause it's own problems am afraid.

Players ego's get too big for there boots and the team morale that has been so good over recent seasons will start to disappear.

The board must act and bring an experienced Asi manager to work alongside Fowler, someone he can lean on at this difficult time he always said he didn't need one as things were running along smoothly well now it's starting to go off the rails.

What is this ' off the rails ' thing you are talking about after a loss and a draw. By that thinking , are half the teams in Britain 'off the rails '?
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Well that would be a significant loss in my view.

He's done pretty well over the piece for us and we've benefited from his return from injury.

Kind of ironic too, midst all the fretting about having to replace the young bucks after they get lured away.

As I said, I've no knowledge of the circumstances - perhaps this has to happen, but it looks regrettable from this distance.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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I think this one has been brewing for a while. It's unfortunate because he's been a good player for us, but if he isn't behind the management team then he isn't much use to us. He does have my sympathy to an extent with his frustration at the management situation, but I'm sure many of us in our own jobs have questioned the methods of our superiors before. You just have to be professional about it. Or move on.

Burns and McKenna returning should soften this blow. An assistant manager has to be a priority now.

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I think this one has been brewing for a while. It's unfortunate because he's been a good player for us, but if he isn't behind the management team then he isn't much use to us. He does have my sympathy to an extent with his frustration at the management situation, but I'm sure many of us in our own jobs have questioned the methods of our superiors before. You just have to be professional about it. Or move on.

Burns and McKenna returning should soften this blow. An assistant manager has to be a priority now.

Why? If all these rumours are true and Kerr does indeed leave the club now then doesnt that mean Fowler has dealt with the issue?

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Why? If all these rumours are true and Kerr does indeed leave the club now then doesnt that mean Fowler has dealt with the issue?

Well I thought big Jim was the man for the job, but going by certain posters on here, he's not up to it. I suppose we will need to bring in an "auld heed" to calm down the situations when they occur.

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Why? If all these rumours are true and Kerr does indeed leave the club now then doesnt that mean Fowler has dealt with the issue?

That assumes that Kerr is the problem and all is rosy with everyone else. This may or may not be the case I have no idea. I'd prefer we got to the root cause though before it escalates.

If it was a case of Kerr getting too big for his boots then job done. If this lack of respect for the management team is more widespread then we have a problem.

The pitfalls of a young manager I suppose.

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Well I thought big Jim was the man for the job, but going by certain posters on here, he's not up to it. I suppose we will need to bring in an "auld heed" to calm down the situations when they occur.

As much as I like Big Jim, the moment he berated Durnan in the game we beat Hibs at home for trying to pass the ball rather punt it was the moment I knew he shouldn't be assistant. Durnan looked perplexed!

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I think this one has been brewing for a while. It's unfortunate because he's been a good player for us, but if he isn't behind the management team then he isn't much use to us. He does have my sympathy to an extent with his frustration at the management situation, but I'm sure many of us in our own jobs have questioned the methods of our superiors before. You just have to be professional about it. Or move on.

Burns and McKenna returning should soften this blow. An assistant manager has to be a priority now.

Are you not making some leaps here in saying "he does have my sympathy to an extent with his frustration at the management situation"? Is there any indication that this is the nature of the difficulty and that employing someone new as assistant is a solution?

As I've said, I know nothing of this beyond what I've read on here and this action might have been entirely necessary. On the playing front though, it's a pity.

Any return for Burns and McKenna might soften the blow, in terms of bolstering an otherwise depleted midfield. Neither offer what Kerr did when on his game though and it's therefore bad news. I hope Falkirk or Raith don't go and pick him up now.

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Very disappointing news - Kerr has been a first class acquisition and has brought the best out of Ian McShane.

All I can judge is the performances on the park and for me he has been an automatic pick in central midfield.

Over the past couple of seasons we have prided ourselves on having a united dressing room with everybody pulling together for the common cause. I would have thought that healthy disagreements are commonplace in a post match scenario but for a player to be sent packing (if that is true) then that goes well beyond what is acceptable.

Whatever way you cut it - we are the losers as we can ill afford to lose players of Kerr's quality especially when we face the threat of losing some of the younger fraternity.

Not quite sure why an assistant has not been appointed - I think we could have done worse than consider Kerr for the role in a player coach capacity but if he is not seeing things in the same way as the Manager then this was presumably a non-starter.

While the last two results have been disappointing I cant see that Fowler is doing much wrong with the way he is setting up the team and ironically enough Kerr wasn't at his best at Alloa.

If all true a very disappointing development and one we don't want to see repeated!!!

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