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The Queen of the South thread

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A bit random, but we've made the front page of Wikipedia today: (Did you know...)


Got to be honest, I didn't click on the links to Brownlie or Fowler's page, but read about Mike the Headless Chicken instead.

There is a feature article on Mike the Headless Chicken on the BBC News pages today also. I had read it there this morning before this link appeared!

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Derek Lyle sending off - a classic case of an over zealous 4th official ruining a very interesting game of football. When Rangers player came over and stuck his face in front of Lyle - Del could very easily have gone down holding his face and pretending that he had been hurt. To his credit he di nt do that he stood his ground and made a very slight forward movement. Another game ruined by an incompetent official.

It is good to hear that commonsense has prevailed but as a consequence of a very poor decision we not only lost any chance of getting a draw but also took an unfair pasting into the bargain.

Meantime the perpetrator got away scot free - these things even themselves out over the course of the season so I am told!!

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I'm actually quite surprised the appeal was successful.

There's no doubting the officials made a complete balls up of the whole situation, primarily by not punishing the main aggressor of the whole thing which was the Rangers player. However Lyle's "headbutt/forward head motion" or whatever you want to call it usually leads to a sending off. A more accurate retrospective punishment would have been to issue a red card to the Rangers player and uphold Lyle's. This however would have created a media shit storm with Rangers fans and officials no doubt looking to point fingers at biased governing bodies out to get them. Instead the easy option was to recognise they'd made a mistake by reducing Lyle's sending off to a yellow. Rangers will be unmoved by the outcome having already secured the 3 points, and Queens end up feeling less hard done by, and can continue to play an important player.

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I'm actually quite surprised the appeal was successful.

There's no doubting the officials made a complete balls up of the whole situation, primarily by not punishing the main aggressor of the whole thing which was the Rangers player. However Lyle's "headbutt/forward head motion" or whatever you want to call it usually leads to a sending off. A more accurate retrospective punishment would have been to issue a red card to the Rangers player and uphold Lyle's. This however would have created a media shit storm with Rangers fans and officials no doubt looking to point fingers at biased governing bodies out to get them. Instead the easy option was to recognise they'd made a mistake by reducing Lyle's sending off to a yellow. Rangers will be unmoved by the outcome having already secured the 3 points, and Queens end up feeling less hard done by, and can continue to play an important player.

My thots also.....

I know the appeal committee are supposed to take no outside circumstances into the appeal, but when the opposition manager states it wasnt a sending off will have had some sort effect in the result

Opens a can of worms for anyone sent off for doing a similar head movement like Lyle for an appeal, tho my thots are that anyone doing such movement deserve the red card, Id say its stupid do so and will only end in a red card....tho today seems to say otherwise

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I am still angry that the whole second half was ruined by that t*ss*r. The bias in the handling of the incident was a disgrace. Well done, the appeal board for correcting a wrong but the damage has been done.

I gather Raith had a player sent off when Wagstaffe dived. Another 5 goals in the bag. There is a pattern forming here. Depressing.

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My thots also.....

I know the appeal committee are supposed to take no outside circumstances into the appeal, but when the opposition manager states it wasnt a sending off will have had some sort effect in the result

Opens a can of worms for anyone sent off for doing a similar head movement like Lyle for an appeal, tho my thots are that anyone doing such movement deserve the red card, Id say its stupid do so and will only end in a red card....tho today seems to say otherwise

Fortunately there was ample tv evidence. By the way, have you ever seen a head- butt? If Lyle had gone down and rolled about holding his face, no doubt you would have been happier that the correct player would have been sent off. I think he is to be applauded for not doing so. That is a much bigger sin in my book than the " hand bags" that actually took place.

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Fortunately there was ample tv evidence. By the way, have you ever seen a head- butt? If Lyle had gone down and rolled about holding his face, no doubt you would have been happier that the correct player would have been sent off. I think he is to be applauded for not doing so. That is a much bigger sin in my book than the " hand bags" that actually took place.

Ample evidence to see that Lyle did make a forward movement with his head after the initial coming together.....

The rules will state that intent can be deemed as an offence and in most cases what Lyle did would a see red card

The initial head to head, would have seen yellow or warning at most and if Lyle hadnt done the stupid head movement after, then there wouldnt have been an appeal

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Opens a can of worms for anyone sent off for doing a similar head movement like Lyle for an appeal,

Er, no more so than the previously successful appeals for similar incidents already did. See Kris Boyd on Jordan Forster and Josh Magennis on one of his team mates last season for at least two previous examples.

Ample evidence to see that Lyle did make a forward movement with his head after the initial coming together.....

The rules will state that intent can be deemed as an offence and in most cases what Lyle did would a see red card

Making a forward movement of the head is not a sending off offence. Which rule do you think says it is? As today's tribunal confirmed, and previous appeals tribunals have also concluded, it's "adopting an aggressive attitude" and is a bookable offence.

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Er, no more so than the previously successful appeals for similar incidents already did. See Kris Boyd on Jordan Forster and Josh Magennis on one of his team mates last season for at least two previous examples.

Making a forward movement of the head is not a sending off offence. Which rule do you think says it is? As today's tribunal confirmed, and previous appeals tribunals have also concluded, it's "adopting an aggressive attitude" and is a bookable offence.

Kris Boyd was sent off for a similar incident to that of the initial coming together between Lyle and the rangers defender and the Josh incident was not punished at the game and should've been a red card, showing another indifference in the rule book.

Can I ask what Lyle was doing moving his head forward in a I'm gonna chib you movement ?

I know the cards have stacked up this season for QOS, but surely you are not suggesting it's ok to chib you're team mates and pretend to chib an opponent

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Mr Dust, just change your team to QoS, we all know that's what you really want to do. We'll accept you as one of our own B)

I'll pass on that as I sit in the TFS watching a very young bairns play the shire in the stirlingshire cup, 0-0 each an hoping it goes straight to penalties or someone pretends to chib someone and gets sent off
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Kris Boyd was sent off for a similar incident to that of the initial coming together between Lyle and the rangers defender and the Josh incident was not punished at the game and should've been a red card, showing another indifference in the rule book.

Can I ask what Lyle was doing moving his head forward in a I'm gonna chib you movement ?

I know the cards have stacked up this season for QOS, but surely you are not suggesting it's ok to chib you're team mates and pretend to chib an opponent

Boyd wasnt sent off. He was later cited and successfully defended it. The point is the same though. It couldnt be more similar to the Lyle incident if it tried.

Lyle adopted an aggressive attitude by moving his head forward. As there was no significant force its not violent conduct. I didnt say it was "ok". Its a foul so hence it got a yellow card. Contrary to what you said though it isnt a red card offence.

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I'll pass on that as I sit in the TFS watching a very young bairns play the shire in the stirlingshire cup, 0-0 each an hoping it goes straight to penalties or someone pretends to chib someone and gets sent off

So even when you are actually at TFS you still end up on a QoS related forum? Hmmm ;) C'mon bud, I've a spare scarf you can borrow :lol:

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Boyd wasnt sent off. He was later cited and successfully defended it. The point is the same though. It couldnt be more similar to the Lyle incident if it tried.

Lyle adopted an aggressive attitude by moving his head forward. As there was no significant force its not violent conduct. I didnt say it was "ok". Its a foul so hence it got a yellow card. Contrary to what you said though it isnt a red card offence.

Attitude ?

Surely the movement of the head in a chib manner is an action.

No significant force would also be like nodding, you have to use force to do what Lyle did, it's not a natural movement

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Attitude ?

Surely the movement of the head in a chib manner is an action.

No significant force would also be like nodding, you have to use force to do what Lyle did, it's not a natural movement

Well with respect you can believe as you wish but the facts are that Lyle, like Boyd, Magennis and one or two others, has successfully persuaded an independent panel that it isnt violent conduct as defined in the Laws of the Game. Its therefore not a red card.
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